File: super_smash_a_pokegirl ver 1.2.2.swf-(5.75 MB, 640x500, Hentai)
[_] Ver. 1.2.2 W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 08/14/18(Tue)21:53:26 No.3352003
Update. Hopefully it's a lot better now.
Also, picked the next girl. She was popular so why not.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:06:22 No.3352007
Oh boy! Can't wait for the next one.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:20:25 No.3352015
>That delay on the Psyduck
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:21:37 No.3352016
based W.T.Dinner
truly a god among men.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:24:15 No.3352017
Like the white cum much better than the yellow/cream color.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:25:57 No.3352018
I don't know why but the second animation reminds me of galo sengen
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:36:02 No.3352019
New Hilda scenes look great. Thanks for the patch.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:39:15 No.3352020
nice work keep going!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:48:11 No.3352025
what psyduck?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:52:16 No.3352028
1 AB 1 B 2 AB 2 B 2 AB
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)22:55:09 No.3352029
nvm I already saw it, was in the other thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)23:09:28 No.3352032
There's a button on the i in the pokegirl. What does it do, i cant seem to find anything.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)23:12:47 No.3352033
Definitely top-tier. At least they pay attention to 4chan unlike some other flash creators.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)23:30:11 No.3352037
Fucking nice.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)00:12:44 No.3352040
Wow, it's been a long time since i've seen such quality content. Thanks for sharing your art with
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)00:12:47 No.3352041
why are you called W.T.Dinner?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)00:13:22 No.3352042
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)00:18:19 No.3352043
but is this really the bring back of snacks?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)00:19:47 No.3352044
I think it's more of an homage, but if it were, wouldn't it be amazing?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)00:21:49 No.3352045
Snacks is a DJ nowadays. He's just making a reference.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)00:24:25 No.3352046
I would certainly be ready to enjoy my AIDS
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)01:19:00 No.3352047
Too focused jamming on that sweet nostalgic music to fap
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)01:33:27 No.3352048
I know it's not going to happen, but how about some love for Lyra?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)02:22:44 No.3352052
misty - anal
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)02:31:27 No.3352053
Couple of bugs I found.
- In Leaf's section, once you click on the Abra, returning to the main menu does not play the
music there.
- If you access the hidden scene in Kris' section, the Pokeball brings you back to the main menu
instead of to the start of her section with her music still playing, so you wind up with two
songs playing at once.
Looking good so far! Can't wait for the next update!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)03:58:52 No.3352055
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)06:05:53 No.3352065
excited to see where this goes
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)06:46:29 No.3352068
Just when I thought flash was lost forever. Good job anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)08:21:45 No.3352075
I'd like to see a version where I can still see chocked and naked leaf, instead of just naked and
sleeping-looking leaf.
Or at least a still-image of that.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)08:22:46 No.3352076
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)08:43:35 No.3352079
Dude, I only just wandered onto /f/ and saw this for the first time now, but great work. Here's
hoping for Gardenia next.
If you strip her completely and right click quickly, you'll freeze frame the flash and can see a
still of her looking shocked.
>hidden scene
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)08:49:51 No.3352080
Also is it just me or does May look fucking high?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:05:38 No.3352090
blue haired girl, if you click on the pokeball and make the cum scene happen, just right click
and click forward, gets the hidden scene for me.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:16:27 No.3352094
holy shit
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:22:10 No.3352097
honestly want more leaf. I like her style.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:24:22 No.3352098
Seconded. That leaf is too good.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:45:55 No.3352102
I always thought Leaf was the best slut in Pokemon anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:51:35 No.3352103
In the image of Leaf covering herself, you can clearly see the seams around her
eyebrows/mouth/body that are changed from the initial poses. It is kind of off-putting even if
this pose is only shown for a split second.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:55:18 No.3352105
>Bulbasaur can get hit, too
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)11:59:56 No.3352107
>you can clearly see the seams around her eyebrows/mouth/body that are changed from the initial
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)12:05:26 No.3352108
The music really takes me back, the one playing on May's section is my favorite. That's the music
from Mount Pyre, I think. I got myself a bitchin' Skarmory there.
Yeah, I did it once by accident and had a laugh, but I can't remember how I did it.
I saw that too, it's pretty weird looking when you notice it.
Unrelated but are there any gym leader girls you'd want to see? I'm >>3352079, so Gardenia for me.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)12:12:00 No.3352109
Gardenia is a good choice.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)12:18:36 No.3352110
Sabrina (Fire Red/Leaf Green design)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)12:21:24 No.3352111
Holy shit the Hilda special riding animation is so hot
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)12:25:27 No.3352112
Original Flannery, Gardenia or Roxie
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)12:27:43 No.3352113
>Mount Pyre
No way, Jose, but you did get a Skarmory there. It was that route with the dust falling. My
favorite route.
Route 113.
And you take off nearly all of Leaf/Green's clothes and then get Bulbasaur to put them back on,
and click an extra time, and she'll think he was trying to pull them off, I think.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)15:04:17 No.3352148
2 AB 1 B 2 AB works too.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)15:04:32 No.3352149
even better stuff my dude
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)16:28:42 No.3352173
I don't get the 2ab shit, but here's tits
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)16:54:12 No.3352175
AB is clicks on ABra B is Bulbasaur
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)20:21:47 No.3352218
Not sure if she counts as gym leader (games) or protagonist (anime), but I hope Iris is added.
She always gets shafted and not in the good way.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)20:33:02 No.3352222
why not just call it A you fucking autist
inb4 I'm the autist for wanting more efficient and concise notation
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)21:21:41 No.3352229
We're all autists here.
I love you /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)21:41:06 No.3352232
god bless u
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)22:19:40 No.3352243
>I don't get the 2ab shit, but here's tits
Personally, I much prefer this expression from version 1.0: