/ > /fap/ > Thread 13871
Age: 123.2d Health: 0% Posters: 13 Posts: 16 Replies: 14 Files: 2+3
>> green anon 27sep2018(th)23:57 No.63726 OP P1
Found this the other place
might be interesting at least ._. (i dunno where it origins... but it is made by Derpixon tho)
[IMG] Fandel Tales Scene Viewer.swf (16.6 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 1752 frames, 24 fps (01:13).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 28sep2018(fr)00:08 No.63727 A P2R1
VERY good, thanks for uploading!
Annoys me that it says "watch the full 12-minute animation" and when you go to https://www.newground
s.com/portal/view/713920 it's a damn movie and not a flash animation. There's no alternative swf
source either... WHHYYY???? It was clearly made in flash!
>> Anonymous 28sep2018(fr)08:29 No.63741 B P3R2
Something being an animation does not mean it has to be a flash file. What is wrong with swfchan
>> Anonymous 28sep2018(fr)14:44 No.63748 C P4R3
Holy, Derpdixon is one of the best animators I've ever seen, hands down. Reminds me of how buttery
smooth Brackenwood was animated.
>> Anonymous 28sep2018(fr)15:21 No.63749 A P5R4
If you make an animation in flash you might as well post the swf file and make the movie render as
an alternative. Releasing the swf as well as the movie does no harm and swf beats the movie in
quality every time as long as you have a decent CPU.
>> Anonymous 28sep2018(fr)17:05 No.63753 D P6R5
Some creators probably don't like the idea of people editing their stuff or stealing assets.
>> Anonymous 30sep2018(su)04:02 No.63794 A P7R6
That's a terrible reason that only hurts the fans or paying supporters. Sure maybe it can sting a
little but how about feeling flattered instead? We'll all be dead in 100 years anyway, if releasing
in swf format means someone god forbid produces more swf content then so be it.
>> ???? ???? 30sep2018(su)07:27 No.63800 E P8R7
Unless it's a -8 reskin.
>> Anonymous 1oct2018(mo)22:35 No.63836 F P9R8
A gentleman and scholar.
>> Anonymous 4oct2018(th)00:28 No.63883 F P10
>5min animated movie
Okay it's official. Derpixon has surpassed New Zone in every regard.
Kylie was a hugely quality project, but the fapability even in the Xtra Edition was shit compared
to this.
>Voices OolayTiger
Why am I not surprised, lol.
>> Anonymous 30nov2018(fr)10:31 No.65242 G P11R9
Unless it's a -8 reskin with a patreon link, i think you mean; i don't recall anyone complaining
about all the ppppu.swf edits.
>> Anonymous 30nov2018(fr)12:54 No.65243 H P12R10
Oolay is everywhere nowadays huh?
>> w7-890 14dec2018(fr)17:28 No.65459 I P13R11
this sucks Anon
too bad she is not on Y1ff-party
oh well
>> Anonymous 21dec2018(fr)19:15 No.65598 J P14R12
...So, Channers complain about PC culture and how everyone's pandering to these snowflakes, yet you
autistic virgins are here screaming about how it's unfair that someone is able to create something
(for your viewing pleasure) and doesn't want people editing/claiming/ruining it with black hand
You guys are fucking hilarious!
>> Anonymous 22dec2018(sa)21:15 No.65615 K P15R13
>doesn't want people editing/claiming/ruining it with black hand edits.
those "fixed" edits are usually satire/trolls or actual retards. Also why do you assume that those
vocal people speak for everyone? You might as well say something as generalized as "all of country
X believes Y". I just want to view the flash because it's usually great quality and has the
possibility of interactive portions. Furthermore the video's file sizes are ridiculous: I'm using
youtube-dl on the link from >>63727 and the file is 410 mb! For my connection it's estimating
around 2 hours to download the video. If there were a flash for the complete work, it certainly
would be no larger than 100mb.
>> Anonymous 22dec2018(sa)22:34 No.65617 L P16R14
>politically correct culture demands self-censorship
>swf enables new content at the cost of some copied bytes
>your stupid ass thinking this is somehow remotely correlated
By the looks of the video the .swf file would be below 40 mb, still below 50 if done poorly. Static
background with foreground characters, doesn't seem to be that many keyframes. Lines wiggle but
that is movieclipable or even actionscriptable, doesn't need repeated bytes. Let's not forget that
the visuals would be perfect at any resolution in the swf while the 400 mb video will always have
codec artifacts even at just 1080p - a resolution that a lot of people are still stuck on, it's
surprising that 4K isn't more widespread by now. The 4K video version of the 40 mb flash would be
around 1500 mb and still have codec artifacts. 8K becomes over 6 gb in video format, or 40 mb in
swf format.