File[2pika.swf] - (1.08 MB)
[_] [H] Funny yet so wrong Anonymous 01/03/10(Sun)19:44 No.1150655
i dont...what is...what?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/10(Mon)00:48 No.1150838
not funny, or interesting.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/10(Mon)00:54 No.1150841
You couldn't just let this die, could you dipshit...
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/10(Mon)00:54 No.1150843
Oh, and using Noko on /f/ just adds to your complete failure.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/10(Mon)01:08 No.1150854
well, I lold hard
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/10(Mon)03:20 No.1150926
Yeah I thought it was funny shit too, glad I don't watch pokemon xD