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This is resource NNV703G, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/7 -2018 04:51:38

Ended:7/7 -2018 00:52:25

Checked:7/7 -2018 01:41:25

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: The Truth.swf-(9.85 MB, 1280x712, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/05/18(Thu)22:50:23 No.3344987

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/18(Thu)23:19:26 No.3344989

  >and thus, I began to hate (((them)))

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)00:01:56 No.3344994

  don't forget to wear your )))tinfoil((( then.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)00:12:07 No.3344995

  Except you have nothing to gain unless you follow them!

  Global Capitalism has already won! This means that productivity and efficiency are the only
  systems that matter, the only goals worth achieving. Your race, your ethnicity, your nationality,
  your religion, your gender, these are the leftovers of the dark ages. Submit yourself to the
  clarity of the free market and free yourself of these archaic titles!

  There is no God but Profit, and by his benevolence we will see a better future!

>> [_] Sammy 07/06/18(Fri)05:41:05 No.3345029

  The ending implies capitalism works towards the common good and ends in communism

  Have I been wokened?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)06:50:04 No.3345037

  lmao this is the most basic-tier """"contrarian"""" opinion ever and it's not even true,
  completely lacks any nuance and only good for impressing fedora tipping dark enlightenment or
  communist LARPers.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)10:41:13 No.3345058

  Not communism but hyperindividualization. Instead of sharing goods, we create microworlds in
  which we are fit. Capitalism works towards something like the Matrix.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)16:01:51 No.3345086

  That's some pretty good acting right there.
  Don't know if I agree with the message in full or the details, but I do think he (or the script
  writers in this case) has a point in the importance and power of economic concerns and
  businesses, whatever that is right or wrong.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)16:45:16 No.3345090

  We need to get rid of free market capitalism.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)16:49:42 No.3345091


>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)17:16:06 No.3345094

  We can throw it out this helicopter, c'mon let's go for a ride.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)17:32:26 No.3345097

  Trump already did

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)18:05:01 No.3345102

  Run requirem for a dream while watching this. Give nice scary feeling

>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)18:50:19 No.3345107

  Where were you touched as a child? Please, indicate on the doll.
Created: 6/7 -2018 04:51:38 Last modified: 7/7 -2018 01:41:27 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:37:02