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Threads (4):
File: Empire.swf-(6.91 MB, 800x450, Loop) [_] SHHHHH HAAAAA "Abadacus" Anon 3377261 >> [_] Anon 3377269 >># redownloading Age of empires 2 now. ty OP >> [_] Anon 3377272 >># except this is from the first one but whatevs >> [_] Anon 3377330 >># 2 was the best of the three anyways >> [_] Anon 3377335 OP, you hit me right in the nostalgia and AoE:RoR has a very special place in my heart. But I'll agree with >>#, AoE2 was better. And the music. I don't think there has ever been any music that I've liked since this game. Fuck, OP. >> [_] Anon 3377336 >># what are you talking about. there were only 2 Age of Empires games plus expansions. ONLY TWO Are we clear? >> [_] Anon 3377338 >># You're right, my mistake anon. Yes, only two exist
File: Empire.swf-(6.91 MB, 800x450, Loop) [_] Izaki 3300788 >> [_] Anon 3300789 >># nothing happens? you wasted almost seven megabytes on a three-frame .GIF and a fucking CHIPTUNE? >> [_] Anon 3300790 >># TRYING TOO HARD THERE MR AUTIST >> [_] Izaki 3300792 >># Are you daft? That's a full three-minute .wav exported as least compressed as possible. Also, if you can't recognize the song aside the gif, then I pity your childhood. >> [_] Anon 3300848 >># I do, damn nostalgia. Got the full version for my 10th Bday. Gonna play it again for sure when I stay at my parents place over Christmas (whole family comes back every year) >> [_] Anon 3300849 >># It doesn't matter if it's wav or mp3 if they can't hear the difference with their 10 dollar walmart headphones >> [_] Anon 3300852 >># >he pretends he can hear the difference Hoo boy. >> [_] Anon 3300855 >># b-but muh spectrogram shows significant d-differences >> [_] Izaki 3300858 >># Hell, I still play it with a 1080p mod - it's glorious, but definitely more unbalanced than the sequels. >># You're definitely correct, but audio files are finnicky in Flash and MP3s throw errors constantly. >># >># Oh, ho ho, you should hear it on my setup. Even for a 20-year-old MP3 score, it still sounds amazing today. >> [_] Anon 3300889 >># I don't recognize the song, could you clue me in? >> [_] Anon 3300896 >># Age of empires ost - hunt >> [_] Anon 3300897 >># Thank you.
File: Empire.swf-(6.91 MB, 800x450, Loop) [_] Abadacus Anon 3282302 >> [_] Anon 3282351 >># Good memories... >> [_] Anon 3282352 >># after all the succes that Age of Empires 2 had I haven't even see a single picture from Age Of Empires 1 up until now >> [_] Anon 3282353 Hell yeah. That game was fantastic.
File: Empire.swf-(6.91 MB, 800x450, Loop) [_] Only 90z keds will remembur Izaki 3197159 >> [_] Anon 3197227 Now I want to play it again. You bitch. >> [_] Anon 3197228 90s kidz don't say keds >> [_] Izaki 3197239 >># I did you a favor. You're welcome. >> [_] Anon 3197256 >># I fucking feel you my man my dude brings back memories. >> [_] Anon 3197260 Throwback to the literal WHOLE DAYS of playing this shit on summer vacation >> [_] Anon 3197262 god the nostalgia >> [_] Anon 3197296 hhhnnnnnggg nostalgd so hard >> [_] Anon 3197302 >># WO LO LO >> [_] Anon 3197303 >># https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-_T7E36 0Zo |