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Threads (8):
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Spinning Magical Girl Anon 3360236 >> [_] Anon 3360249 I think this was the first anime that I ever saw as a kid. This may have actually been one of the shows, alongside Dragon Ball Z and Robotech (Macross Frankensteined together and rewritten) that was in the vanguard of anime coming to the west. >> [_] Anon 3360264 was it too much effort to make the flash stage dimensions match the gif image dimensions? >># sailor moon was probably the first anime i ever saw on tv here in sweden. was dubbed to swedish. never really watched it but i remember it airing. after that i dont remember much anime until pokémon started appearing first anime i downloaded was probably ranma ½ in .rm or .ram RealMedia format >> [_] Anon 3360317 Sailor moon, Dragon Ball Z, Saints Saga, Capt. Tsubasa, Mech anime with aliens invading the Earth and characters transforming thru crystals cant remember the name but shit was dope
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] For the helpful anon. Anon 3258729 >># Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3258884 >># I don't remember the staging being so bad on this one. someone(other than me) really needs to fix this so it fits better. >> [_] Anon 3258885 >># Nightcore Vaporwave get them in one room and gas them to save taste. >> [_] Anon 3258895 poorly made flash loop but saved nontheless
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Just a good smoke and a cup of coffee. Nighttime Kisses 3256512
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Anon 3247988 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3248141 LOVE >> [_] Anon 3248143 What's the source on the song anyway?
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] I need some advice /f/aggot 3215343 So I got really drunk tonight and accidentally made some V A P O R W A V E The only problem is it's shit Any audiofags got advice on how to make good V A P O R? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j0E-qbN eaU Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3215346 >># step number one in making a mother of all good vaporwares buy 24 vape eggs step number two fuck every vape egg step number three burn all the fucking vape eggs step number four be the skrillex of V A P O R W A R E >> [_] Anon 3215347 >># and by vaporware/V A P O R W A R E I mean vaporwave/V A P O R W A V E >> [_] Faggot (¬‿¬) 3215348 I pray to god that you're drinking out of this cup getting drunk tonight http://i.imgur.com/NGjlUop.jpg godspeed /f/aggot >A E S T H E T I C >E >S >T >H >E >T >I >C >> [_] Anon 3215353 >calling shit music *wave I didn't think there would a more gay music meme than nightcore >> [_] Anon 3215360 Ah... Sailor Moon Driving girls into anorexia since 1991. Also first drawn fap material in my life. Also I'm not a robot. >> [_] Anon 3215367 >># I like nightcore, but not vaporwave. What does that say about my taste in music.? >> [_] Anon 3215377 >># it says your an underage anime faggot >> [_] Anon 3215379 >># Hmmm... not sure I'd even remotely call this vaporwave. Maybe G H E T T O W A V E or Acid-Ass or something. the sample tune should be an elevator-y sounding insipid track, the more Muzak-Mainstream it sounds, the better. N O R A P. Filters. LOTS of hi/lo rolloff and narrow hi-mid bandpass to taste, whatever gives you a pleasing AM radio sound. Modulate the bandpass center and width, etc. No-brainer stuff. Listen to lots of 'wave, you'll get teh basic idea. Better if you have 80s-90s CG effects and scanlines and shit on your video as well. Like that Simpsons mess, or psychedelic Media Player visualizations, like in trunk_trumpets.swf. Other than that, get smashed, and abuse the hell outta your DAW. Report back with some sick OC. We'll be here. >>#King of the Autists? >> [_] Anon 3215415 Source on song? >> [_] Anon 3215419 >># This >> [_] Anon 3215423 so awesome, I love it >> [_] /f/aggot 3215430 Yo guys, I'm using audacity should I be using a better program or nah? >> [_] Anon 3215501 >># Audacity is best free DAW, as far as PieRat warze, I prefer ACID Pro, but whatever you're comfy with. >> [_] :v 3215502 >># Acid pro is still a thing I remember making shitty amvs with sony vegas and that. >># I've been using a mix of FL studio and Ableton live to make stuff. >> [_] /f/aggot 3215505 >># Just uploaded a new video with my first time using FL Studios, still getting the hand of it all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inlXhuQw ZxE >> [_] 3215506 >># What about *punk? >> [_] Anon 3215508 >># you got only 23 vape eggs and fucked the lesser half of them, didn't you? >> [_] /f/aggot 3215514 >># Senpai the only thing I know about V A P O R W A V E is the dank art desu one of the main reasons I'm pursuing it. >> [_] Anon 3215519 >># N O R A P is good advice for anything, period.
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Anon 3208831 are you tired of future funk? >> [_] Anon 3208832 yes. it's the most unoriginal genre of music to ever grace this earth. a bunch of pretentious "musicians" take the work of 80s pop artists, add heavy reverb bass and call it a day. >> [_] Anon 3208837 >># >># That's what tends to make the majority of it pretty garbage. Especially this shit right here, making an unoriginal "mix" of an unoriginal "mix" of an 80's song. The appeal is more the specific sound emulated from old funk or R&B, which again is completely lost in translation with shit like this, but I genuinely enjoy some of the actual original content put out and presented as future funk. >> [_] Anon 3208858 >># MACROSS >> [_] Anon 3208939 >># someone needs to fix the white space already. someone that isn't me.
