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Threads (3):
File: When you enter blind corner - initial D.swf-(3.28 MB, 960x540, Anime) [_] Anon 3256976 >> [_] Anon 3257033 we need some more eurobeat on here >> [_] Anon 3257040 faggots like these think they own the road and look really cool until they get hurt >> [_] Anon 3257042 That honestly look like it hurt alot. I hope he doesn't have any permanent damage. >> [_] Anon 3257077 >># this. >># But then again, fuck with the bull, get the horns. You can seriously cry?
File: When you enter blind corner - initial D.swf-(3.28 MB, 960x540, Other) [_] Anon 3216112 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3216122 Lol, what a dipshit >> [_] Anon 3216123 >># it reminds me of that ad with teenage kids skipping school and enjoying a sunny morning on the beach filled with landmines because they couldn't read the warning sign Does anyone know what I'm talking about? >> [_] Anon 3216134 >># Nice, but the flash name anticipates the punch line. >> [_] Anon 3216154 It's hard feeling sympathy for someone when they know what could happen. >> [_] niggerdick 3216235 >># Oh yeah. I had almost forgotten about that video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STHpMUYe znQ >> [_] Anon 3216248 what an idiot, if he had maintained his lean-in instead of freaking out he could've made it or clip the edge instead of hitting it head on. >> [_] Anon 3216254 >># he was going straight under his wheels anon >> [_] Anon 3216278 >># I think he means when he saw the first car he freaked out a bit and tried to stay in the right lane, if he stayed left he could have taken an earlier turn, thus minimizing the angle he exits the corner at and allowing him to see the second car quicker >> [_] John H. Hamilton 3216300 song sauce?.
File: When you enter blind corner - initial D.swf-(3.28 MB, 960x540, Porn) [_] Anon 3164453 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3164454 lol what a fucking retard >> [_] Anon 3164461 >># Fucken lol'd >> [_] Anon 3164498 >># Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsqeD9If Qt0 >> [_] Anon 3164514 >># >guy looks at the damage to his car before checking on the kid who just slammed into it >> [_] Anon 3164518 >># Like any normal person would >> [_] Anon 3164523 >># pretty sure he did that cause thats where the kid hit and he thought he would be right below the crack on the bumper >> [_] Anon 3164543 Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggghhhhh hhhhhhhh Holy fucking kek. >> [_] Anon 3164544 eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuugggghhhhrrrrrrrr >> [_] Anon 3164545 >># Like any normal person would >># Hey look an abnormal person! DO A TRICK LOL >> [_] Anon 3164546 This is why: -skateboards are not allowed in the road -all wheeled vehicles on roads have to follow traffic rules and not SWING LIKE 20 FEET INTO THE ONCOMING LANE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING >> [_] Anon 3164551 Good way to die from internal bleeding. I can almost feel it. >> [_] Anon 3164566 >># And? What's wrong with that? >> [_] Anon 3164567 >># >caring more about your car then your fellow countrymen >> [_] Anon 3164568 >># >trying to thwart the ultimate truth of natural selection this is man's arrogance... >> [_] Anon 3164570 >># If we cared about natural selection we'd end mass immigration and almost all forms of state welfare forcing people to become self-reliant/productive or die killing one dumb skateboarder in the long run is meaningless in that regard >> [_] Anon 3164572 Who the fuck are you quoting? QUIT IT! >> [_] Anon 3164611 The first words out of my mouth would have been you gonna pay for that dickhead? I have no sympathy for idiocracy. Stupid fucking idiot shouldn't be trying to show off on obviously busy roads if he can't keep his board on his side of the road. >> [_] Anon 3164614 >># >>>/jp/ >> [_] Anon 3164618 >># Pweese stay out of /jp/! Pweese! >> [_] Anon 3164625 this is amazing, thanks OP. Hardest i've laughed in a while >> [_] Anon 3164627 >># Y-you too |