/ > /swf/ > Thread 14219
Age: 188.81d Health: 0% Posters: 3 Posts: 3 Replies: 2 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 29nov2018(th)07:44 No.65209 OP P1
[IMG] 00090 homestuck strife! aggrieve abjure auto-pastry guardi...swf (298 KiB)
650x450, Compressed (Deflate). 474 frames, 25 fps (00:19).
Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 1dec2018(sa)08:19 No.65250 A P2R1
Oh the humble beginnings.
This and Dave's Strife flashes are probably what got me into Homestuck.
>> Anonymous 3dec2018(mo)05:30 No.65283 B P3R2
I've never bothered to find out what Homestuck actually is (I assume some kind of webcomic) but
I've always enjoyed the flashes.