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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 9526 Age: 60.62d Health: 0% Posters: 22 Posts: 33 Replies: 28 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 37471 Monster Girl Forest [FOBS1.08] [IMG] Monster Girl Forest 1.08.swf (43.2 KiB) 595x842, Uncompressed. 1 frame, 30 fps (00:00). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Audio: Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 37472 Now why won't it post as a game? Any suggestions or help? >> Anon 37474 Instead of bitching that HTML5/flash is better or bitching about vector graphics, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this needs more than one .swf for this to work. >> Anon 37482 >># http://forest.x.fc2.com/download.html just download it from here >> Anon 37489 >># I can't read the moon runes. Not even Google can help me now >> Anon 37491 >># Did you seriously think 43 KiB are the whole game? >># >># "Enter password to continue download." well fuck... >> Anon 37492 >37491 the linked page literally gives you the password: fobs0704 >> Anon 37493 >># The password is on the site dummy >> Anon 37498 >># >># Oh, silly me... I was so preoccupied with the japanese that I didn't realize it's there. >> Anon 37508 basically there is no dl option when you go to the uploader site wtf >> Anon 37509 basically i'm retarded ignore my comment >> Anon 37511 >># "back again" guys try to look a Little before posting xd even if it has moonrunes its pretty easy... idk how to read them but managed to download it anyway >> Anon 37513 Seriously, when did humans become so fucking helpless? >> Anon 37518 >># About the turn of the 21st century. >> Anon 37519 >># Silly Billy. Humans were always sad helpless sacks of shit. It's just that because of the internet, more of us are betterest at making the communicatey letters make teh wordses. >> Anon 37520 Is this the same game as the game posted like a month ago? Where you capture monsters and stuff >> Anon 37521 >># at least since the dawn of civilization about 5000-7000 years ago, before that people weren't allowed to be stupid >> Anon 37525 >># >Where you capture monsters and stuff Oh, you mean Pokemon? Honestly. What kind of description is that? There is a cubic shit ton of games where you capture monsters and stuff. It's like saying: "The game where you shoot people and stuff." >> Anon 37527 >># Actually no,Pokemon pretty much has a monopoly on the capturing monsters type thing,there's only a couple other franchises that do that and they're not nearly as well known. >> Anon 37532 Great game, not touching my penis because i need two hands to play it and getting cramps in my wrist from shitty escape button mashing always gets my dick rock hard. >> Anon 37567 Does anyone know how you get into a 3rd area? Apparently I defeated 2 bosses, but after the second one, nothing happens and there is just a barrier behind a secret passage. Or is this simply all for the current version or something? >> Anon 37761 It looks pretty promising. Wouldn't mind a translated version. >> Anon 37765 >># Already did, but there is nothing to be translated, so didn't mind to release it, would be unfair to the developer to lose his ad money. >> Anon 37824 How do i download it from the http://ux.getuploader.com/zell23999/down load/7/FOBSver1.08.zip site? i can't see any option there... >> Anon 37825 >># Sorry, nevermind, i figured it out. If anyone else is having problems with this, just type the password (fobs0704) in that bar, then press the button on the right. >> Anon 37826 >># >># Fix your fucking life. >> Anon 37828 For those of you who can't figure it out or just don't want to here's a walkthrough http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=8 52986&postcount=726 >> Anon 37829 >># u r a fgt >> Anon 37849 >># thanks a lot, man! >> Anon 38616 >that mannequin animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btCKtQmN 49w >> Anon 39220 Can't wait for that update. >> Anon 39726 Where's the one that was playable on here, I can't find it. Link? >> Anon 39805 link to his main page |