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Threads (8):
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Other) [_] Vote Anon 3444282 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3444320 OP is a FAGGOT >> [_] Anon 3444321 >># I dont want to spark no discussion on politics on /f/. This board is the last bastion of the old culture. And on top of that, why even post about politics here when theres no one willing to talk about it. I'd say take all politics to /pol/ >> [_] Anon 3444323 >># nobody cares what you want /f/aggot >> [_] Anon 3444324 lol fuck off swfchan admin >> [_] Anon 3444325 4 MORE YEARS BAYBEE >> [_] Anon 3444329 Politics? I just wanna Party Hard for fucks sake. >> [_] Anon 3444331 >># imb4 "but yuh can't post flashes on /pol/" Keep the shit in the toilet, folks. /f/ is for chill and all that. >> [_] Anon 3444335 >1. All uploaded files should be uniquely Japanese (pertain to Japanese culture). >4. If your file is to be tagged as "[?] Other", re-examine the first rule before submission. >> [_] Anon 3444342 trump is a diddlyboop biden is a yogurt head decisions, decisions.. >> [_] Anon 3444343 libtards = pwnt >> [_] Anon 3444368 >># The scariest thing is Harris/Biden will bring back racial segregation and make discrimination legal again. They hide behind fancy words but not only is the "enforcement of equality of outcomes" pretty similar to the idea of communism, it'll require being able to discriminate based on race. den-harris-tickets-goal-equity-illogical- discriminatory-totalitarian/ These authoritarian super racists are literally hiding behind SJW issues as an excuse to bring back segregation and make racism legal again. It's pretty clever really, stupid people won't even realize what they are doing until it's too late. Being racist against whites means being able to be racist against non-whites too, and that's what will happen in the long run. Pray to God Trump wins. >># Yes, use selective enforcement of the rules that nobody cares about in order to censor what you don't like to see. >> [_] Anon 3444369 I'm gonna go out and write in a vote for zoltan just like I do every single election that allows write ins. >> [_] Anon 3444374 >># That'll stick it to 'em! >> [_] Anon 3444375 So if Biden 1. arranges a free trade agreement with China, meaning no import tariffs (which Biden plans to do) and 2. raises corporate taxes in the US (which Biden plans to do) what US factory would NOT move their operation to China if they can cut costs by up to 40%??? bye bye jobs. >> [_] Anon 3444376 >># How many people do you know that work in a factory? >> [_] Anon 3444377 >># why the fuck does that matter? if they lose their current job they must find a new job, meaning it takes away other kinds of jobs. for example taxi driver, store clerk or working at mcdonalds. wait a few years and AI/robots will reduce those jobs even more. couple that with Biden's brilliant plan to cripple the oil/coal industry and there will be even more competition for the few jobs that are left. >> [_] Anon 3444398 >># This is so fucking far from reality lmao What a joke >> [_] Anon 3444407 American manufacturing is dead you brainless fucking pogs lmao >> [_] Anon 3444416 cringe >> [_] Anon 3444417 >># That's it, I'm voting Trump now. >> [_] Anon 3444420 The popcorn is ready and my penis is in my hand. VOTE, AMERICANS, MAKE MY DAY! >> [_] Anon 3444421 >># You ready to be riden with biden friend?
