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Threads (9):
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Happy 18th Anniversary Yotsuba Anon 3462122
File: good_enough.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Anon 3458878
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Yotsuba Anon 3432350
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Anon 3376736 >> [_] Anon 3376739 >># at least tell us what u changed >> [_] Anon 3376758 >># think there's now a dynamic intro >> [_] Anon 3376759 >># I have a very brief memory of seeing this before
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Anon 3282876 >> [_] Anon 3282890 cute!
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Anon 3230218
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Are you still making flashes? Anon 3221771 >> [_] Anon 3221783 >># yes. last flash loop i made was at the end of january 2017. last embedded video was at the end of february 2017. >> [_] Anon 3221787 >># I've got 3 unreleased flash loops just trying to figure out the goddamn buttons even further because it's a bitch to do like almost every goddamn coding >> [_] Anon 3221792 >># anything specific you're wondering? im somewhat of an expert >> [_] Anon 3221799 >># I'm trying to replicate the 4th button here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0VhiqQV MpY but with a gif instead of tweening what I'm trying to achieve is start the gif on mouse over, keep looping 5 frames that are seamless, and on mouse out I want it to reverse the gif also I don't know what that red flag on timeline is or how to get it >> [_] Anon 3221803 >># the little flag simply means the frame has a label ("over" and "out" in the example). labels are defined in the properties tab when you left-click a frame. it means you can refer to the label via name in the gotoAndPlay method instead of typing the frame number what you need to do if you want to use a gif is to replace the tweening frames with a bunch of key frames, all containing 1 image (together making up the gif frames). import the gif into the timeline twice and drag and drop the frames for the second import so that it goes in reverse. then you just need to position the keyframes so that everything looks like the example in the video. tip: temporary set the flash FPS to 1 before you import the gif to the timeline, then restore the FPS you want afterwards. that way the keyframes is guaranteed to be next to each other upon import (otherwise flash might pad with normal frames between some key frames to sync the gif framerate with the flash framerate). >> [_] Anon 3221838 >># ok I've found some time to fiddle with it and it works except for when it hit's the looping point it doesn't reverse the timeline looks like this follows 1.-35. frame is the start of the gif - "over" 36.-80. is the looping part - "loop" 81.-115. is the reverse - "out" on the 80. frame I wrote gotoAndPlay(36); to make it loop from the youtube video the actionscript looks like this gif.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVE R, gifOver); gif.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, gifOut); function gifOver(e:MouseEvent):void{ gif.gotoAndPlay("over"); } function gifOut(e:MouseEvent):void{ gifOut.gotoAndPlay(115- (gif.currentFrame)); } Do you know what I need to write to start the 81. frame on mouse out? >> [_] Anon 3221839 How do you guys make these pls help >> [_] Anon 3221843 >># you make them in flash >> [_] Anon 3221861 >># what >> [_] Anon 3221864 >># I FUCKING DID IT!!!!!!! by adding a stupid condition into the gif.Out function lol function gifOut(e:MouseEvent):void{ if (gif.currentFrame == 36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,4 9,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62, 63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76 ,77,78,79,80) gif.gotoAndPlay(81); else gif.gotoAndPlay(111- (gif.currentFrame-5)); } I have only basic knowledge of coding and I've trial and errored this shit like fifty times until I got it right I just couldn't find this anywhere on the web I'm posting it right now >> [_] Anon 3221866 >># >>#
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Loop) [_] Anon 3217927
File: good_enough v2.swf-(1.46 MB, 402x350, Anime) [_] first time making flashes Anon 3209704 >># >> [_] Anon 3209705 >># lemme just say that this one isn't looped perfectly cuz I attempted two images. >> [_] Anon 3209706 >># cute! >> [_] Anon 3209719 Don't forget to add source info. Also Saved. >> [_] Anon 3209721 XXYYXX - Good Enough >> [_] Anon 3209728 >># I will! >> [_] Anon 3209786 good taste, well done. but i think a happier song would've fit yotsuba better. >> [_] Anon 3209806 My recommendation to you would be to observe some patience when making flashes. It's easy to get excited and put out 10 mediocre flashes in a month when you could just wait until you have a truly great song / image combo that's a lot more impactful. Because it's anonymous, I've seen the spitfire approach work for some people, where 1 out of 10 flashes hits the mark and gets reposted a lot, but as a content creator myself, I think it's healthier for the community to try and only put out the best possible content even if it's more spread out. >> [_] Anon 3209812 >># Can you post the tutorial you followed, or at least upload the .fla file to cuntflaps.me? >> [_] Anon 3209825 >># Not OP, but this is the guide I used when I started http://swfchan.org/1922/ If you have any experience in other editing software like Premiere or Photoshop, it's very similar, and you'll learn a lot by just messing around with different options and tools. >> [_] Anon 3209828 >># I also used that one, but it doesn't tell you how to do anything advanced, like intros, fades, and buttons. >> [_] Anon 3209829 >># Right, it's just to do the most basic, 2007 /f/ style gif and music flash loop. I'm sure there are hundreds of adobe resources and tutorial on Animate and CS6 that are great guides on the more advanced stuff. |