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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource BS4O0XM, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/10 -2018 02:45:36

Ended:5/3 -2019 03:54:12

Checked:5/3 -2019 04:03:36

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 13939

Age: 126.05d   Health: 0%   Posters: 17   Posts: 26   Replies: 22   Files: 2+3

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)02:41 No.64220 OP P1

First Bowsette, now Boosette....

Sexy Time with a Ghost....

[IMG] bad boossette.swf (0.98 MiB)
480x800, Compressed (Deflate). 3 frames, 35 fps (00:00).
Ver17, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)03:24 No.64221 A P2R1


>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)06:51 No.64223 B P3R2

the poster above me is incredibly gay

nice flash, it's cute and hot at the same time

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)09:22 No.64226 C P4R3

probably because all the transformed "characters" look exactly the same

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)17:42 No.64231 D P5R4 SO MANY HANDS

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)19:55 No.64237 C P6R5

Link is down already, use the freaking embed function
image was probably trash anyway, so whatever

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)20:05 No.64239 E P7R6

Is dong134 the patreon of this flash?

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)21:32 No.64240 F P8R7

they need to look like peach, it's the base of the golden crown

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)22:03 No.64241 G P9R8

No it's not retard.

>> Anonymous 23oct2018(tu)23:06 No.64242 H P10R9

Luigi is growing too powerful

>> Anonymous 24oct2018(we)02:26 No.64247 I P11R10


>> Anonymous 24oct2018(we)18:14 No.64251 J P12R11

Luigi is gay, it shows on the canon animation.

>> Anonymous 24oct2018(we)20:55 No.64253 C P13R12

Well, I see nothing there, even if I enable ads and scripts on this script-infested shithole of an
image host.

>> Anonymous 25oct2018(th)04:54 No.64260 K P14R13

>all the transformed "characters" look exactly the same

nigga has no idea how the super crown works and complains about the character forms

>> Anonymous 25oct2018(th)11:04 No.64279 C P15R14

I don't argue it's not "canon" or "how it should be".
I just said that's the reason the fatigue is kicking in fast.
There's only so many tiems you can rediscover rule 63 with the same humanoid character design.

>> Anonymous 26oct2018(fr)02:29 No.64297 L P16R15

The reason it's dead is because it got too popular, which ran it into the ground faster (though it
probably would have died quickly anyway). Not to say the dull, repetitive design wasn't a
contributing factor, but it's not what i'd consider the main reason.

>> Anonymous 4feb2019(mo)06:58 No.66423 M P17R16

apply pressure in order for next to happen

>> Anonymous 4feb2019(mo)10:36 No.66427 N P18R17

mirroring the image in case it does 404 for some reason


>> Anonymous 4feb2019(mo)23:24 No.66442 C P19R18

please never, NEVER post links to that shitty site when swfchan is capable of storing uploaded pics

>> Anonymous 6feb2019(we)02:20 No.66467 O P20R19

Really? how?

>> Anonymous 6feb2019(we)02:21 No.66468 O P21


>> Anonymous 7feb2019(th)06:37 No.66491 C P22R20

Include an attachment...
right below the comment box
read the rules/faq beforehand, there are some restrictions

>> Anonymous 7feb2019(th)22:50 No.66505 O P23R21

I didn't realize that shit was there, has it been there all these years? wow.

>> Anonymous 8feb2019(fr)05:32 No.66506 P P24R22

WHy in the fuck does Luigi have a god damn nigger dick? Time to fix this.

>> Anonymous 8feb2019(fr)05:35 No.66507 P P25

The nigger dick only appears at night. Probably a burglar.

>> Anonymous 8feb2019(fr)05:37 No.66508 P P26

I was wrong, the dick looked like a mushroom.
Created: 23/10 -2018 02:45:36 Last modified: 5/3 -2019 04:08:50 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:44:18