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TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf
1,89 MiB, 00:09 | [W] [I]

Threads (8):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/9 -2019 04:51:28 Ended: 8/9 -2019 14:51:32Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf-(1.88 MB, 650x1000, Hentai)
[_] Anon 3401827 I
>> [_] Anon 3401849 >># As always, press SPACE to nut
>> [_] Anon 3401866 This flash gets an E for effort Too bad its shit
>> [_] Anon 3401887 >># i

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/7 -2018 17:25:05 Ended: 8/7 -2018 09:19:44Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf-(1.88 MB, 650x1000, Hentai)
[_] OmegaRezz 3345193 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3345263 This is really well done, creative too
>> [_] Anon 3345279 why is her cunt on the bottom of her stomach instead of the bottom of her body?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 15/6 -2018 06:46:49 Ended: 16/6 -2018 01:14:36Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File: TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf-(1.88 MB, 650x1000, Hentai)
[_] OmegaRezz 3341442 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3341550 surely there's a secret somewhere?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/4 -2018 07:33:25 Ended: 23/4 -2018 19:55:00Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf-(1.88 MB, 650x1000, Hentai)
[_] Anon 3331355
>> [_] Anon 3331392 Ahh, boogie. Anybody know the hidden commands?
>> [_] Anon 3331394 >># numbers for sound and music space for climax, i guess
>> [_] Anon 3331427 >># >fucks her abdominal

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 20/12 -2017 00:27:47 Ended: 20/12 -2017 21:09:47Flashes: 1 Posts: 6
File: TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf-(1.88 MB, 650x1000, Hentai)
[_] Derp Anon 3302629 Derp Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3302653 I am having a hard time seeing the sex appeal but this looks kind of adorable. Any codes?
>> [_] Anon 3302661 >># I really wish there was more to this scene. As it stands, it is cute, but really boring.
>> [_] Anon 3302721 you can hit spacebar for creampie but it's nut-thing special. i'll see myself out.
>> [_] Anon 3302733 I can't get it to work I'm pushing the -> key bu it doesn't do anything neither does clicking on the damn button what am I supposed to do damnit
>> [_] Anon 3302775 >># Click the arrow itself.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/11 -2016 01:02:03 Ended: 8/11 -2016 01:28:34Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf-(1.88 MB, 650x1000, Hentai)
[_] Anon 3173195
>> [_] Anon 3173216 source ?
>> [_] Anon 3173217 >># right click you cunt

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 1/11 -2016 23:25:51 Ended: 2/11 -2016 06:01:48Flashes: 1 Posts: 15
File: TheBoogie - Amore de Armos.swf-(1.88 MB, 650x1000, Other)
[_] Anon 3170221 Might as well repost it since last thread didn't last long. Animated by TheBoogie Based on a drawing by Xopachi Commissioned by anon Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3170227 any eastereggs?
>> [_] Anon 3170235 >># Nah, not really. This actually feels more like a by the numbers animation, like it doesn't feature his more usual 'sense of humor'. If I could, I'd program one in myself.
>> [_] Anon 3170259 Armos is cute! Cute!!
>> [_] Anon 3170260 I like how he actually he used sound bites that are actually in the game. Like the 'squelch' sound, I'm pretty sure that's not changed in any way.
>> [_] Anon 3170262 >># He's done it with the Shygal animation, come to think of it this is very similar to that.
>> [_] Anon 3170273 We waited HOW LONG for this? I think the LoL flash was February.
>> [_] Anon 3170275 >># I was in talks since January. Not sure if it took 9 months of work or 9 months of him memeposting and posting stream announcements with aintsmart's avatar constantly shoved in.
>> [_] RIP Anon 3170300 First off, pretty cute for a fucking armos, possibly the least sexual enemy in all of Zelda. Second, was I the only one that clicked the button, then the arrow, and only then the word "Press"?