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] Reminder Anon 3348130 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3348147 so sorry, we'll remember to be nicer to you in the future so your feelings don't get hurt. >> [_] Anon 3348161 >># Looks like you guys forgot as you guys got worse after he won. Hope you guys can get into the White House in 2024. >> [_] Anon 3348210 actually i voted for trump because i hate cuck regulations don't give a shit about this working class steel bullshit >> [_] Anon 3348212 >># >Did not acquire popular vote >Get into power anyway because electoral college is fucked. >congratulated by internet assholes for abusing the system. Well done America. >> [_] Anon 3348214 >># Do you know the difference between getting 51% of the vote in a state and 100% of the vote in a state? Nothing, popular vote doesn't really mean shit. >> [_] Anon 3348215 >># Impeach the peach! #TheResistance #resist >> [_] Anon 3348217 This shows exactly how anything related to Trump is simply a knee-jerk reactionary movement to societal progress. >> [_] Anon 3348220 >># how about if youre going to criticize people at least do it for a reason thats grounded in reality >># thats literally why the electoral system exists is that bugmen hive states like california dont just completely invalidate the other 50% of the country >> [_] Anon 3348221 >># yes allowing children to become transgender is real societal progress you know what i think would be good societal progress? trying to colonize other worlds in space, but injecting kids with hormone treatment and making them wear dresses is pretty good too i guess >> [_] Anon 3348222 >># i love the buttmad in this post. workin in the salt mine, the pay is shit....but the benefits are top notch. >> [_] Anon 3348225 >># But muh immigration vote security bullshit >> [_] Anon 3348226 >># >societal progress >progress yeah, we were improving, totally not regressing at all. >> [_] Anon 3348229 >looks at DNC debacle that was so fucked many DNC admins resigned >looks at Russian interference in election process >looks at special investigation into the trump campaigns ties to said interference and russian intelligence Looks super fuckin legit to me. Trump won fair and square . >> [_] Anon 3348232 >># explain exactly how russia interferred with the election lots of democrats spout this phrase constantly but never have solid conclusive evidence or what they actually did, did they mail in millions of votes or some shit meanwhile clinton foundation accepts hundreds of millions of dollars from countries through which the same foundation gave nuclear research and funds to did-the-saudi-regime-and-other-gulf-tyran nies-donate-millions-to-the-clinton-found ation/ fuck off cunt >> [_] Anon 3348236 As a liberal, I love to talk to conservatives about politics. It opens up my world view and prevents me from living in an echo chamber. However, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's conservatives who don't give two shits about politics and whose main motivating force is to drink liberal tears. You're no better than those disgusting, close-minded feminist whores who don't give a shit about what Hillary's policies were and only voted to "piss off the patriarchy". People like you disgust me. Either you care about America or not, fucking make up your mind >> [_] Anon 3348237 >># That depends on what you think we should be moving towards. Would you rather we be moving to closer to the classical era, where leaving your country for another usually meant death, or closer to a society where borders are open and every human is considered a global citizen? Which seems more like progress to you? Either you're improving, or you're regressing >> [_] Deal 3348238 >># We already know this dumbass. He won without getting popular vote, hence it doesn't really mean shit. >> [_] Anon 3348240 >># That's not the problem. The problem is, Trump was briefed on possible election interference by Russia BEFORE he was even inaugurated and continually throughout his presidency as more evidence has shown up. And then, after asked multiple times about whether or not this was a possibility, he gave a flat "no". It's not about who he accepted money from: It's about the fact the he knew of a legitimate threat to our democracy, and instead of conferring in the American people, instead chose to consult EXCLUSIVELY with higher-up officials from the country that is suspected to have hacked our election. How are we supposed to trust a president and a system like that? >> [_] Anon 3348242 >># How can we conquer other planets when we have not even conquered our own? We are only harnessing 73% of possible sources of energy here on earth, and currently the globe is fractured into a million little countries: Some of whom's residents for no reason feel the need to hate and degrade residents of another. Therefore, we cannot progress as a species until the earth is view as one enormous city: Sure people have their differences, and crime will still be prevalent because it's just human nature, but we will be united. That's