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This is resource TCWBX2I, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://cgi.4chan.org/f/res/1112133.html Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15. Discovered flash files: 1
File[gardevoir_paizuri.swf] - (1.86 MB) [_] [H] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:27 No.1112133 >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:37 No.1112135 does OP even know wat paizuri is? >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:49 No.1112150 Mislabeled flash. >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:50 No.1112152 I love this. What's the song from? >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:00 No.1112157 >You are reporting post 1112133 on /f/. >Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds... sage. >> [_] Newbie 11/08/09(Sun)19:28 No.1112173 /r/ song >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:02 No.1112205 /r/ song >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 11/08/09(Sun)20:15 No.1112217 Fuck OP, I came anyway. >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:45 No.1112226 >>1112173 http://kagerow.net/mp3/sakura.mp3 remix of mystical ninja from SNES? or Sakura Fubuki? I have no idea... but this is the source of the song Found here: http://dagobah.biz/flash/kagerou_pan.swf/comments >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:52 No.1112227 I am delighted by this mistag. >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)20:54 No.1112230 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1pgiPmoab0 >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)21:21 No.1112247 >>1112135 Yes, and it's very hard to do with a Gardevoir. >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:33 No.1112286 >>1112226 Been looking for that song. Thank you kind Anon. >> [_] Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)22:38 No.1112292 Oh god I love this so much I couldn't possibly be angry just because it's a mistag >> [_] IziT !!HVPOqWFiFf+ 11/08/09(Sun)22:44 No.1112295 aw this aint tit fucking! but i found out the name of the song!, thank you sire! |