>> [_] Anon 3170302 >># It works if you click the arrow, not sure why it triggered only for the word. you can thank xopachi for the design and how he was able to go to that from how they usually look
>> [_] Anon 3170318 >># Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't his last flash also have an easter egg featuring projects/future animations he was working on? What fucking happened to all those projects?
>> [_] Anon 3170326 >># scrapped prob, a shame, there was shantae, jenny wakeman, raven and gardivore it could of been gifs and pictures instead of flashs but that would be sad
>> [_] Anon 3170344 >># >could of
>> [_] Anon 3170353 >># Good lord, I was hyped for that shit too. The fuck Boogie
>> [_] Anon 3170362 One of the oddest faps I've had in a longtime but those curves are godly. Too bad if this were realistic in anyway your pelvis would probably get pulverized. __

[SK9XB1I]F !!!
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 1/11 -2016 04:18:04 Ended: 23/12 -2016 23:11:02Flashes: 1 Posts: 73
/ > /fap/ > Thread 10008 Age: 45.78d Health: 0% Posters: 32 Posts: 73 Replies: 65 Files: 2+3
>> Anon 40590 [IMG] Armos - Boogie.swf (1.89 MiB) 650x1000, Compressed. 227 frames, 24 fps (00:09). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 40591 Aw yiss, statue porn!
>> Anon 40598 huh,this was great,where'd you get it?
>> Anon 40601 Pressing 1 removes the music. 3 removes the crushing sound. 4 removes the squishy sound.
>> Anon 40603 >># >press 4 to become fappable Thanks.
>> Anon 40607 What in the fuck is wrong with those hips?
>> Anon 40612 Probably because I never looked, but I honestly never thought I'd ever see Armos porn. At least it's good.
>> Anon 40613 No it's not.. Vagina placed too high.
>> Anon 40616 >># The animation has a link to a picture drawn by Xopachi that inspired it, so there's that.
>> Anon 40617 >># I'm not the OP, but I did commission this. It cost me $350. Money well spent.
>> Anon 40621 >># THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS? FOR THIS? jesus fucking christ you got jewed hard.
>> Anon 40624 >># dude even i think thats a little much for no actual cum shot scene. like yeah theres a cum when you press space, but no real visible cum. I woulda been personally pissed off.
>> Anon 40625 >># Jesus, you got ripped off hard.
>> Anon 40626 >># >># >being this poor
>> Anon 40627 >># were you the one who posted a cropped webm of it a while ago on /v/ ?
>> Anon 40632 >># wow. I salute your support for extremely weird rule 34 like a true scholar and gentleman
>> Anon 40643 >># Anything to make the world a better place. I might also get a Vivian one as well in the future.
>> Anon 40644 >># >knowing what something like this actually costs >Apparently means being poor k
>> Anon 40645 Well guys in some parts of the world 350 bucks isn't that much. It's a lot to me where I live but in some cities the living expenses and average salaries are so high that 350 isn't a big deal.
>> Anon 40646 >># >Oh a $50 dogshit, well I'm rich so I'll just pay $200, SUCK IT STUPID POOR PEOPLE!
>> Anon 40647 >># Important question: Dick or no dick.
>> Anon 40649 >># *record scratch* Yup, that's me right there. You might be wondering how I got myself into such a predicament. >># I was thinking about it being a successor to an older picture Boogie made, which appeared to be a screencap of a WIP handjob animation, so there will be no dick. But if I had the option, then the answer would be yes, dick please.
>> Anon 40655 >># >damn rich bastards! why they use THEIR money however THEY WANT?! >they should give it to me >:(
>> Anon 40656 >># Listen up you communist piece of shit. However I decide to expend my money is up to my. That is FREEDOM and CAPITALISM for you, you little piece of marxist mongrel. Now get out of my board, you cock sucking socialist piece of shit.
>> Anon 40657 Regarding price; I reckon I paid 350 because it was animated by TheBoogie, not because of the quality of work. I willingly paid 350 for the name and publicity. Boogie also said to me via Steam, regarding payment, that "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The jew in me wants to press for a bump to 4 but tree fiddy's fine too", so take that as you will.
