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This is resource NPICOUQ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/10 -2018 05:16:52

Ended:12/2 -2019 10:32:29

Checked:12/2 -2019 13:11:17

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 13927

Age: 110.24d   Health: 0%   Posters: 11   Posts: 14   Replies: 12   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 18oct2018(th)05:15 No.64126 OP P1

[IMG] cadence.swf (2.2 MiB)
800x700, Uncompressed. 1 frame, 63.53 fps (00:00).
Ver12, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 18oct2018(th)19:05 No.64148 A P2R1

>thrusts don't match upo to the rythm


>> ???? ???? 18oct2018(th)21:36 No.64152 B P3R2

Alright the new -8 flash is here.
Still sucks that only way to see new art of his is to catch his stream.

>> Anonymous 19oct2018(fr)10:55 No.64157 C P4R3

How the fuck does anyone get any frames playing this? I can hardly get more than a few at max res
and I have top quality hardware.

>> Anonymous 19oct2018(fr)11:11 No.64158 D P5R4

runs fine for me with projector on old hardware.

>> Anonymous 19oct2018(fr)16:51 No.64162 E P6R5

Weird that it took him so long to make a flash about this, considering he's the musical porn guy
and all that

>> w7 890 19oct2018(fr)17:27 No.64163 F P7R6

wtf bug?

the web plugin causes browser 2 freeze
swf works fine on projector
this is pretty interesting gonna decompile it

>> w7 890 19oct2018(fr)17:28 No.64164 F P8

and why TF is this named cadence swf

>> Anonymous 19oct2018(fr)17:47 No.64165 G P9R7

It's named Cadence because it's the name of the character in the flash from Crypt of the
Necrodancer. The song playing is also a remix of one from the game.

>> Anonymous 19oct2018(fr)18:00 No.64167 H P10R8

New -8 animation! Not bad, but i want to see something like "Ank". Much better when loop has a
beginning and an end.

>> w7 890 19oct2018(fr)18:01 No.64168 F P11R9

ok thx got it

>> Anonymous 20oct2018(sa)14:20 No.64183 I P12R10

Holy crap, he still alive. He was well missed

>> Anonymous 20oct2018(sa)18:17 No.64187 J P13R11

This game practically cried for a -8 flash.

>> Anonymous 22oct2018(mo)00:58 No.64208 OP P14R12

this version is edited to remove some text that says this is unfinished, so he's still working on
it 8)
Created: 18/10 -2018 05:16:52 Last modified: 12/2 -2019 13:11:24 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:51:39