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Orelia - Fright Night.swf
10,19 MiB, 00:01 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/8 -2016 18:19:13 Ended: 1/11 -2016 01:31:58Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
/ > /fap/ > Thread 9660 Age: 55.3d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 12 Replies: 10 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 38606 [IMG] Orelia - Fright Night.swf (10.19 MiB) 900x765, Compressed. 12 frames, 21 fps (00:01). Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 38641 And here I thought Aglassofmilk had rage quit the internet. I liked his work but cloud never find anything besides the small amount of stuff posted on nearfatal or Dlsite. I know swfchan has some of his old stuff saved under Aglassmilk. But does anyone know of any other semi-recent stuff by him?
>> Anon 38656 Who would've thought that two quite "famous" bitchy artists would work together. This fucker aedollon is under the radar and behind his paywall, I'm very surprised to see this mediocre at best, but still better than his usual folio bullshit stuff popping up randomly on swfchan. As NF or aglassofmilk, I've seen him making some awfully disgusting in terms of control space game about raiding ships and capturing girls. Thanks for sharing OP
>> Anon 38683 >># They really are the perfect match of money-grubbing, overprotective arseholes, aren't they? Someone should have given them both a lesson in basic marketing principles.
>> Anon 38689 >># Twas a sarcasm, I guess. Whatever blows their whistles, to be honest. It's just their huge ego doesn't let them act like normal people, which makes me personally have no desire to throw a penny to support them - that's all. I mean, so many artists out there who don't give a single fuck about art leaking away, at least not showing that they care is already deserves a commendation, because if you go "big" in the internet, you automatically should expect people to share your stuff with others. Anyway, private Butthurts is out.
>> Anon 38693 The flash is great, the flavor text is hot, any recommendations for similar? Not really interested in the folios because they're the same image with slight changes, but I want to spread them just to piss this guy off seeing he's so anal about googling himself and finding leaks. Dude's on a whole different level of arrogant, if you check that letter he wrote about pirates on tumblr. Isn't -8 also a narcissist or something?
>> Anon 38694 >># Most of them have delusions of grandeur. >but I want to spread them just to piss this guy off +1 I like your way of thinking.
>> Anon 38749 >># Frankly there's got to be something wrong with you to put this much effort and time into making porn flashes. These guys dont make money from it, they just do it for the approval(or mostly). My theory is that they're just insecure outcasts that let go of their built up frustration behind the computerscreen.
>> Anon 38766 >># >These guys dont make money from it They do actually, between patreon, hentaiunited, commissions, DLsite, and folios they probably make a pretty good amount these 2 pretty much try to monetize everything.
>> Anon 38768 >># I'm willing to bet they don't make as much as you think, simply because they piss off a lot of people. But, we don't know - their tax returns aren't in front of us.
>> Anon 38942 is there a way to take her clothes completely off? like in the screen cap?
>> Anon 39178 >># i guess not dude
Created: 30/8 -2016 18:25:15 Last modified: 3/8 -2019 08:42:53 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:28:02