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This is resource K2KX6KI, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/7 -2018 00:03:18

Ended:3/7 -2018 19:33:51

Checked:3/7 -2018 20:01:57

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: delthea_start.swf-(111 KB, 841x595, Hentai)
[_] Question Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)17:59:22 No.3344454

  How would someone go about getting this flash working offline?
  It seems like its grabbing the rest of the flash from somewhere else but I can't find it with
  inspect element
  I've seen a few swfs here have similar problems and I'm wondering if theres any flash gurus here
  that could help

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)18:00:03 No.3344455

  Forgot to include it, but the source is here

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)19:24:11 No.3344463

  what you downloaded was just the loading screen, try this!0RskAY7R


>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)19:54:39 No.3344467

  Hey thanks man I appreciate that
  How were you able to get the other part of the swf, if you don't mind a noob asking?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)20:12:06 No.3344470

  im not much better at flash than you to be honest, just have a video file downloader add on for
  firefox that seems to work on that site. It shows both the file you downloaded and the one i gave
  to you.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)20:15:16 No.3344471

  What am I supposed to be doing here, by chance?
  I see clickable elements but they don't appear to really do anything.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)20:54:34 No.3344475

  The [X] in the upper right brings up more buttons for camera control, settings, instructions, etc.
  So far, all I've got is A: You can drag the snack out of her hand to her mouth to feed it to her
  (which inebriates her, seemingly?) and B: You can take off what little you can see of her boots,
  if you pan the camera down.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)20:57:23 No.3344476

  that's also as far as I got
  tried dragging everything but no luck
  funnily enough scrolling your mousewheel scrolls the page, even though it's a swf

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/18(Mon)20:58:43 No.3344478

  Oh damn thats actually really helpful, thank you
  I was going to try jdownloader or something similar but I wasn't sure if it worked on swfs, but
  thats much easier
  I appreciate the help
  After you feed her the candy, you can remove her armor and clothing with left/right click, and
  you can remove her clothing by dragging very slowly

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)09:38:49 No.3344544

  What am I supposed to see? It's just a totally grey screen for me.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)09:41:22 No.3344546

  Right-clicking removes does things too, I found.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)09:46:04 No.3344547

  what do you do after you take all her clothes off and leave her with her panties and bra? her
  pussy makes a weird squeaking sound and she punches you when you try to move her bra.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)09:47:03 No.3344548

  >those golf claps

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)10:12:33 No.3344554

  right click? FUCKING RIGHT CLICK?
  That's so unintuitive it hurts

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)10:44:45 No.3344557

  The shirt you have to take off slow, the bra really really slow

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)10:48:47 No.3344558

  >inspect element
  that doesn't work for flash, you need to use a flash decompiler such as jpex to view the

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)10:53:27 No.3344559


  Fuck, just noticed Grima!Robin and I'm stuck on her too now.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)12:17:06 No.3344573

  Fuck yeah, you get her completely naked and then spamclick her hand to move it to the side.
  Game ends there.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/18(Tue)13:31:27 No.3344583

  Actually guys you don't need to use any extension, I think. Just by going to the root of the
  folder (For Pixiv at least) shows all files in the directory- you can just download the swf
  directly. eg.
  I don't know if you need the actionscript at all but it seems to be working just fine for these
Created: 3/7 -2018 00:03:18 Last modified: 3/7 -2018 20:02:16 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:48:58