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This is resource CB9HGMW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/7 -2018 02:58:55

Ended:17/7 -2018 19:58:17

Checked:17/7 -2018 20:12:50

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 35.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: fatherhood.swf-(6.63 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] remember this one? Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)20:55:26 No.3346883

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)21:00:42 No.3346884

  the fuck is happening

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)21:35:20 No.3346889


  What the fuck is this?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)21:42:30 No.3346890

  daddy issues

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)21:53:03 No.3346891

  plz wtf is this? can anyone explain?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)21:55:53 No.3346892

  If I remember correctly, it's John Podesta beating his daughter.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)21:59:39 No.3346893

  I think it's from /pol/ was trying to tie it into their pizzagate conspiracy
  theory saying that the man's voice was John Podesta.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)22:32:30 No.3346905

  Another strong independent womyn bringing a new father figure to meet her children.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)22:44:33 No.3346906

  someone needs to make a scene recreation. from what i can tell there is a child in some glass box
  while the camera man hits the side with a broom

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/18(Mon)23:47:10 No.3346917

  Are you saying it ISN'T John Podesta?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)03:12:47 No.3346949

  How does no /f/ lurker ACTUALLY know what this is? Come on, some of us would really like to know.
  I agree.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)03:29:28 No.3346952

  It's John Podesta abusing a child.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)03:46:59 No.3346953

  This would be horrific if it wasn't so absurd it turns unintentionally funny. Why the fuck is the
  kid in a glass box with psychedelic lighting and why is he hitting it with a broom.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:07:26 No.3346954

  As the story goes, the kid is an epileptic and the father is using that as punishment.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:11:14 No.3346955

  It's the very back room in comet ping pong, they have those lights and that glass room there in
  the room where they host birthday parties at, John was sweeping up the floor at the end of the
  day it seems, there was probably lots of confetti and stuff. One of his newly purchased victims
  must have been acting out and so he locked her in the room with something scary some say she was
  being sprayed with hot water, who knows, people threw around a bunch of suggestions for what
  could've been going on in the room behind the glass.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:20:36 No.3346956

  The day this actually becomes funny, I will welcome a bullet to my brain.
  This is how Trumpfags cope w/ their orange god publicly handing the world to Putin, huh?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:37:48 No.3346960

  oh suck a chode little jiggaloolover

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:44:39 No.3346961

  How's it going skippy?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:47:02 No.3346962

  I'm sorry, I don't speak idiot. Please have an adult help you if you're having trouble with our

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:49:10 No.3346963

  I just don't understand why in the world would he record it?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)04:54:24 No.3346964

  didnt realize that autists also spoke when reading. try and stay silent with your fanfics from
  nowon okay schnookums

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)05:24:44 No.3346967

  Lmao, 20 comments in and not jack.

  I remember when 4chan was good, which was never. Also fuck Trump. Please cry more you little
  bitches. It's funny, yall wanted to destroy obamas legacy so bad, you dumb motherfuckers thought
  it would be a good idea to back the only retard who would actually make him look good.

  Sleep on that, I know I will.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)05:34:09 No.3346969

  last i checked the african is afraid to approach any media now because hes embarassed about his
  triumphs being trumped

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)05:35:28 No.3346970

  Last I checked, he didn't give a fuck because he did his job now he has the privilege of not
  giving a fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)05:47:36 No.3346971

  it was never his job though, couldnt even provide his real birth certificate

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)05:50:03 No.3346972

  Oh hey, what do you know it's right fucking here.

  Where's Trumps tax returns that he promised he would release?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)08:25:48 No.3346981

  How mad are you going to be when he gets reelected?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)08:31:49 No.3346982

  why the fuck is /pol/ allowed in here?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)09:39:54 No.3346986

  why would he film it since it's not porn if it wasn't fake?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)10:02:57 No.3346991

  >video of disgusting torture porn turns into autists arguing about politics
  You have issues.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)10:37:44 No.3346995


>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)10:43:09 No.3346997

  >gets his bullshit called out
  >ignores it and moves the goalpost
  btw I'm not even mad. The Trump presidency is hilarious, thank you for delivering Europe right to
  t. Russian

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)13:43:07 No.3347014

  This is a long thread.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)13:52:49 No.3347017

  why the fuck should I remember this?
  this has shit to do with /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/18(Tue)13:56:24 No.3347019

  Just asking. I'm not the same guy you were arguing with before.
Created: 17/7 -2018 02:58:55 Last modified: 17/7 -2018 20:13:03 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:05:59