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This is resource M23YSFL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/6 -2018 20:50:48

Ended:1/7 -2018 16:58:25

Checked:2/7 -2018 01:54:17

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 3 links ending with .swf in this thread (2 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: 99 Problems but...swf-(9.63 MB, 480x270, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)14:47:27 No.3344056

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)15:34:22 No.3344067

  sauce? Clicking away and no info showing

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)15:41:52 No.3344070

  World only God knows
  I like the teacher girl

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)15:45:52 No.3344071

  youtuberips doesn't usually have these kind of things because they weren't done in flash but
  instead were converted in some online convertor that usually do a pisspoor job

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)16:23:06 No.3344075

  noob here
  is there a tool to embed h264 video in a swf like SwfH264, but without the shitty preloader and

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)16:28:11 No.3344078

  there is, AMM did some videos but she took that secret to her internet grave

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)17:18:08 No.3344086

  i see, that's too bad

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)17:22:26 No.3344089

  I mean if you're gonna make a video in flash it won't matter if it has that cancer loading circle
  or not, it's still gonna be a shitty youtuberip

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)17:43:11 No.3344091

  got any of the flashes she made?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)17:54:47 No.3344094


>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)17:58:09 No.3344095


>> [_] Anonymous 06/30/18(Sat)18:07:19 No.3344098

  be aware tho, all of her flashes contain a spybot for "counting views"

>> [_] Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)01:07:42 No.3344136

  lit was literally at the end you dingus

>> [_] Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)07:58:04 No.3344179

  huh, just read the manga. Didn't know they made an anime.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)08:59:52 No.3344185

  the bookworm girl is my favorite, although the runner is a close 2nd.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)10:34:31 No.3344194

  no, the seekbar is really optional, but due to the difficult nature of embedding H264 into an swf
  it is necessary to preload it entirely before play, it cannot be streamed
  so, you could maybe just edit the finished swf to have a preloader to your own liking, but
  preloading it is

>> [_] Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)10:44:39 No.3344196

  So, how do i remove seekbar and other controls?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)10:55:19 No.3344197

  you delete the appropriate functions from the script
Created: 30/6 -2018 20:50:48 Last modified: 2/7 -2018 01:54:31 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:48:58