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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 10266 Age: 14.19d Health: 0% Posters: 15 Posts: 42 Replies: 37 Files: 1+2 >> Pasha1001 42099 exotic condenser 1 Pasha1001 EDIT More files and source-files like .flv/.moho at:!xwBThAgB!WMe10ifSHlQW cgAmmfierA [IMG] exotic condenser 1 - Pasha1001_EDIT.swf (213.3 KiB) 550x400, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00). Ver7, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 42108 1. what did you edit? 2. why would i want a .flv of this when i have the .swf? 3. what is .moho? >> Anon 42110 4. also why the hell are you uploading to /swf/ instead of /fap/ when this is obviously porn? >> Pasha1001 42111 1. cut out the dudes 2. if you want to edit it further 3. Moho 12 just google it >> Pasha1001 42112 4. First time posting here I'll change it to fap then thx >> Anon 42113 >># >1. cut out the dudes you forgot a piece of them >2. if you want to edit it further i guess you mean .fla then (flash project file), not .flv (flash video file). >3. Moho 12 just google it if you had the time to type that out why not just be a decent human being and tell me what it is? if i wanted to go on a google rampage i would have done so in the first place instead of ask you >> Anon 42115 >># >4. First time posting here I'll change it to fap then thx i see >> Pasha1001 42120 Damn... right it's fla XD bit tired I answered all your question if you are too lazy to google one term than shame on you :P >> Anon 42129 >># few things i hate more than people who reply with "google it" when asked something trivial. why even communicate online, we can all just sit around alone and google everything by ourself instead of talking with each other. had you actually said what .moho was i might have taken an interest, maybe talked a bit about it with you and ended up with the opinion that Pasha1001 is a pretty decent guy. now you just seem like a spammer that would rather call people lazy than spend the same amount of time to type out the answer to the question. go on spreading annoyance instead of knowledge buddy. i bet if id google Pasha1001 ill find nothing but smug faces. >> Pasha1001 42132 Wow you've got some issues mate. How about you just chill and google "Moho 12" instead of bitching around because I didn't answer your question in the way you wanted it. >> Anon 42134 >># Ok. From an outside POV, you seem like an asshole. Also, these edits don't seem like mmuch ,anyway. Now I know not to view anything with your name on it. Congrats, man. >> Anon 42138 he's even flooding 7chan with his garbage.... >> Anon 42139 >># >thinking telling me to use google is answering a question, just not "in the way i wanted it" >mfw you're still not willing to treat people decently even after all that i see the value in making these fla files available for people, it could result in new porn flashes! but you dont have to be a dick otherwise... >> Anon 42145 >># these fla's are only corrupted and/or decompiled sprites taken from the sources.. he's just another guy who discovered jpexs. and now he means, that he's a pro at producing new flashes ... .. new flashes.. just floating penisses... nothing special, nothing new... >> Pasha1001 42147 Wow now I get how Minus8 got all his hate. Guess it's best if I don't reply from now on like -8 does. Thx for the lesson! Guess some ppl can just hate on everything. >> Anon 42151 >># minus8's works are selfmade classics and not such crappy edits like yours >> Anon 42171 >># You're the one that started it by mass flooding old flashes on the wrong board with minor unspecified edits and then refusing to answer the simplest of question. On top of it you're asking for bitcoin donations so you're not exactly doing this out of the goodness of your heart. >> Pasha1001 42471 >># Wrong board??? How??? I've been using swfchan for many many years I just didn't comment or post anything. Most of the swfs here have always been trash and there were always tons of edits. I did answered all questions, Anon just didn't like one answer and immediately started to bitch around like little kid. So the red cross and greenpeace are greedy asswipes that ask for donations because they don't want do anything "from the good of their heart'! Makes total sense: You're spewing some high level of ignorant bullshit right there. Donations are always optional and meant to support someone/something. If you don't like what I'm doing or don't want to support me then DON'T. But please stop talking out of your ass! I admit that many of the edits were done pretty quick, but not all of them. I also regret posting everything in a "floody" way. That's why I've started to only upload every now and then. I also dare you, 42151 and everyone else that trashtalks what I'm doing to edit out Guile from the SKEET_FIGHTER file! His symbols+audio and make it look decent! But I already know that you guys are gonna chicken out and just slap your verbal dicks in my face. If you don't own the original fla project-file some edits are hard work. If you can't see that you clearly haven't done anything besides leeching on swfchan. You guys can piss and shit all you want on what I'm doing, I'm still gonna do it. I suggest taht if you don;t like it you ignore it like you ignored all the trash on swfchan before I started uploading. If you can't that's your problem! >> Anon 42472 >># Cry some more. >> Pasha1001 42473 >># *sob* *sob* *sob* You happy? >> Anon 42479 >># >I've been using swfchan for many many years I just didn't comment or post anything. This is either a lie, or you live on a different planet than the rest of us. Had you been "using swfchan for many many years" you would have known about the kind of shit-storm pure, unfiltered, rage-and-cringe-inducing faggotry would produce. >Most of the swfs here have always been trash and there were always tons of edits True, most SWFs here are trash. This board (or, basically, 4chan/f) is a place for all the new-fag flash artists to post their shit and gauge reactions. You are also correct in stating that there were always tons of edits; however, they were either asked for, lulz-worthy or of a significantly higher quality than the shit you produce. Did I mention most editers don't tag