File: solace.swf-(1.43 MB, 984x984, Other)
[_] Alternative to /f/? Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)07:09:31 No.3367554
Anybody here know of anything similar to /f/?
I really like how a mix of things is posted on /f/ and how anyone can post their own creations
but /f/ is just a tad small for my taste.
It happens only once every few months that a good quality new flash is created and posted. It
would be nice if there were a place like /f/ but with a community that's just a bit more active.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)07:42:53 No.3367558
There are other flash boards of course, but all of them are hardly alive. Honestly, there
probably isn't 4chan /f/ like communities anymore. Only other thing that still exists is
Newgrounds, but it isn't exactly imageboard like culture.
I mean, then there's flash collection sites like but those are more like archives
than communities.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)07:47:45 No.3367559
you can try other chans and/or
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)09:04:23 No.3367572 and currently don't accept new loops (lazy fckn admins) but in total 10000+ loops
ain't bad if you haven't seen them. :3
Note: expands z0r after 6134
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)09:14:17 No.3367574
also where do we go when the flash player retires in 2020?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)09:19:13 No.3367576
Well, /f/ isn't going anywhere. We'll just use some external plugin to play the flashes.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)09:22:45 No.3367577
oh. that's good to hear! my b
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)14:09:42 No.3367608
/f/ stays
Flash stays
Projector stays
The only thing changing is your browser plugins and the minds of sheeple
Get a different browser or
Get an old version of the browser just for /f/ or
Download and autoplay files with the projector.exe or
Maybe someone creates a working plugin that still works after 2020
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)17:25:22 No.3367641
flash player will probably be emulated in WASM don't worry
>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/18(Sun)19:58:22 No.3367666
Frankly I'm okay with the slow pace of /f/. It's much better than the alternative, where
everything is only up for an hour and most of it is utter garbage.