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Threads (2):
File: MaidForYou.swf-(9.67 MB, 608x608, Porn) [_] Fap if You Dare Anon 3140224 >> [_] Anon 3140247 >># how do i play >> [_] Anon 3140251 >># arrow keys its p meh, but artwork is at least not garbage >> [_] Anon 3140254 >># well then >> [_] Anon 3140262 >># I'll give it a solid 6/10 The art isn't garbage, and the storyline, while simple, isn't terrible, and, in the universe its set in, is believable However, the language slips quite a few times and certain things don't quite match up, and the artwork isn't stellar In conclusion, didn't fap, won't fap, but it was alright >> [_] Anon 3140267 >># Why hasn't anyone yelled sage yet for it being pony shit, or even mentioned that fact? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BELOVED /f/?!?!?! >> [_] Anon 3140275 >># Sage your comment >> [_] Anon 3140296 That was a cute story. >> [_] Anon 3140303 I swore I wouldn't fap to this, but somehow when I got to the actual penetration part, I was rock hard and dribbling. I think I'm broken. >> [_] Anon 3140320 Wll, that uh yeah then.. ending was cute. >> [_] Anon 3140321 >maid porn hell yeah motherfucker that's my feti- >ponies fucking. >> [_] Anon 3140325 >># it ends just like that? seems so abrupt. not bad and surprisingly not too obnoxious for pony shit. >> [_] Anon 3140335 >maid porn alright let's hope it's not shit >ponies Goddammit >continues reading out of morbid curiosity huh, well it wasn't shit for what it was, more story than porn, still don't like ponies. only got one quarter chub and that was because of the text, didn't fap, won't fap.
File: MaidForYou.swf-(9.67 MB, 608x608, Porn) [_] Maid for you Anon 3138075 I stitched up an /mlp/ comic-slideshow thing from CYOA. It lost a bit of quality because I don't know which site can host a 13 mb full glory swf. >> [_] Anon 3138079 meh >> [_] Anon 3138095 i didn't realise the [P] tag meant ponyshit. |