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Threads (4):
File: Green_Tuesday.swf-(7.09 MB, 550x250, Other) [_] tuesday's tuesday pol 3299315
File: Green_Tuesday.swf-(7.09 MB, 550x250, Loop) [_] end of tuesday Anon 3229408
File: Green_Tuesday.swf-(7.09 MB, 550x250, Porn) [_] Anon 3206590 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3206892 Neat visualization >> [_] Anon 3206912 Isnt this the same tune to Running in the 90's?
File: Green_Tuesday.swf-(7.09 MB, 550x250, Porn) [_] line porn Anon 3196677 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3196723 i wish 4chan had a separate flash section just for "doof doof" shit like this. i've lost count of the number of flashes that are just three looping frames with someone's doof in the background, and frankly, i'm sick of it. >> [_] Anon 3196793 >># I know that feel mate >> [_] Anon 3196794 >># this isnt a loop >> [_] Anon 3196799 >># Yea, dude! We need more moe and tentacle pr0n amirite??? xDDD >> [_] Anon 3196803 >># /f/ is one of the best platforms for sharing music >> [_] Anon 3196805 >># not him but that doesn't mean someone will just flood /f/ with oscilloscopes of their favorite songs and wait for someone else to say "what a great flash this is" it's just... lazy >> [_] Anon 3196807 Actually, that flash contains well-known tune, New Order - Blue Monday, vocals included, just need to wait a longer while to hear that, starts at about 2 mins - but that actually matches the original (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYH8DsU 2WCk). Audio in the flash doesn't sound genuine, some small filtering was applied, or maybe just sampling was bad.. As for the graphics, well.. visualisation looks like crap, but, at least, it seems like generated in real time from the samples. So, not that complete trash. >> [_] Anon 3196808 >># I get it. But it's about the song, not the "flash wizardry". It's the case with most musical loops too. >> [_] Anon 3196809 >># If you check the source, the dude acquired the original Blue Monday multitracks and basically only changed it's rhythm structure. Pretty rare stuff. >> [_] Anon 3196810 >># but in those musical loops the audio and video are somehow related, they work together and fit each other... well most of them. >> [_] Anon 3196824 >># They are related too in this flash, just in a unusual dimension. |