how we colonize the solar system. Not some bullshit "Space Force" that Trump didn't even come up with or legislate, just heard about, signed, and took credit for. >> [_] Anon 3348244 >># Why do faggots like you think that california and new york should decide who the president is for every other state >> [_] Anon 3348245 >># >Trump was briefed on possible election interference by Russia BEFORE he was even inaugurated >possible id give a flat out no if anyone presented me with an idea so retarded as well youre still dodging the question of how the interfered, so youre saying merely speaking to russia somehow plopped him half the countries votes? >> [_] Anon 3348247 >># >73% [citation needed] >Some of whom's residents for no reason feel the need to hate and degrade residents of another. lets fix that imaginary problem, thatll get us into space >Therefore, we cannot progress as a species until the earth is view as one enormous city well shit im glad you know that for a fact, you know what i think would make us progress is if we stopped dumbing down our education system to the lowest common denominator, stop praising mediocrity, stop telling people that theyre good just as they are, i mean fuck if we gave half the money we spend on playing for welfare leeches on education, training, and mental health, a lot of those people wouldn't be unemployed but you keep throwing out buzzphrases about lack of unity being whats holding us back >> [_] Anon 3348248 >># Why do you think that Iowa and Florida should get to decide who is president for states that matter? >> [_] Anon 3348249 >># >for states that matter? i thought you guys were all about being inclusive and fairness to answer your biased question noone thinks Iowa or Florida should decide for everyone which is why we have the system we have at least noone with common sense does >> [_] Anon 3348251 >># Because I'm not a faggot who thinks only spics from California are important. >> [_] Anon 3348252 >># Shut up reddit >> [_] Anon 3348254 >># why would you speak so ill of you kin >> [_] Anon 3348255 >># >noone thinks Iowa or Florida should decide for everyone which is why we have the system we have The system we have gives disproportionate representation to small states and gives drastic power to swing states like Iowa, Florida, and Ohio. And even then, votes in Florida and Ohio count less than votes in Iowa. >> [_] Anon 3348256 >># Here's your damn citation scale >In 2012, total world energy consumption was 553 exajoules (553×1018 J=153,611 TWh),[6] equivalent to an average power consumption of 17.54 TW (or 0.7244 on Sagan's Kardashev scale). As for you, why don't you provide an example of when directing money meant to raise people from below the poverty line to above the poverty line into general expenditure has ever helped an economy? Welfare is an automatic stabilizer that keeps the economy from spiraling out of control. I'm at least 80% sure you're just trolling me at this point, but it scares me because some people actually believe in the bullshit that you're spewing >> [_] Anon 3348259 >># >hacked our election. lol >> [_] Anon 3348260 >># >I'm at least 80% sure you're just trolling me at this point Way to deny agency you piece of shit. >> [_] Anon 3348261 drama ~ >> [_] Anon 3348262 >># Good, I'm all for the rights of minorities like Iowa. >> [_] Anon 3348265 how about all of you go back to /pol/ these conspiracy theories are very low tier >> [_] Anornamoose 3348266 just passing through to say hello to you /pol/ enjoy your day anons >> [_] Anon 3348269 Kek so much trigger >> [_] Anon 3348270 >># Because he's a jackass. Sorry, I meant democrat. >> [_] Anon 3348271 >># But anon don't you know the election can't be rigged? I know because thats what Hillary said >> [_] Anon 3348274 >># Motivation by spite is matched only by love. >> [_] Anon 3348276 >># Fences make good neighbors >> [_] Anon 3348279 >># Do you have a counter argument, or is that the best you can come up with? >># Way to not reply to the relevant information in that post. You're just upset that you can't substantiate your bullshit argument about dissolving entitlement payments because it's not a valid fiscal policy >> [_] Anon 3348280 >># you're right. trump was behind in the socialist people's republic of california by 3.5 million votes. but in the other 49 states, he was ahead. just looking at how california is doing in any kind of HDI or social metric, they shouldn't be allowed to have any political power at all. dumb, suicidal fuckers >> [_] Anon 3348283 >># So much projection and white rage. I love it. >> [_] Anon 3348284 >># True. We should be politically motivated by an urge to protect and preserve, not divide and alienate. The problem with sentiments like >># 's is that it ends up with the sitting president deporting people to countries where they coukd likely have a bounty placed on them by gangs for no other reason than they couldn't pay the gangs for protection. This means a death sentence for these families seeking asylum, but unfortunately the process for becoming a legal immigrant