their shit with their worthless pseudonym expecting praise? >I did answered all questions, Anon just didn't like one answer and immediately started to bitch around like little kid Your reality must be a ridiculously simplified plane of existence. >So the red cross and greenpeace are greedy asswipes that blahblahblah You know what the difference between the Red Cross, Greenpeace, and your pathetic ass is? Yeah, you guessed it, those organizations actually improve people's lives. You, on the other hand, are a detrimental factor to society. You provide nothing, you improve nothing; all you do is consume resources. >I also dare you Go fuck yourself. Your value to this board is close to zero. You are not entitled to make demands. >> Anon 42482 >># Thank goodness swfchan lets me know you're not the real Pasha1001. For anyone wondering: The real Pasha1001 originally uploaded his edits to /swf/ because he was new to swfchan but those threads have been moved to /fap/ now. >> Pasha1001 42498 >># As I wrote: "First time posting here" <-- that is the truth. All I did was browsing the Furry & Porn categories. Watch, download, edit swf and keep them for myself. After realizing how much work I put in the edits and them just flying around on my hdd, I did a test at 7chan to see if others would like them and someone did. Thus I decided to uplaod everything I had ready. I still have a lot more that need some tweaking, but I decided it's better to just upload them from time to time because of all the shit you gave me. Didn't even know you could write comments here until I received that warm welcome from all of you! Close to 0 isn't 0! That means I have value! Thank you for the compliment! I only consume resources.... Reeeaaaally? I share everything I work with and put actual work into something. What do you do? Complain about others doing things you don't like? One big round of applause for "Anonymous" who improves society by ranting and bitching! "You, on the other hand, are a detrimental factor to society. You provide nothing, you improve nothing; all you do is consume resources." <-- Guess you were talking about yourself there. Right back at you: "Your reality must be a ridiculously simplified plane of existence." If Anon really wanted to talk to me he could have witten something like: "Interesting so you use Moho Studio 12. How is it? Are you happy with it? Do you recommend it? I'd really like to hear about it." Instead he chose to rant how he dislikes people that write "to just google it" and further run his mouth when I didn't comply. Does that sound like someone that is genuinely interested in conversation to you? I dared you. From my understanding daring is not demanding. It's funny to watch how you warp everything so you can continue ranting. I'm actually really nice when someone talks normally to me. You should try it if you wanna have a real conversation. I'm all up for continuing to slap our verbal dicks in each others faces though. I'm having a really fun time doing that. :D >> Anon 42513 You really are a waste of space, you know that? Not only do you steal other people's work, change the STUPIDEST shit and call it an "edit" while all you did was remove something, and EVERYTHING else was made by some one else, and you can't even credit the right people some times, if you credit any one at all. Please, just stop. >> what's even the point of the nickname 42519 I bet half of these people wouldn't even give a shit if you didn't have a name. It's kind of stupid that there's this taboo on having a name even though it's there for anybody to use. Even most imageboards I see generally like namefags enough if they're actually creating or providing something, and you're doing your edits. Basically what i'm saying Pasha, is that you should probably never read the comments too seriously. >> Pasha1001 42520 >># If I credited someone wrongly tell me and I'll fix it. (at least in my folder, swfchan sadly has no option to change the files) There are so many creating swfs and making edits it's hard to keep track on who did what. All of them stole from others in one way or another. You want me to stop because I use other peoples work, that used other peoples work to create their work? Makes no sense to me, not gonna stop because of that. If you really want me to stop and not just puke in my face verbally you'll have to find better arguments. Stuff like: "You really are a waste of space, you know that?" makes you sound like a whiny kid. If you think you can change someones behavior/actions with trash like that you still have a lot to learn mate. Yes sometimes I just delete annoying logos and intros that can't be skipped. I usually move the artists nickname into the files name then. All that still takes time even if it's just 5 to 10 min. I regret not crediting everyone from the get go. I was lazy, had done the edits years ago and couldn't remember who made them and thought it's wouldn't be a big deal. That was a really bad decision on my part and I apologize sincerely about that. I acknowledge that you're all pissy because of those easy edits and I'm not gonna upload them to 7chan/swfchan anymore. I'm just gonna put them in my folder. The ones that had some more work in them I'm still gonna upload on swfchan/7chan/wherever though. >> Pasha1001 42521 >># Well you see I really enjoy talking to people, even if they are trashy flaming little kids. I'm guessing a lot of creators are here which I honestly didn't expect. They probably don't want to post with their real nick and go "Anonymous" so they can go under in the crowd a bit. They of course don't like if someone messes with THEIR stuff. Maybe some also don't like that I'm entering the fray but I'm just doing guesswork there. At lest there are some that like what I'm doing. That is enough for me to continue. I've got some nice originals planned too I hope they are better recived then the edits I started with. I'll see that I'll get to them soon. I still need to do some prep work though. Those episodes don't cut themselves XD >> Anon 42532 Everyone making loli flashes better is good enough in my book. >> Anon 42535 >># and he does it again .... >> Anon 42548 >># Yes, please, post some original work. You can spam your nick as much as you desire on