>> Anon 40661 >># What the fuck? Tristana is probably his best work, that had multiple skins, voices, a bonus scene and a whole separate animation for cumming. All for free. This is just a loop. Even the anatomy here is all kinds of fucked. The vag ridiculously high up and the hips make no sense. She literally has no ass. $350 doesn't make any sense. Is he just a total cunt or what? For some reason I had the impression that he was a nice dude.
>> Anon 40664 >># You're paying for the name, the same name that spends most of his time jerking off with Aintsmart on stream.
>> Anon 40669 >># A recicled loop. He just changed the assets(the characters sprites, and even this he did half-assed), all the system was from another flash. The hardest work was probably to create the starting animation. Seriously, this is not even close to be worth 350 shekels, but what bothers me is not the price, is the lack of work, preparation and tune fining blatant in the whole flash, everything is half-assed, seems like he did this hurriedly in few hours just because he was forced to do, wouldn't surprise me if this was paid in advance.
>> Anon 40670 >># I paid after it was done, he insisted it be done this way. Also I wish it only took a few hours, it's been in development since at least January.
>> Anon 40671 >># He didn't even keep the design the same as the one he sketched for approval. Compare the flash with this. The rest is cropped because there's really nothing there.
>> johndoe314 40675 >># Heck, for $350, I wouldn't take something that's a recycled version of an older animation. You want a Vivian animation, you get what you want, dick or no dick. Especially at that price!
>> Anon 40677 >># christ almighty man,i am sorry that you got fucked by a jewbag artist.
>> Anon 40678 Press Spacebar for cum. I didn't see anyone mention it SO THEY YA GO FOLKS!
>> Anon 40682 >># Use attachment for related images, they never 404 (even after the thread gets archived). [IMG]0vEjTz2.jpg
>> Anon 40686 >># Here's the thing, I had barely any input on the animation. He was busy doing... Whatever for most of the time, so telling him to change things wasn't easy. >># I knew full well what I was getting into, so it's no big deal.
>> Anon 40693 >># >># Nice one dude, multiple personalities much? If you gave me a million dollars for nothing, I would laugh even more at you for wasting your money. You're justifying buying a $50 dollar dogshit for $200 because you have the money. That's bad fucking business sense Mr. Freedom-man COMMUNISTS IN THE FUCKING WALLS! THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE MY FREEDOMBUX! MY NEIGHBOR IS A FUCKING COMMUNIST I TELL YA, NEVER ONCE HAVE I SEEN HIM TIP THE MAILMAN!!!
>> Anon 40747 >># >># You seem happy with what you got from boogie, but I just wanted to let you know that he certainly did not take months working on your commission. Just watch this video he did on the W101 flash. 76/ That flash has the same amount of content as Armos and he managed to make that in roughly a day. He must have been just sitting on your commission for six months before he got off his ass and spent a day working on it. I personally would be pissed that he take his time like that and then just finish it in a day. You should have spent that cash on some other flash artist.
>> Anon 40748 Simply put the boogie can charge 350 for this. 1. It's quality work. 2. Animation is hard (Well good animation is hard) 3. It's the Boogie, I sure tons of people are trying to get him to do commisions for them.
>> Anon 40786 >># Yeah, you have a point. I wonder if I should bring that up, as well as this thread. Doubt he'd care, but eh.
>> TheBoogie 40855 >># If you have a problem please mention it. From my understanding you were perfectly happy with what you paid for.
>> Anon 40856 Every nagging faggot talking shit in this thread implies that they can even animate anything at all.
>> Anon 40857 >># >A NIGGER KID IN AFRICA COULD HAVE EAT THAT FLASH ); Fuck off, poor piece of shit.
>> Anon 40872 >># >implying that's you
>> Anon 40876 >># >Hurr if you can't animate you can't criticize
>> Anon 40881 >># >even that I have no idea of how to animate I would complain at how much an animator charge for its work
>> Anon 40882 >># English, motherfucker
>> Anon 40890 >># He's saying there's no way in hell that's the actual artist.
