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This is resource NSCIEG7, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/10 -2018 10:05:26

Ended:18/10 -2018 05:34:28

Checked:18/10 -2018 08:29:14

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: bythewall.swf-(5.8 MB, 1280x800, Loop)
[_] There is a question I have inside. Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)04:02:38 No.3363553

  First off I hope you all are having a fine morning/afternoon/night.

  Why do the inhabitants of this board recently feel the need to regurgitate the viewpoint that /f/
  is dead again? I've seen no true identifiable difference in the past few years.

  This isn't a rant, I'm legitimately curious as to why this subject is picking up again. Is there
  news I've missed out on? Users have discussed the end of /f/ long before now but we've never seen
  the day.

  On that note I hope we never do, despite the surge of weird porn that often rears its head and
  the typical bait posts.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)04:35:43 No.3363558

  Anons aren't making as much OC as before.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)04:48:57 No.3363561

  Only the annoyed speak up about it. /f/ is fine.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)04:50:26 No.3363562


  OP here. While I can't dispute that, it IS still being made. I understand that flash is outdated
  but aside from the format, is there anything else you would suggest that could "restore" this
  board? Anyone is welcome to answer this.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)04:51:28 No.3363563


  I feel this as well for the most part.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)06:01:41 No.3363569

  And scroll all the way down
  So it's not just the single fact alone that the support of flash will be discontinued by 2020,
  because by then there will be like 5 brave souls to hold the /f/ort
  Also nice redditspacing, faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)06:50:09 No.3363577

  >tfw you first started browsing /f/ in ~2015
  feels bad to slowly see less content being made.
  Though it could be worse, /f/ can still recover if more OC is made, some boards like /asp/ will
  never recover no matter how much effort you put in.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)07:12:32 No.3363579

  /f/ can still survive like a white dwarf star shimmering beautifully in the cosmic distance
  awaiting the end of the universe

  the old days and activity levels may not ever fully return but the core of /f/ can remain burning
  brightly for many more decades (hopefully)

  also there will likely be new people attracted to the board, perhaps just a small stream over
  time but they will exist and help provide energy, renewal and stability

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)14:43:37 No.3363631

  except there is only one year left to recover until flash loses all support and no new people
  will bother to get a new older browser just to go to /f/. unless the browsers will have no
  compability with flash at all and we're screwed if we get forced updates

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)14:59:52 No.3363632

  even if that happens there will always be at least some good, hardcore /f/ chauvinists, who will
  keep posting

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)23:31:25 No.3363724

  >Why do the inhabitants of this board recently feel the need to regurgitate the viewpoint that
  /f/ is dead again? I've seen no true identifiable difference in the past few years.

  i am, personally, tired of clicking on a link tagged as [G] to see another still image with a
  dubstep soundtrack. i understand that teenagers have a desperate urge to be accepted, and finding
  someone else who likes the same chiptunes as you is vital.. but to me, [G] is for something with
  controls, a task and a high score.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/17/18(Wed)23:32:35 No.3363725

  >even if that happens there will always be at least some good, hardcore /f/ chauvinists, who will
  keep posting

  even if browsers no longer support flash, i am not going to throw out the 4.5GB of flash files i
  have archived. i will keep an old laptop with an out of date browser if i have to.
Created: 17/10 -2018 10:05:26 Last modified: 18/10 -2018 08:29:26 Server time: 10/01 -2025 10:05:16