takes a minimum of five to 7 years to process, with some cases being known to take 20 years. If we would put less resources into building our walls higher and more resources into making it easier to just come here legally seeking asylum, it would make it much easier for us down the line. >> [_] Anon 3348287 >># Way to assume the person responding was the same person you were responding to, you loser. >> [_] Anon 3348288 >># To say that any demographic shouldn't have political power is threatening to the foundation of democracy. Also, he was not ahead in all 49 other states. quit projecting >> [_] Anon 3348289 >># Me too, it's how Trump was elected in the first place. >> [_] Anon 3348290 >># you don't understand the words you use. sit down and be humble >> [_] Anon 3348291 >># Exactly. People that vote for Trump are some of the most loving I've ever seen, actually loving their family, their country and themselves. It's remarkable. >> [_] Anon 3348292 >># Oh yeah, well you're a white male. Shut up. >> [_] Anon 3348294 >># That's the wrong kind of love. They should be hating those things. You just don't get it. Ask me how I can tell you've never been to college or any higher education. >> [_] Anon 3348295 >># what is asylum and becoming a resident alien while working towards citizenship The problem with sentiments like "fuck having borders" is that you are inviting those very same gangs into this country and thus there is no where for the target to flee. >> [_] Anon 3348296 >># I have met Trump supporters who have a doctorate in genetic biology and a loving family, and I've met Trump supporters who wallow in hate only like him because he pisses off liberals. To be honest, I don't know which is the majority. The only thing I'm sure of is that speaking in absolutes like (You) and >># only leads to more hate, less understanding, and therefore less progress. >> [_] Anon 3348297 >># years of forum posting and formatting for readability literally made me reddit space despite never using that terrible site. What have I become? >> [_] Anon 3348298 >># Eat shit trumpfag. If it's white, it's not alright. Smite the white parasite! >> [_] Anon 3348299 >># >ask me how i can tell you've never been to college or any higher education thats easy. he's not a braindwashed communist >> [_] Anon 3348301 >># >Ask me how I can tell you've never been to college or any higher education. I can say the same thing about you, my man. >> [_] Anon 3348302 >># >actually loving their family, their country and themselves That's a really sweet way of saying that they only care about getting theirs, and everyone else can go die for all they care. >> [_] Anon 3348303 >># >># >White >"people" >> [_] Anon 3348304 >># They should hate all those things. >> [_] Anon 3348305 >># >actually loving their family, their country and themselves >They should hate all those things. so what should they love if not those things? nothing? why not just off yourself if you love nothing and not even yourself? you should do so anyway, btw >> [_] Anon 3348306 >># Nah, they shouldn't. But they should also be willing to love, or at least respect, those outside of themselves and their family. And that's where the issue usually comes up. >> [_] Anon 3348307 >># t. commie >> [_] Anon 3348309 I don't like Trump at all but the OP Flash Animation at least in part at the start shows how EXTREME people helped to alienate regular joes for the election. Not a Right wing Incel or a Left wing trans idiot. >> [_] Anon 3348310 >># >White >"person" Am I right, /f/? >> [_] Anon 3348312 r*ddit killed this site for good. >> [_] Anon 3348313 >># I voted for Hillary, dumbass. Not everyone is as close-minded as you >> [_] Anon 3348314 >># no, you're not. >> [_] Anon 3348315 >># This is why Trump won the election. >> [_] Anon 3348316 >># No, Trump "won" because he had Russians hack the election. >> [_] Anon 3348317 >># This is why we're getting 8 years of Trump >> [_] Anon 3348318 >># Finally someone who actually got the point. Both parties have become far too radicalized in the recent decades >> [_] Anon 3348319 >># >Implying Trump isn't going to be impeached and put to death for treason >> [_] Anon 3348322 >># you guys >> [_] OP 3348324 >># Nah. It speaks volumes that Redditors keep trying to flood the site with their Communist propaganda and all they get is talked down to like children. I think they enjoy getting verbally bitchslapped as much as channers enjoy bitchslapping them since they can't get past one expletive on Reddit before getting banned. Also says a lot about Reddit in general. >> [_] Anon 3348326 >># >It speaks volumes that Redditors keep trying to flood the site with their Communist propaganda and all they get is talked down to like children. I think they enjoy getting verbally bitchslapped as much as channers enjoy bitchslapping them since they can't get past one expletive on Reddit before getting banned. This might be the dumbest thing in the thread, and that's a fuckin' accomplishment. I bet you think the dude saying >white "people" over and over is a fucking Redditor too.
