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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Pepperoni is for assholes & idiots.swf-(9.99 MB, 640x360, Other) [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)17:23:44 No.3334596 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)18:44:03 No.3334617 >Now I have no friends and I've never been happier >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)18:48:13 No.3334620 oh shit it's Mad-cucks >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)18:55:15 No.3334623 Ok but. Pizza in general isn't special >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)19:27:22 No.3334629 >cheese isn't a topping it's a requisite bullshit. there's plenty of pizzas without cheese. even marinara, the oldest traditional Neapolitan pizza and one of the most popular type of pizza here in italy doesn't have cheese. salami is a common topping too in fact pepperoni pizza is similar to the italian Diavola fucking reddit >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:06:29 No.3334664 >>3334629 well in America and I am sure many parts of Europe a pizza is generally considered to be dough, sauce and cheese. I am sure that in many of these areas less then 1% of all pizza sales are made up of pizzas which lack cheese. so yes in much of the world cheese is considered a base component of what they would define as a pizza. >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:10:40 No.3334665 >>3334664 (cont) and so if someone is asked at a party if they want toppings and you say "just cheese" that's pretty much the equivalent of just saying "no toppings" and that is what Maddox is trying to say I think. That people shouldn't say "just cheese" but should say "no toppings" or "I don't want any toppings" though honestly saying "just cheese" probably is just an easy and isn't really harmful I guess even if its in a way inaccurate as if you said "no toppings" people would still just order a plain pizza not some cheeseless shit. >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:12:40 No.3334666 >>3334664 >in many of these areas less then 1% of all pizza sales are made up of pizzas which lack cheese. this flash implies otherwise >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:12:57 No.3334667 how dare someone enjoy things I dont like >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:25:02 No.3334672 >>3334664 It doesn't matter though. Cheese isn't a requirement to be a pizza. Marinara Pizza is a thing as >>3334629 points out. It's like going to the guy who made bread and saying I only eat bread with seeds as does everyone I know therefore bread without seeds isn't bread and you're gay for not having it. (extreme and stupid example but the point stands) >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:30:06 No.3334674 >>3334672 yeah but if you tell someone you want a plain pizza, or a basic pizza or a pizza without anything extra or a pizza without toppings in the minds of 99.9999% of people that just means an ordinary cheese pizza. because cheese is considered a core component of "typical pizza" in the eyes of many Westerners. that doesn't mean we don't acknowledge alternatives but in a way yes we are saying that they aren't "ordinary pizza" they are "special pizza" which removes a core component in the same way a pizza without some form of sauce or even maybe just the absense of tomatoe sauce would also be considered an "alternative pizza" in the same way vegan meatballs can't really be "meatballs" because they lack real meat in them. >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:32:26 No.3334676 >>3334674 (continued) so yes for us a pizza without cheese or tomatoe sauce isn't a real pizza its an alternative pizza that shares some similarities but lacks basic components to what we consider true pizza >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)22:05:04 No.3334681 cheese pizza sounds like an american thing, doubt it's popular anywhere else. "cheeseless shit" as you call it is known as pizza bianca and it's actually pretty good once in a while. what *you* consider to be a core ingredient doesn't matter really. that guy says that cheese and sauce are required ingredient to consider the dish a pizza. he's wrong. >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)22:13:08 No.3334683 pizza bianca is pizza bianca its not "real pizza" its an alternative pizza the same way vegan meatballs aren't "real meatballs" and non-alcoholic beer isn't really "beer" etc... they are alternative foods that share some similaities with real pizza but cannot be real pizza because real pizza always has bread/cheese and sauce. most people consider cheese to be an actual basic requirement of making real pizza not just a possible topping your cheeseless shit isn't real pizza and even outside of America I gurantee 99% of people who buy pizza buy it with cheese... saying a pizza without cheese is a pizza is like saying an icecream sandwhich without icecream is real >> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)22:46:26 No.3334689 >>3334683 There's no "alternative pizzas". You can put whatever topping you want on a pizza. (protip: the pizza is what's beneath the topping) Pizza bianca is just the name of a particular topping set, just like pizza margherita refers to the sauce+mozzarella+basil set and marinara to the marinara sauce+garlic+oregano set. >most people consider cheese to be an actual basic requirement of making real pizza not just a |