/ > /fap/ > Thread 9864 Age: 45.84d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 16 Replies: 15 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 39764 [G] [IMG] Undertale battle with Toriel.swf (21.5 MiB) 900x1000, Uncompressed. 560 frames, 24 fps (00:23). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 39768 >converting vector images to bmp High-level trolling, none would be this retarded by accident.
>> Anon 39770 >># >'muh vectors'
>> Anon 39773 I expected more from 21 megabytes...
>> Anon 39774 >># >gets called out for using retarded conversion methods in a flash that clearly doesn't require it >defends self with childish retort You go, girl.
>> Anon 39775 >># I guess most of it is the music.
>> Anon 39777 >># The game this flash is based on takes up barely 150 mb of disk space and features somewhere in the area of 100 tracks.
>> Anon 39783 >># I'm not the animator.
>> Anon 39784 >># That's even worse... Then you're defending another persons beyond retarded choice.
>> Anon 39793 >># Nah, just mocking people complaining about a lack of vector. There's plenty of reasons as to why this flash is unfappable but not because its not a vector flash.
>> Anon 39794 >># Right, thus defending the choice of the retard that made this shit. No one was talking about fapability.
>> Anon 39800 I was surprised over the file size too, didn't stop me from sharing though.
>> Anon 39823 >># >># so this is the face of autism
>> Anon 39824 >># THESE are the faces of evil,you,must conquer each!
>> Anon 39865 >># I guess I'd better get going.
>> Anon 39929 >># Here is the map. Where do you wish to go?