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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource GXMN3IE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/12 -2018 18:11:51
6.2 years ago.

Ended:5/12 -2018 03:56:26
6.2 years ago.

Checked:5/12 -2018 04:26:49
6.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: flaaaaaaaaaaaaandre_sweetest.swf-(9.63 MB, 720x480, Loop)
[_] added a song icicle 12/04/18(Tue)12:07:54 No.3371302

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)12:26:07 No.3371307

  how the fuck did you manage to double the filesize?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)12:27:54 No.3371308

  it's a big song!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)12:28:36 No.3371309

  also, with the previous ones I only included a small loop portion
  for the new one I just shoved in the entire track

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)12:28:54 No.3371310

  just when you started thinking that the flan spamming was slowing down. BAM! fuck you, more
  terrible content

>> [_] flan 12/04/18(Tue)14:02:59 No.3371321


>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)15:34:39 No.3371333


>> [_] flan 12/04/18(Tue)16:17:44 No.3371348


>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)18:03:30 No.3371371

  confirmed shit taste

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)18:09:28 No.3371372

  flan will always love you

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)18:40:08 No.3371377


>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)18:42:01 No.3371378


>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)19:57:22 No.3371397

  fukken based, although I'm not too fond of Amateras Records other than a few tracks

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)19:59:18 No.3371398

  for you

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)20:04:28 No.3371400

  and you can't switch back to a normal song without refreshing. kill yourself please you dubstep
  fake rapping piece of shit song adder

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)20:18:38 No.3371404

  was TAMAONSEN involved with this song?
  I think it's just a similar rapping style

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)20:24:11 No.3371405

  It's actually him, there's not a lot of hiphop artists and rappers in the Touhou scene so I
  recognized him immediately. The electronic parts and female vocal had me thinking it was ENS at
  first since this seemed more their style but Amateras is pretty similar too.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)21:12:05 No.3371411

  huh, good ear

  > had me thinking it was ENS at first since this seemed more their style but Amateras is pretty
  similar too
  I'm actually kinda amazed you would be able to tell just from one song. I may be committing
  sacrilege in saying this, but I think a lot of the "big" circles (Amateras, ENS, FELT, C-CLAYS,
  Digital Wing, etc.) are more or less interchangeable.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)21:33:39 No.3371416


>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/18(Tue)21:55:36 No.3371423

  Yeah no that's sacrilege alright, FELT sounds nothing like the rest. Those have a more club/early
  00s trance or classic anisong style, FELT is different for sounding a lot more pop-y, not in the
  "modern pop" sense, just "not very Touhou" but that's actually because they're extremely high
  quality to the point of not needing to copy the whole melody so it can be hard to tell they were
  ever rearranges in the first place.

  I'm not just saying this because FELT is one of my top circles ever, for most circles you can
  easily tell they're 2hu related while FELT is more normie-friendly but still blows you away with
  their quality.
  If you need a quick recommendation, just listen to the title tracks (the song that shares the
  same name with the album, aka the "main" song) but their whole discography is great. They're very
  popular too, it's safe to assume every touhou music fan you meet has not just heard of them but
  is also a fan too

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Created: 4/12 -2018 18:11:51 Last modified: 5/12 -2018 04:27:16 Server time: 10/03 -2025 17:42:04