File: sans.swf-(2.55 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/15/18(Mon)22:29:11 No.3363301
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/18(Mon)23:40:45 No.3363313
>ruining sans by making him edgier than he has to be
why does the fanbase keep doing this?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/15/18(Mon)23:55:31 No.3363318
>>ruining sans by making him edgier than he has to be
Dude literally appointed himself to send you to hell and outright states that he originally
planned on killing you the moment he saw you.
How is this flash any more edgy than what Sans is on his own?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)04:19:40 No.3363350
this fanbase is borderline the equivalent of mlp in quality
it's an easy-to-use retardfilter
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)04:21:43 No.3363351
I think he more meant making him look edgy. He normally looks like a cartoon skeleton.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)06:16:01 No.3363357
You cant ruin anything in undertale because everything in it is autistic and the entire fanbase
gets bullied in school and 45% of them commit suicide. Ok?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)08:09:02 No.3363366
Seems like a moot complaint to me.
Like, yeah, the he's a cartoon skeleton in the fight. But him losing his eyes and becoming a
plain skull when he's pissed off is usually used to remind the player that he is, indeed, an edgy
undead mother fucker.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)10:46:59 No.3363374
News flash anon
Video games are autistic, regardless of age or content. Even talking about them makes you sound
pretty autistic. Its as easy as not playing them and 0 talking about them period. Focus on
important things like cleaning your room, making good .swfs and getting pussy. Complaining on
here really shows you have too much time on your hands and same goes for every other loser in
here. I just came to laugh at autism.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)11:15:13 No.3363376
>videogames are autistic
you could say that about any hobby really if you start sperging out about how you built numerous
tables and repaired several fridges
the trick is not to be the obsessed weirdo nobody wants to talk to after one chat
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)11:36:29 No.3363377
Honestly, playing 10 video games in a year or building tables. Seriously? The man building the
tables is making money and enhancing the life of others with a practical object. Plus hes feeling
actual fulfillment. I've finished games years ago before but that productivity doesnt even come
The sperg playing video games isn't doing shit for himself or anyone else unless he's streaming
and even then the people watching are wasting their time when they could be productive themselves.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)12:43:51 No.3363384
Games are not inherently bad. Games that give the player an experience, that shapes the way they
look at things, are games worth playing. Games that are a grind simulator are not. Building a
table is a product, and it does have value, but claiming an entire medium is bad because it does
not produce a product is overstepping. Unless you want to claim that entertainment as a whole is
bad for you (ex watching movies, listening to music) then dont go around claiming video games
arnt worth playing at all.
Grow up self-help faggot. Building tables isn't going to get you pussy, and neither is pushing
Peterson tier philosophy on a dead chinese basket weaving forum. You're not kidding anyone anon,
you're on the goddamn flash board on 4chan.
Also Undertale's not great, but at least its short
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)13:10:33 No.3363388
We are in an era of easily accessible entertainment and youtube, netflix, etc are time dumps
including video games and all of which can influence or change an outlook on life and I get that.
With easy access it can result in overindulgence with the price being their valuable time. I
understand wanting to chill out and pass the time but if you have no skills or abilities outside
of movie knowledge or videogame skills then it's time to balance things out and find something of
worth to pursue. I have actually never listened to Jordan Peterson to be fair but heard his
philosophy is no different. I can guarantee if there are plumbers that get pussy I'm positive
there are guys who build tables for thousands of dollars with quality wood get laid way more than
a gamer or avid movie watcher.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)13:27:15 No.3363391
>building tables alone is enough to get laid
Its not the individual parts, its the composition. I agree that just being a videogamer is bad
and that having other skills makes you desirable and fulfilled. The only thing I want to convince
you of is that not all video games are bad.
Believing that all video games are for children shows you have a narrow mindset of what
constitutes as art. I hate it when I see Roger Eberts that simply shut off the entire medium
because they believe every game at its core is no different than PONG. I feel sorry that they are
missing out on the good stuff.
>he will never go into a minor depression after finishing a great game
>he will never launch his sides into orbit over what his friend said over chat
>he will never rescue a dull party by bringing mario kart
Its more than the game, the life you live around them and how it affects you is what makes them
special. But if all you do is play CoD alone in your room all day then you are wasting your time.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)16:39:02 No.3363440
Yo, why are two retards arguing over tables and videogames?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)17:06:37 No.3363444
>He's got his attacks ready and he's in a battle pose, as he would most likely be if the game
wasn't 2D
>Reeee he's edgier than in game!
You may be retarded lad.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/18(Tue)17:07:44 No.3363445
Just the usual for /f/...