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] Anon 3344769 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3344779 whomever did this fucked up the electoral map >> [_] Anon 3344783 American politics is such a shitshow. Even compared to all the other shitshows >> [_] Anon 3344888 >># Nah, Italy, Greece, Germany, Sweden, South Korea, the UK, and the whole of Central/South America and Africa are bigger shitshows. Actually exclude Chile from South America, they have their shit together. >> [_] Anon 3344896 >sadfrog memes why did this shitpile ever catch on again >> [_] Anon 3344897 >># >># Politics in general is such a shit-show. Also the 2016 elections were pretty much a laughing stock for the rest of the world, tho' this flash shows the reason why trump got elected pretty well. btw I don't know too much about it, but can't citizens of the US vote for a 3rd party? In the 16 that would've come in handy. >> [_] Anon 3344898 when you troll a libtard| . | | | | epic style >> [_] Anon 3344901 Epic Pepe!... MAGA!! xD libtrads btfo >> [_] Anon 3344903 I can in all honesty not imagine how bad things would be had Trump not won. Not just politically but socially, I think a lot of SJW got a bit taken back into reality by it. >> [_] Anon 3344910 This flash would have more validity if Trump had won the popular vote. As it stands, Clinton still technically had the numbers to win, juts not the spread. Also, as >># said, the map shown is fucked beyond belief. >> [_] Anon 3344911 >># >># Looking back at it, this map isn't fucked up, it's the wrong map. The one shown is from the 2000 election. >> [_] Anon 3344935 >># >Clinton still technically had the numbers to win, juts not the spread. good thing America is a republic, not a democracy
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Other) [_] Anon 3204570 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3204573 And also because Hillary is corrupt as fuck, but yes also this. >> [_] Anon 3204581 >># GG NO RE >> [_] Anon 3204714 They won't learn from their mistakes. They will keep this up for the next 4 years. They will lose again in 2020 and wonder why. >> [_] Anon 3204716 >># Hahaha, yup. They aren't capable of learning anything it seems.
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] Anon 3198498 >> [_] Anon 3198507 You forgot to flip PA. >> [_] Anon 3198508 >># And NH >> [_] Anon 3198589 >># And Iowa, and Wisconsin, and Michigan >> [_] Anon 3198596 No, trump won because the democrats had been in charge for 8 years and statistics and past elections tell us that it's very unlikely for a party to win a 3rd time in a row. Also bad candidates and the death of modern journalism.
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Other) [_] MAGA Theone 3187859 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3187867 Pretty much. >> [_] Anon 3187881 >># Wow so funny and original OP >> [_] Anon 3187883 >># Fuck off with your stupid memes and airhorn shit. >> [_] Anon 3187887 >># TRIGGERED >> [_] Anon 3187889 >># No, seriously. You don't belong here. I'm sure reddit would find your shitposting entertaining, why not try there? >> [_] Anon 3187894 >># Dont project yourself onto others. >> [_] Anon 3187895 >># Not him, but perhaps you should fuck off back to Huffington Post. Seriously, the fact that media shilling could even sway 50% of the vote should be evidence enough that their tactics are shit... but they're doubling down on the same bullshit that completely destroyed everyone's confidence in their objectivity. Literally, Russian Times is more believable than your "LE FAKE NEWS" articles. >> [_] Anon 3187896 >># This needs fixed he won PA but in the animation PA is blue >> [_] Anon 3187897 I have serious doubts as to Trump's presidential capabilities but it's hard to deny the guy is a genius campaigner. "Make America Great Again" captured the essence of his entire pitch and was more effective than any political slogan in recent history. There hasn't been a campaign item in my lifetime that's been bigger than his iconic red MAGA hat. He basically ran circles around his republican rivals and pulled off an incredible upset against an experienced & finely tuned political machine. >> [_] Anon 3187899 >># He speaks for a lot. gtfo. >> [_] Anon 3187903 >># You seem to have mistaken this site for a place to share your political opinions. Your hatred for the leftist media is justifiable, but this is a place for posting and talking about anime videos and porn. Please mind the TPO. >> [_] Anon 3187907 >># I think its sad that the mainstream left is trying to say "election was rigged cuz russians exposed Hillary's emails which exposed her corrupt, criminal and conspiritorial behavior which made people less likely to vote for her". #1. The emails weren't hacked by Russia #2. If Hillary murdered a 13 year old child and a Russian hacker exposed an email of her bragging about it would we say "oh my god the Russians messed with the election we need to do it over" or... "wow Hillary is a monster and I thank god the Russians exposed what she did because if we didn't know we might have elected her" its