your original work but if you continue to post shitty edits as ground-breaking work, that should be praised to increase your self-worth, do not expect a warm welcome. See, we don't really hate you as a person, we just hate what you represent: A lazy fucking faggot trying to garner credit for other people's work. That is what you continually fail to understand: If you make minor edits to a flash and spam your nick and mega-site info all over the thread, we see you as nothing more than a parasite that tries to build reputation by manipulating the hard work of other flash artists. Now, say, if you were to post the shittiest flash file ever conceived by man with your nick attached, but with the difference that the flash is original, i.e. 100 % created by you, you would potentially receive harsh criticism, but no one would question your integrity. Edits that result in floating dicks however, will always be slammed as they should be. Not because the dicks are free-form floating but because you essentially took someone else's work (most likely posted anonimously) and transformed it into your personal fetish; which, again, would be fine had you decided to stay anonymous. Therein lies the thin line between megalomaniacal aspirations and learning experiences. >> Anon 42561 I would rather have SoldierOfFap or Scar back than this guy >> Pasha1001 42563 >>>42540 I don't mind anyone using the stuff I create. As long as people like what I do they can slap their logo, name whatever on it. But if I like the work I'm gonna remove anything that annoys me. I'd of course like it if they mentioned me somewhere. I call it original but it's just gonna be known characters that I pretty much trace, modify and animate. It's based on other peoples hard work, if I denied others to use my work that would make me shitty selfish prick of a hypocrite. That's why I'm pretty much sharing everything including the source files. It's hard for me to swallow that it's O.K. for you lot to use other peoples designs that can take years to developa and just blatantly copy voiceactors works without any regard to how much work there is in their art. When someone puts enough "visible work" into creating something from other peoples work it's completely fine to add nick on it any place you want. You create "selfmade classics" then. I'm really not sure if I should respect rules made by people that clearly lack any respect for other artists. I at least acknowledge what I'm doing and don't hide behind some faggot laws. I admit that putting up all of them at the same time with my nick on the filename was very naive. My thought process was this: Someone liked what I did. Awesome! Maybe I can get known as the dude that cut out all the annoying stuff from the files like non skippable intros, annoying logos and not having to look at some guys butt'n balls all the time. I got into editing because I got fed up having to watch zones unskippable intros for the hundreds time. While doing so I started removing everything else I didn't like. Same goes with logos as much as I like tram pararams work his logo is too distracting and I just don't wanna see it every time I open up the same file. As someone that was passively consuming for many many years I was under the impresion that people were fine with edits. Especially since there were so many with nicks on it. >> Anon 42568 >># meeeeh, I don't know about that >> Pasha1001 42571 I've been thinking a lot about it and came to the conclusion that compromising is the best way to continue. When I do quick edits where I just remove the intro and/or logo. I'll post it as Anon and without the Pasha1001 in the filename. Just "Orig. Author - Filename - Edit" (I'm still gonna put the files in my mega folder though) When I spend a lot of time on an edit I'll continue adding my nick at the end of the file. BUT! I'll invest extra time and make sure I credit the right person at the front of the file. Remember that for all the inconvenience I'll be supplying everyone with all the stuff I work with. How does this sound? Everybody good with this solution? >> Anon 42572 do as you wish.. i don't care about complaints anymore.... >> Pasha1001 42577 I think on top of all that, i'm also going to start watermarking my work with a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig cancerous cock with like, four or five genital warts on it, and then try submitting MY hard work, onto a few actual porn pages, where people will enjoy my lack of talent. So fuck all of you, because i'm a lil bitch and can't take the fact that my work is garbage, and i hate the fact that none of you like it, which is YOUR fault, not mine for being a hack. >> Pasha1001 42589 >># You're a really sad human being. Instead of putting so much effort into sabotaging me you could do something productive. I see that as a compliment btw. It's proof that what I'm doing, even though it rubs you personally the wrong way, is getting attention. Getting a mixture of support and hate means it's worth doing. If on the other hand there were no comments at all. I'd have known that nobody cares and I would spend my time on something else. I don't watermark anything. In contrary I find that putting a label on art even if it looks good, makes good art look cheap. >> Anon 42590 >># even so you say that you are lurking here since years, it seems, that you are still a newfag. discussions are good for improvement (like i mentioned before), but you forgot the most important rule of the internet: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!! >> Pasha1001 42598 >># OR feed them until they puke :P >> Anon 42661 My opinion: Edits are always ok, no matter how shitty or specific they are. IF it is clear from the getgo (thread/filename and swf itself) that it's NOT the authors original work or representativ of his work. I'm more upset with OP spamming up the front page, but then again, this is swfchan. Practically only used an upload portal to the archive for shitty and specific porn flashes. >> Pasha1001 42665 >># Yes that was very n00b of me. Won't happen again. As I mentioned earlier I was just happy that someone liked my edit, so I uploaded everything that had been piling up on my hdd. >> Anon 42708 >># >Implying this isn't the exact same faggot |