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This is resource DF5D4GU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/11 -2018 14:56:55

Ended:12/11 -2018 06:39:28

Checked:12/11 -2018 09:52:38

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: clocks of the damned 1.02.swf-(2.17 MB, 1400x1050, Loop)
[_] Did you remember to redeem your soul by keeping the sabbath day holy today? Anonymous
11/11/18(Sun)08:55:42 No.3367570

  So your soul can be delivered from evil and eternal damnation

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)10:25:16 No.3367584

  Is this from anything? The looping music and the aesthetics in the background reminds me of some
  90's pc game, but I can't think of anything.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)11:40:29 No.3367593

  Pretty sure it's from Soul Reaver.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)19:25:35 No.3367661

  This flash reminded me to go to church today. It was alright. But then a dude came in shouting at
  the end of mass about how this particular parish was covering up for abuse and made a big scene.
  When he wouldn't leave and started shouting aggressively at one of the priests he ended up pepper
  sprayed by someone else, who proceeded to call the cops to handle the situation. So you've
  inadvertently caused me to have a more interesting day, OP. Not that I'm complaining, but thought
  you'd find that interesting.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)23:16:21 No.3367692

  1. the sabbath is Saturday, why do people get this wrong so often?

  2. dude, pretty sure you need to leave that church. do some bible study on your own, then look
  for one that sounds like what you're reading about, something that's trying very hard to follow
  those guidelines. For starters, anything with Priests that isn't running on Mosiac law already
  has some signifigantly unscriptural organizational problems. And if it is Mosaic law, you might
  want to inform them the messiah came already, the law to prepare us for him has fulfilled it
  purpose, they need to migrate over to the final version.

  The reason to move, other than the doctrine issues is that either the accusations are true, or
  the church is dysfunctional enough that their reputation is so bad the accuser thought a lie
  would stick. Both are bad, and just the event happening at all betrays a lot of cohesion issues.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/18(Mon)00:37:32 No.3367701

  >the sabbath is Saturday
  >jew detected
  the Sabbath is ONE DAY out of the week, Scripture DOES NOT define WHAT day.

  Sounds like a freaky trip. They put LSD in the communion wine?
Created: 11/11 -2018 14:56:55 Last modified: 12/11 -2018 09:53:06 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:05:05