>> Anon 40894 >># The internet exists, its an easy tool to figure out how much money something like this costs.
>> Anon 40895 >># >replying to a obvious troll Seriously, stop being so gullible. All over this thread, he is desperately trying to bait someone, I would post this ( ) but I noticed it was a obvious troll, not a people with a true argument about freedom of choices and money. The "you can't criticize if you can't do better" makes clear that this is only cheap trolling. Just ignore.
>> Anon 40906 >># >all that pseudo-rationalization to justify your poorness Top Kek.
>> Anon 40907 >># Do YOU speak it?
>> Anon 40910 >># You're giving the faggot too much credit. He's clearly just retarded.
>> Anon 40915 >># Said the fag that doesn't know the costs of making an animation.
>> Anon 40982 >># Well and lets be honest how much should it cost? Taking J-animation as an example and using Wikipedia one episode costs from 100,000K to 300,000K ok let's low ball this and say 100,000K OK so 100000/30 min comes to 3333 per minute and then 3333/60 sec comes to rounding down $55 dollars per second so a 9 second flash time multiplied by 55 comes to a total of $495 see as how half this flash is a repeat more or less 495*.50=$247.5 I don't know $350 let alone $250 USD seems a bit high for this quality big name draw fag or not.
>> Anon 40987 >># >If you have a problem please mention it. Well 1) I'm not your commissioner and 2) this isn't about you, but can you PLEASE tell aintsmart to tone down that obnoxious, holier than thou tone he always seems to emanate. He's one of those Japanese American kids, isn't he? Why are Asian Americans so fucking full of themselves?
>> Anon 40988 >># who the fuck are you talking about.
>> Anon 40989 >># good goy of the year
>> Anon 40996 >># Take in consideration that the providers of decent animated H material are scarce.
>> Anon 41094 ok after a long time getting buttons N,B,G is three letters that make a ok and just found out the R is for nextreveal which is just take you to this 6YM& next is to find out what the B and G stand for
>> Anon 41095 >># hitting I mean't to say instead of getting
>> Anon 41096 the B is bewareoblivionisathand which take you here kwU
>> Anon 41109 >># >># >># So... this animation has a secret in it as well?
>> Anon 41153 >># If you commission a Shadow Queen flash from Boogie, you'd be my internet superhero.
>> Anon 41156 >># Yeah but you have to go to Boggie tumblr for the 1.0 ver for the passwords too work Greenriver Gabe Nextreveal Neverrest Bewareoblivionisathand
>> Anon 41289 >># So Boogie spent months tying meme animations into something I paid for, and didn't even tell me about them? Jesus.
>> Anon 41292 >># Well they're all links to videos but one which is a short gag
>> Anon 41299 tfw u want to fucc that thicc statue and give it your babies and watch them grow up into thicc statues
>> Anon 41311 >># Between being told that I was significantly ripped off and played like a fool and linking to le so fahnny doeg videos and memewave music, while I waited months while he spent all his time wanking around with Aintsmart... I feel cheated. Is this how Kaz felt in Ground Zeroes?
>> Anon 41432 >># >># you should report him to artist beware
>> Anon 41477 >># What did he do that was really wrong? I don't like the stupid jokes he put in, but it's his right to do so, he took way too long to complete it, and he charged a lot of money (and was hinting he'd ask for more after we agreed on a price). That doesn't sound nearly as bad as what other artists have done.
>> Anon 41478 >># Played like a damn fiddle.ogg
>> Anon 41479 >># >Well 1) I'm not your commissioner but i thought you just said you commissioned this earlier?
>> Anon 41528 A little birdie told me that there's a version that was posted where the Armos wears a MAGA hat, is that true? Can someone post it, if possible?
Created: 1/11 -2016 04:25:49 Last modified: 8/9 -2019 17:58:41 Server time: 08/11 -2024 10:03:51