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This is resource YOHAD2Y, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/11 -2009 00:47:34

Ended:27/11 -2009 06:55:19

Checked:4/12 -2009 12:23:21

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[Life.swf] - (6.27 MB)
[_] [L] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)18:41 No.1125182

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)18:44 No.1125183

  Same shit as yesterday, just reposted with a different name. Thanks for nothing, faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)18:47 No.1125185

  song is different what song is this?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:02 No.1125196

  you changed your flash too little, swfchan thinks it is the same as 24 hours ago.

  dont like this music. the piano sounds like it was played by a child, and the "guitar"
  fake-sounds like one of those old FastTracker guitars.

  more interested in knowing where the visuals are from

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:04 No.1125201

  That's an opinion though, I can't stand opinions

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:05 No.1125202

  2001: a space odessey, the EXORCIST doesn't the same kind of visuals

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:10 No.1125212

  Guitar sounds like music from Sonic Spinball or Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:12 No.1125216

  That's an opinion though, I can't stand opinions

  wah wah its not blahblah yeah whatever

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:14 No.1125217

  2001... i think i tried watching that once. or watched it all. dont recall really, it was dull i

  what do the EXORCIST has to do with it?

  wait what?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:17 No.1125220

  the exorcist has the FLASH of the demons face out of no-where completely out of the blue just
  like you see it flash back to the space man's face for no good reason AT ALL. It makes me feel

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:18 No.1125221

  opinions make my head spin

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:19 No.1125223

  My god I'm full of stars

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)19:57 No.1125246

  goddamn this song was terrible

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)21:00 No.1125275


  It is fact, you are both fags and your opinions are invalid.

  What is this the name of this song? People with good taste in music wish to know.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)21:13 No.1125281

  You've never seen 2001 and yet you're commenting on something out of context.

  That is silly.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)22:30 No.1125328

  1)get high as fuck
  2)watch this

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/09(Thu)22:39 No.1125336

  worst part of any movie ever

>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)00:28 No.1125372

  wasn't it state of the art special effects back then

  in other words if now was then everyone would be amazed by this

>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)00:32 No.1125378

  >implying that sage works on 4chan

Created: 27/11 -2009 00:47:34 Last modified: 4/12 -2009 12:45:50 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:00:12