File[michaelforever.swf] - (4.18 MB)
[_] [J] CAustin !!0/l4G2gi9Cp 11/30/09(Mon)05:33 No.1127899
>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)08:10 No.1127943
just.... jesus japan.
their flash sprite shit makes the shit on newgrounds look pretty bad
>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)08:49 No.1127964
Isn't there like 3 or 4 different versions of this same movie, each to different music?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)10:05 No.1127981
theres actually a few different movies. all the same premise. but different parts. like one
starts off at the bit before he goes and kicks the princess into outerspace at the beginning of
this one.
>> [_] Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!VJXiIsRXUJN 11/30/09(Mon)10:09 No.1127984
>> [_] lol guy 11/30/09(Mon)13:28 No.1128069
what the fuck did i whatch???
>> [_] Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)13:39 No.1128074
That was epic... I must find the rest. i know one of them is "Michael quest III" so I assume the
rest are named similarly,