as if the privacy of our politicians is more important then not having corrupt politicians regularly commiting criminal acts, regularly engaging in corruption and other inexscuable activities. I think that Assange guy is a hero and he is a hero to most of America. I support Whistleblowers and even hackers with bad intentions if all they do is expose the unacceptable behavior of our politicians. Also the DNC rigged everything for Hillary and higher ups openly admitting to supporting voting fraud when they could get away with it and "fake" protesters at rallies and the media openly working with the Hillary team and a billion other things. But yeah the imaginary Russian hackers are the problem. This country is becoming a joke... and not enough will wake up and see how bad our Government & media really is. >> [_] Anon 3187911 FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! AHAHAHAHA ALLAHU AKBAR >> [_] Anon 3187912 >># >># >># >># HAHAHA, FAGGOT! You lost! Go be a subversive commie cuckold somewhere else. >> [_] Anon 3187966 >># I mean "commie" is an interesting term for people with an opinion. I didn't want either of them, but just because Trump won doesn't mean I will like him or believe in him as a president. Also, stop being a legitimate example of the typical American monkey, it makes other Americans (like me) look bad. Peace Out Brussel Sprout, may you shitpost elsewhere. >> [_] Anon 3187968 OP is a black trans woman top kek >> [_] Anon 3188001 This mix is fucking awful. But it is true. Same shit is happening in Europe now with stupid levels of immigration being forced upon us by the "ELITEs" of Europe wanting a new cheap labour because none of us entitled cunts will work for pennies. Brussels, however, voted to stay faggots. Italy left. France will be next. Euro has had Death cast on it. N O S E D I V E >> [_] Anon 3188010 >guaranteed_replies.swf >> [_] Anon 3188012 trump won cause of the way the US electoral system works >> [_] Anon 3188023 >># 1479/18/1479183137990.jpg >> [_] Anon 3188033 >># Fuck off millennial Calicunt. Electoral College prevents corruption and ignoring smaller groups. Why waste time campaigning when you could just go to the loudest whiners and promise the world? >> [_] Anon 3188040 meh maybe he'll teach you plebs how to have some back bone so you don't get shit on by every nigger and jew that walks by you >> [_] Anon 3188042 >># not the only incorrect state many electoral values for states incorrect too still like this flash >> [_] Anon 3188046 >># Holy shit, straight outta /pol/ this cool guy means business, look out >> [_] Anon 3188066 sure is a bunch of small white dicks in here and op >> [_] Anon 3188069 Yesterday I heard in the news that Donald Trump won because of russian hackers. >> [_] Anon 3188071 >># I heard a Russian "hacked" your mom last night. >> [_] Anon 3188075 >># >you can't post your opinions on politics here, it's not the right place >only I can You guys are disgusting. Fuck retards, this is not your website, we don't want you here. Are you so sad you have nowhere else to go and stay in a place nobody wants you? >> [_] Anon 3188076 >># And you are making americans look bad by defending commies. >> [_] Anon 3188077 >># Look at this retard faggot who thinks he looks cool by being an ignorant. Please leave, there might be some kind of /u/flash or shit like that in the place where you came from. >> [_] Anon 3188083 >># The electoral college is garbage regardless of the winner. It is a layer of between a voter and the president and makes certain votes count more then others, why should the state you live in influence your voting power. It fucking shouldn't. That some media and even Trump himself flip-flopped when the system worked in their favour is another indicator it should be abolished, take a fucking hint. >> [_] Anon 3188088 >># Why would the majority of the less populated states stay in a union if 2 or 3 enormously populated cities could rule over them? You may disagree with the logic but the purpose of it is exactly to prevent heavily populated states from having undue influence over the others. The bigger issue is corruption in the Government and the extreme polarization caused by the modern left. If we had a smaller and more restrained federal government as we once did then it would matter less though issues over immigration would likely persist. Life sure was easier when we had a fairly unified mono-ethnic country and a smaller federal government. >> [_] Anon 3188091 muh dick muhfuga >> [_] Anon 3188092 >># Ironic. >> [_] Anon 3188099 >># What you mean rule over them? Majority wins, why should you get special snowflake status just because you leave in desolate areas? Also, you have a few states that rule over the others, they are called swing states. Pooling votes as states is undemocratic bullshit, tell that to majority that was the popular vote. Nevermind that First-past-the-post is a horrible system. The two party system got us into trouble of polarization and national divide, though neither party didn't help the cause, this isn't exclusive the left or the right. Doesn't help