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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 24/10 -2016 22:42:08 Ended: 24/10 -2016 22:50:24Flashes: 1 Posts: 5
File: nethack.swf-(77 KB, 800x450, Game)
[_] we've all heard about cyberpunk and cipherpunk, but here's something new: textpunk. Anon 3166969 That's right. Textpunk Newspaper articles, BBSs, IRC, ASCII art, program source code, Novels, View HTML source, Mathematics, Hieroglyphics, The Rosetta Stone, Gutenberg Bible... A textpunk doesn't sit there waiting for information to be slowly fed to him drip at a time by the gogglebox. A textpunk is thirsty for knowledge and 100% focused - they read old school hacker textfile zines. They don't waste their time with lame imageboarders: instead they're doing crazy abstract shitposting on /prog/ with thoughts and concepts twisted up so with many levels of irony that it becomes an art form. Textpunks recognize and understand the true power of copypasta - how a well crafted piece of text can be so damn powerful that it alone can trigger thousands of replies with so much veracity within days. They see through things down into the core of what really counts, everything in the computer is built of text, ascii, strings of bits - They don't care about the latest 3D GUI environment fads. No, that's just a distraction. 7-bit clean ascii program source code. That's textpunk. Look at how text has shaped humanity: The birth of writing systems was correlated with some of fastest advances of science and technology in early human history. Mass production of the Bible took power away from a few select monks and democratized paving the way for people to start thinking for themselves. Programming is text and it's the closest thing there is in the world to true wizardy and spell casting. Talking about real SICP-type programming here, not that modern garbage. Today textpunks build up digital libraries of books and stick it to the copyright cartel. Schwarz, lib gen, the gentoomen library, and so many anonymous sources that tireless scan and collect books.. Textpunks are the people in tune with modern digital society of ultrafast cost-free transmission of text, they're the ones rethinking and revolutionizing publishing mixing it with open rights and making works available online.
>> [_] Anon 3166973 Nice wall of text, OP. ...But your game doesn't play when to press "p" to start.
>> [_] Anon 3166974 this is only a launcher you dip
>> [_] Anon 3166976 >># I read the whole thing waiting for some big realization but i didnt understand shit
>> [_] Anon 3166977 >># Hm it was supposed to. >># It's supposed to emulate a terminal, as far as I could find there isn't a flash version that is standalone. I should have just posted zorg.swf
Created: 24/10 -2016 22:44:16 Last modified: 13/10 -2018 03:35:23 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:05:06