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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1 File: PopCenturyV0.swf-(6.41 MB, 720x480, Loop) [_] Help with AS3 Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)02:47:26 No.3367324 I am using Flashdevelop, I dont want to go through the hassle getting Adobes program so eat shit. Everything has to be 100% AS3 script. I'm making a loop using a separate video(FLV) and audio(MP3) file. I've managed to get the MP3 to embed into the SWF and "loop" (playing 99999+ times) using code. But I've hit a brick wall trying to embed the FLV into the SWF and play it. Theres no documentation on it, trying to search for it leads to unanswered post on the FD forum, and two threads about FLV streaming code which doesnt seem to work either. All other results are for dropping files into the timeline in Adobe so there has to be some autocoding going on there that would be handy to be able to look at. If anyone has any ideas would be glad to try. Heres the current audio portion, might aswell test out if it actually does work. >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)04:15:45 No.3367333 The one thing I can tell you (I tried to do what you are doing a while back, but didn't manage to in the end) is that for some esoteric bullshit I can't quite understand, some h264 encoded videos, including the ones put out by ffmpeg on its default configuration, don't work at all and will result in a black screen no matter what. So until you get the coding part down to a t, I recommend using good old h263 just to be sure that isn't the problem. >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)04:20:02 No.3367336 >>3367324 >6MBs for audio only oh boy, you might want to cut that 7 minute song. But anyways try the built-in help or a guide to coding, I'm sure it must be there somewhere, perhaps in the help tab Also I don't know who said installing pirated adobe is a shit ton of work because it isn't, or are you afraid of any installations that require more than 4 steps? just get it here it's the whole CS6 package and the password is /F/LAGSHIP. Every necessary file and installation process is in there so giddyup >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)04:23:58 No.3367337 >>3367333 it is actually possible to embed videos with h264 (every AMM flash, or all of the flashes using that white circle) but I don't know how so the safest way is to just convert the mp4 file with adobe media encoder, which encodes in h263, which you can also find in here >>3367336 >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)08:03:09 No.3367354 >>3367324 Sauce for the song? >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)09:24:58 No.3367364 >>3367333 >>3367336 >>3367337 Thanks for the tips guys >>3367354 Its the audio loop disney used to use for their resort info channels at WDW, its nothing but jazz/weather channel style version of disney songs. They replaces in late 2015 with standard fare orchestra of disney songs. >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)11:29:34 No.3367382 >>3367324 >Help request >"so eat shit" in the first sentence That's where I stopped reading. When will Anons learn this is never a good idea? >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)11:39:05 No.3367387 Jeez guys, get it together. >>3367333 >>3367336 This. >>3367324 Really? mp3 + FLV?? Why not use visuals in a not bullshit video format. Make a gif from that or whatever. If you use FLV it should already have the audio included to make it worth it. As far as I know: Embedding video in swf is ass. See Old On2VP6 can be used to make flvs that are embedable on the main timeline. For everything else you need those special hacks and also preload the whole shit. You can try use this AS3 to embed the video on the first keyframe: import; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; var frame:DisplayObjectContainer = stage.getChildAt(0) as DisplayObjectContainer; for (var i:int=0; i<frame.numChildren; i++) { var disobj:DisplayObject = frame.getChildAt(i); if (getQualifiedClassName(disobj)=="") { (disobj as Video).smoothing = true; (disobj as Video).deblocking = 5; } } >>3367337 The circle preloader is from swfchan's converter tool: Use the swiff army knife to get the fitting flv for that. >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)17:15:27 No.3367439 >>3367324 Why on earth would you need to do this in a swf? Sounds like you're going through a lot of pain for something webm is more suitable for. Are there very good reasons why you need it to be flash? Also, it sounds like you're using a for loop with a large counter to replay the audio. Any reason not to use a while or a jump to the beginning? >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)17:38:15 No.3367444 >>3367364 Hey, do you have the audio or video source for this? It's really great. There's a lot of them on youtube and I'm not finding this one. >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)20:45:49 No.3367477 >>3367324 encode your video with ffmpeg and flv1 codec to a swf file. code: public class Main extends Sprite { [Embed(source="../the video.swf")] // Let FlashDevelop generate a Embed thingy public var Video1:Class; public var MovieVideo:MovieClip; public function Main() { MovieVideo = new Video1(); scene1.rotationX = 0.0; // forces Smoothing when scaled. addChild(Movie Video); works for me :) also on swfchan is a swfH264 tool, you could try to embed that in your swf, might work >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)20:50:21 No.3367479 >>3367324 Did you subtracted the mp3 header in the play function? In Audacity you can see the silence at the beginning and set the ms in the play function >> [_] Anonymous 11/10/18(Sat)21:10:12 No.3367484 >>3367382 You need to leave |