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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 9757 Age: 49.61d Health: 0% Posters: 20 Posts: 40 Replies: 35 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 39127 [IMG] Gmeen Amazon orc.swf (27.65 MiB) 1280x720, Uncompressed. 3234 frames, 29.97 fps (01:48). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive] >> Anon 39134 Pretty solid work. I am always surprised there isn't more Dragon's Crown Rule 34. The game is basically begging for it. -Art style: 8/10 Really clean lines, appealing to look at, stays pretty faithful to the source material. Only issue is perspective in a few of the camera angles -Animation Quality: 6/10 Not terrible, and pretty smooth for what it is, but still not much more than basic tweening (really smooth tweens, but still simple animation tricks) -Sound Design: 2/10 Using the music from the game was a great idea. Using the hit sounds for orgasm sounds was not, especially right before the cum scene. Kinda killed my boner. All in all, pretty solid work. I will definitely keep an eye out for more from this guy. >> Anon 39142 pretty good actually! I didn't mind the sound effect choices as much myself >> Anon 39165 >># lol this sperglord is actually reviewing the porngames on here >> Anon 39170 >># Well why the fuck not? If the creator sees it, some criticism could help them make better shit in the future. How do you expect to get quality content without feedback? Plus, it has the added benefit of letting a random browser know that this isn't some boner-killing shit like Beef Curtains. >> Anon 39173 >># Don't mind him,he's a faggot. >> Anon 39206 Is fucking nice, too many orc-face shots though. >> Anon 39207 >># Wrong. YOU, John, is the faggot. >> Anon 39244 >># Gmeen it's great, i'm looking at his works from at least one year, you can find his works on hentai foundry, and maybe send your review... imho i don't think he will read that stuff there... also i've read somewere he is working with other people for the animations >> Anon 39276 Focus on the babe more than the orc, other than that this is some top-notch shit >> Anon 39307 >># that and one of her ass cheeks shouldn't be bigger than her fucking head. same goes for tits. She's about 80% ass and breast. Seriously. what the hell? >> Anon 39345 >># Try being less of a fag. >> Anon 39352 >># So non fags are into completely retarded anatomy. Got it! Glad that you are so factual about the matter. >> Anon 39355 >># Less of a fag, LESS. >> Anon 39370 >># The anatomy is still retarded. She wouldn't even be able to stand. Just look at the proportions for a second and imagine her running or actually wielding that axe. She'd just fall over or even break in half. >> Anon 39371 >># If you're that concerned about correct anatomy you're on the wrong type of porn. Go watch Amateur vids on your favored porn site. Or fap to a human anatomy chart. Drawn and animated shit wasn't exactly made with scientific accuracy in mind... This type allows Autistic liberties, personal taste, yadda yadda etc etc >> Anon 39373 >># Autism again? Anyway. There is tons of drawn and animated stuff that is at least somewhat believable when it comes to anatomy. Most is actually (well, aside from the eyes...) This is simply ridiculous in that regard... I mean: Show me a picture of at least one woman that looks even remotely like that and doesn't have severe health problems. If you fap to that, well, what ever floats your goat. But for me that's still completely messed up anatomy. >> Anon 39374 >># IADF is see, great. You can remove your finger from the emergency speed dial, slowly, please. You are looking for realism, and I'm telling you that you're looking in the box we put the unrealistic shit in. The ARTist wasn't incapable of correct anatomy, the ARTist chose that style. To expect realistic anatomy from cartoon/animu/hentrash is equally as retarded as expecting cartoon/animu/hentrash anatomy from real people. >> Anon 39375 >># >># That is not the fault of this artist. This is not an original character, it is the Amazon from Dragon's Crown. The artist here has done a pretty good job of capturing her appearance while smoothing out some of the rough edges she has in the game. In case you aren't familiar with the game, it is known for having this character (the Amazon) that literally wears bikini armor as well as the Sorceress who is particularly well-endowed. http://imgur.com/3uCzlhz >> Anon 39399 >># First answer that isn't oozing with: "Hurr durr You are stupid because you don't think like I do derp derp". Thank you. He increased the breast by the factor 3 or 4 if you ask me, but yes she already looks rather anatomically fucked up to begin with... her head is sooo tiny compared to the rest... it's ridiculous. >> Anon 39401 >># >To expect realistic anatomy from cartoon/animu/hentrash is equally as retarded as expecting cartoon/animu/hentrash anatomy from real people. There is actually a woman that has Nami's (One Piece) body measurements and she's perfectly healthy. And Nami is by far the most extreme case of 'Anime measurements' I can think of. So, no. Most anime characters are actually comparatively realistic most of the time, if you ignore the giant eyes that is. Just because you are a fat fuck doesn't mean everyone is. >> Anon 39406 >># >Just because you are a fat fuck doesn't mean everyone is. BRUH! I FUKKEN LIFT BREH! DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRAH? DUDE BROH! You go to drawn and animated porn expecting realism, I'll let that speak for itself. >> Anon 39408 >># I'd advice you to read more than just the last sentence. You fat fuck. >> Anon 39410 >># I did. Which let me to the conclusion that you're playing dumb for dramatic effect, just to keep the bullshit flowing. Go bitch about lack of unrealistic anatomy on amateur porn videos or something. >> Anon 39413 >># not sure if troll or retarded... Probably both. >> Anon 39414 >># Autism, totally. >> Anon 39424 >># >># We're all autistic retards here, boys. Calm your moobs. >> Anon 39430 >># >tfw actually diagnosed and not as a joke. >> Anon 39446 >># Word of life advice: Take a long, hard look at the world around you before deciding that neurotypicality is preferable. Ultimately, whether or not you suck comes down to ethics and effort. A lot of willful stupidity and antisocial bullshit more than rivals (diagnosed) neurological disorders, and I should know – I actually do have ASD. And, you know... If you can't laugh at yourself, how are you going to drag those other assholes down with you? >> Anon 39447 sauce? >> Anon 39453 She's so busty the normalfags can't even handle it lol >> Anon 39455 >># >># >The anatomy is still retarded. She wouldn't even be able to stand. Just look at the proportions for a second and imagine her running or actually wielding that axe. She'd just fall over or even break in half. See when you ignore all other non-realistic shit and zero in on one thing it makes you look like, well, a faggot. >> Nanonymous 39492 Hey, Anon you can go fuck yourself using "Autism" as some desperate attempt at an insult. Seriously, that shit is lame, unfunny and insensitive to people who actually have it. >> Anon 39493 >># Keep doing it. Positive or constructive comments are rare online, people that have nothing negative to say often don't comment at all. Reviews, encouragements and "did you know that"-stuff are needed if it should be ever worthwhile to check the comments. Actual creators will never upload stuff themself if they see only negative flames or 0 replies on other flashes. >> Anon 39498 >># Read it. http://swfchan.org/faq.shtml#12 Now fuck off, you triggered wannabe e-celeb. >> Anon 39536 >># No,he's right,you're a cunt. >> Anon 39537 >># And? >> Anon 39608 >># Good luck with that. >> Anon 39611 >># Much obliged. >> Anon 39899 >># Stop being autistic then |