it that the most corrupt person imaginable is the current president-elect. Federal government size will likely not shrink ever regardless of red or blue. >> [_] Anon 3188100 >># >w-well if we were playing poker I'd won If it was about popular vote trump would have gone to higher population areas and won the popular vote, faggot. And then you would be defending the the electoral college. Just because you lost you now want to change what really determines the winner? >> [_] Anon 3188105 >># We also were not a world power and were at the mercy of other nation's geopolitics. We can't have it both ways, if you want to be a global power you have to pay for it. >> [_] Anon 3188106 >># Here is a thought, why does the rest of the country have to subsidize the midwest for living in an underpopulated economically weak area? The same could be argued for those in the inner city ghettos. At what point do we blame individuals for choosing to live in an economically backwards region? >> [_] Anon 3188110 >>>/pol/ >> [_] Anon 3188112 >># Getting extra voting power is their reward/payment for living in shitty places. If nobody lived anywhere except the coasts, the USA would be fucked because it wouldn't have anyone to grow food for it. >> [_] Anon 3188115 This country isn't the smartest, proof is in the presidential winner. I look forwards to watching the country burn
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] Anon 3176067 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3176068 It's almost as if calling someone names makes them resent you... >> [_] Anon 3176075 >># words have always hurt. people have just built a weakness to them out of nowhere >> [_] Anon 3176084 >># I always see so many people making fun of this 'tumblr' personality but I've never seen anyone with this personality anywhere >> [_] Anon 3176089 >># really? I think its quite common I see it online, irl, and of course lots of new age tv "comedians" have similar traits and social perspectives obviously its an extreme example but plenty just like do exist even on tv and many have some of the traits though aren't quite that ridiculous. I can admit the really ridiculous ones are obviously a minority but the lesser ones are still pretty awful >> [_] Anon 3176091 >># Do you go out often? >> [_] Anon 3176094 >># Me neither, and I went to a liberal college for five years. >> [_] Anon 3176099 >># >># I've met one just like this. Used to be my friend then went full retard on me because I said gays could legally serve in the military and that I served with one. Now she's dating a person who thinks she's a bird trapped in a human's body. The mental illness surrounding these two is fucking astounding. It isn't super common where I live but I've met people like this before. >> [_] Anon 3176105 >># People tend to ignore people they don't mix with without realizing. >> [_] Anon 3176118 >># >># People usually don't reveal this side of themselves unless if something brings it up. I'm a Canadian who goes to an extremely liberal university and whenever the professor mentions something political, at least 10% of the class starts going tumblr and they feverishly agree or get triggered and start shouting at the professor, depending on what they said. >> [_] Anon 3176123 >># >># I went to an extremely liberal college, probably one of the most liberal in the nation, and I met less than a dozen people like this. Most of them were woman, and most of them were Asian. Asian women care so much more about the whole People of Color thing than anyone else, because they get treated differently. I knew one girl who started college as a shy, studious freshman and ended it writing articles in the school newspaper about how having threesomes with her bisexual, polyamorous lovers was combating the patriarchy, while simultaneously dying her armpit hair blue and complaining that white boys only see her as a slut because she likes to have lots and lots of anonymous hookups. That said, she is the only person I know who became like that. The rest were way, way more tame. >> [_] Anon 3176126 >># >writing articles in the school newspaper about having threesomes with her bisexual, polyamorous lovers say, uhm, do you still have those newspaper around? >> [_] Anon 3176153 >># >># Most of them are basically just female basement-dwellers; and, like their male counterparts, you shouldn't really expect to encounter them out in the open nor in an institution of learning. >> [_] Anon 3176155 >># >>>/pol/ >>>/youtube/ >> [_] Anon 3176163 Trump is a faggot and so is everyone on this board >> [_] Anon 3176176 >># too bad about snoop then, sound like he might need to keep his promise and leave the country you raging faggot. >> [_] Anon 3176179 >># I've actually only seen 1 SJW and she was moderate. The anti-SJW crowd is far more common and obnoxious. Must be an American thing. >> [_] Anon 3176180 >># >Online Online doesn't count you tulip field. Pretending to be retarded is the #1 hobby of people on the internet. >> [_] Anon 3176182 >># >5 years to graduate liberal arts college Oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing?