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Other) [_] (you) Anon 3196158 you think hiroshima purposely removed (You)'s to scare people into buying a pass so they can vote no? >> [_] Anon 3196162 Is this the new A E S T H E T I C that I was hoping for from 2017? >> [_] Anon 3196185 >># Not mine, some cool anon posted OC a ways back.. >> [_] Anon 3196221 >># you mean back in the dank ass 90s days? >> [_] Anon 3196223 how is this cropped like that. 0/10 flash in every way >> [_] Anon 3196231 >># I could swear it wasn't last time it was posted. weird
File: MetaWave.swf-(3.22 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] I invented this new genre called metawave Anon 3179820 it's where you sample vaporwave/futurefunk/metawave to make vaporwave/futurefunk/metawave and then add a gif of sailor moon or some other shitty cartoon Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3179821 also this is the second loop i've ever made and I got the loop synced perfectly, why can no one else seem to do this? >> [_] Anon 3179835 It's great. >># I love it. Thanks. Make a chibi one. >> [_] Anon 3179836 >># YOU FUCKING WHAT , M8 ? also your stage is all fucked up, is not black and there is no sauce under the flash >># probably because most of the loops aren't with whole songs but 5/10/20/30 seconds seamless audio loops with no steady bpm. It can be done perfectly but that needs at least some sort of coding knowledge which there is like 1% of /f/ users who know how to actually code >> [_] Anon 3179840 >># the fuck are you babbling about? >># Seamless loops are painfully simple, the real secret is to editing the source audio in a DAW - when you have a beat-seamless loop, drop it in its keyframe, and set the properties to Start/Loop. (make sure your timeline is long enough to accommodate the length of the track, which should have been edited to an exact frame count for accuracy) Nice loop work OP, but don't go running around declaring you invented some genre on-the-fly, it's just a forced meme at that point. Society will decide what's a genre or not, you just shut up, sit down, and produce good flash. :^) >> [_] Anon 3179843 ... also, it already exists, and is older than internet dirt >># for example >> [_] Anon 3179844 >># I don't really know how to use flash and theres no source because the song if an "original" but not really cause its a shit futurefunk remix of that macintosh plus song which is barely an original song in its own right due to its shameless lazy sample of dianna ross's "its your move" >> [_] Anon 3179846 >># >the fuck are you babbling about? I had this flash in mind when I was talking about coding stuff http://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/31589 57/#3158957 >> [_] Anon 3179880 >># >but that needs at least some sort of coding knowledge You can get really damn close just using Audacity for the music. Making the visuals loop is as simple as making the starting and ending frames line up which is ridiculously easy (especially with a short loop like this). You don't even need to make the audio and video loop together if you have a gif like this where you aren't trying to time a part of the music to a specific frame. OP only had to divorce the audio from the video. I have no idea what part of this involves coding in your opinion. >> [_] Anon 3179922 fuckin' sweet! nice, op. >> [_] Anon 3179925 I don't usually post but uh This shit is fucking AESTHETIC >> [_] Anon 3179983 >># iirc it has to do with the file type, it's been awhile but i think flash has a weird pause if your audio is mp3 or something >> [_] Anon 3179995 >># You are referring to the deadbands inherent in the MP3 specification... without byte-level editing, and special playback hardware/firmware, there is no way to have a seamlessly looping MP3. You always render a seamless loop as a raw format, preferably .WAV as it has no padding and data bytes before and after the bitstream. That being said, realize also that when you render your .SWF from within Flash, you can compress it wit a variety of codecs, and in this case, Flash will render the .WAV you imported, as MP3 internally, without adding the deadbands, since its bitstream is encoded "internally"... you will save 90% of the byte weight of your audio stream, and still have the seamless quality of the original .WAV bitstream. >> [_] Anon 3180008 >># yeah whatever nerd >> [_] Anon 3180009 >># guessing your not one of the ones giving /f/ OC. Bugger off, leech, unless you have something unretarded to add. Or just shaddap and lurk moaar. >> [_] Anon 3180019 >># I bet this is the new seapunk >> [_] Anon 3180034 punksea >> [_] Anon 3180053 franksea >> [_] Anon 3180082 >># desu senpai I dont even know what program to make flashes in >> [_] Anon 3180104 >># You make it in flash! >> [_] Anon 3180130 >># WHAT? >> [_] Anon 3180143 >># HOW TO FLASH MAN >> [_] Anon 3180149 >># HEY HOW DO I MAKE FLASH? >> [_] Anon 3180151 >># WHAT DO YOU MEAN FLASH? >> [_] Anon 3180154 >># WHAT PROGRAMS DO YOU USE TO MAKE FLASH? >> [_] Anon 3180156 >># YOU USE FLASH >> [_] Anon 3180157 >># WHAT?! >> [_] Anon 3180161 Music genres are like people genres. There's only like a couple but people on the internet love to bullshit around and pretend there are more >> [_] Anon 3180167 >># I FLASHED MY MOTHER IS THAT RIGHT >> [_] Anon 3180194 >># HEY >> [_] Anon 3180206 Source on song? >> [_] Anon 3180386 >># *clapping intensifies* I actually like this. |