File: Why Trump Won.swf-(5.58 MB, 1280x720, Other) [_] Anon 3175578 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3175584 >># I know I heard that song in the beginning but I can't quite put it >> [_] Anon 3175587 >># oh shit I remember now 4es yeah I used to watch this several times a day >> [_] Anon 3175589 I think this video gave me autism >> [_] Anon 3175593 they forgot transphobic, and how everything is transphobic, while every show they watch has a secret trans promoting message. trans >> [_] Anon 3175598 >># I miss when trans was just a young doctor. >> [_] Anon 3175602 >># I mean, that was a pretty large factor. All those ridiculous groups and their divisive and bigoted bullshit forced a lot of people to vote for trump, just to get them to either shut the fuck up or focus on something new to bitch about >> [_] Anon 3175604 >># 46% of the people having the rights to vote did do jack shit that day, plus the retarded of the rust belt are thinking there are going to get back there shitty job on there shitty factorys thank to Trump, a lot of them are black. People are stupid, a lot of those kids in the streets this day did not vote tuesday, they cant get fucked, idiot, there stupid Hillary is shill excuses or just there laziness bring this bullshit on them. BTW, by popular vote Hillary wins with millions of vote, the election system in AMERICUH is fucking broken >> [_] Anon 3175611 >># One, we still don't have all the vote in, two Hillary is a corrupt evil bitch. Anyway, are you making light of the job-loss in America? This is serious. A lot of small towns were sustained for generations on one factory or mine, now we're closing those down because Chinese shit is cheaper, and it ruins millions of lives. Just because you live in a big city doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to help those who don't. >> [_] Anon 3175618 The electoral map is wrong. >> [_] Anon 3175625 >># How can you get something that you already have? >> [_] Anon 3175636 >FUCKING FAGGOT LIBFAGS ONLY THINK WITH THEIR FEELINGS I AM A BEING OF PURE LOGIC AND REASON >Trump won because they hurt our feelings ;_; /pol/ is a magical place. >> [_] Anon 3175643 >># >millions of vote You mean several hundred thousand? >> [_] Anon 3175644 >># >liberals scream about how all republicans are evil and whites should be extinct >liberals howl with embarrassing child like rage when they lose because of this >> [_] Anon 3175656 >># Cry about it with your other /pol/babies, tumblr. >> [_] Anon 3175658 >># Only tears of joy now, anon. >> [_] Anon 3175679 >># sauce? >> [_] Anon 3175680 Quality >> [_] Anon 3175687 >># They just didn't address any valid issues moderates had. Concerns about Immigration? Shut up you racist and vote for Hillary Concerns about Islamic Terrorism? Shut up you racist and vote for Hillary Concerns about the content of Hillary's emails? Shut up you sexist and vote for Hillary >> [_] Anon 3175701 >># Trump: 60 350 241 votes Hillary: 60 981 118 votes yes it's broken, but im glad it worked out for the better this time >> [_] Anon 3175702 >># >46% of the people having the rights to vote did do jack shit that day ALSO im not surprised by this. people had to queue for several hours in many parts of the country, just to cast their vote. combined with the fact that they probably didn't want any of the two candidates it's completely understandable that many didn't bother to vote. i dont think anyone should vote just because they can. that's really bad. |