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This is resource PAI4R6U, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/8 -2018 14:48:15

Ended:17/2 -2019 06:19:18

Checked:17/2 -2019 06:51:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 48.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 13728

   Age: 169.64d   Health: 0%   Posters: 33   Posts: 48   Replies: 47   Files: 1+2

   >> Anonymous 24aug2018(fr)14:43 No.62006 OP P1

   Minus8 Parody

   Just for the laughs :D

    minus8 parody.swf (67.73 MiB)
   1280x720, Uncompressed. 5265 frames, 25 fps (03:31).
   Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
   Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 24aug2018(fr)17:08 No.62008 A P2R1


   >> Anonymous 24aug2018(fr)17:32 No.62009 B P3R2

   source of the video?


   >> Anonymous 24aug2018(fr)20:59 No.62011 C P4R3

   A parody of a parody.

   >> Anonymous 24aug2018(fr)21:31 No.62012 D P5R4

   birdway on iwara

   >> ???? ???? 25aug2018(sa)00:03 No.62014 E P6R5

   I remember that person.

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)03:42 No.62017 B P7R6

   many thanks

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)04:37 No.62018 F P8R7

   source which isn't just pixels?

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)05:10 No.62020 G P9R8

   All these blocks. Where is the original?

   >> ???? ???? 25aug2018(sa)05:46 No.62022 E P10R9

   The source.

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)12:39 No.62026 H P11R10

   Can you feel it, Mr Krabs?

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)15:21 No.62027 I P12R11

   ok wtf

   >> Destrosity 25aug2018(sa)17:11 No.62028 J P13R12

   This was a good recreation. Bravo from me.

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)18:37 No.62029 K P14R13

   jesus, somebody put a lot more time and effort into this than I had expected. props

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)18:48 No.62030 L P15R14

   >futa CG
   Why do people do this to themselves?

   >> Anonymous 25aug2018(sa)19:06 No.62036 M P16R15

   hey, it's dickgirls on girls, so what's the problem
   you would have to model at least 1 dick per scene anyway, so why not slap a pair of tits on it
   at least, couldn't hurt

   >> ???? ???? 25aug2018(sa)20:14 No.62037 E P17R16

   I'm feeling something warm.

   >> Anonymous 26aug2018(su)01:56 No.62042 N P18R17

   >source is still blocky as hell

   >> Anonymous 26aug2018(su)05:36 No.62043 O P19R18

   Thx OP for bringing this to my attention
   And thx for posting the sauce

   >> Anonymous 26aug2018(su)18:52 No.62050 A P20R19

   I don't mind traps, but futa, or dickgirls with tits strikes me as retarded. Just personal
   taste. I'd prefer blank-faced males.

   >> Anonymous 26aug2018(su)20:15 No.62053 P P21R20

   it's well done but why make it with freaks instead of men?

   >> Anonymous 26aug2018(su)20:41 No.62055 M P22R21

   >is okay with actual gay
   >is not okay with a women's body with a dick
   Wew, lad. The reason for futa is girls dicking girls.
   If you mean that you are okay with a trap fucking a women that's just retarded roleplay of
   normal straight sex.

   >> Anonymous 26aug2018(su)22:02 No.62056 N P23R22

  >I don't mind dudes, but eww girls

   >> ???? ???? 27aug2018(mo)00:19 No.62059 E P24R23

   Dang :/

   >> Anonymous 27aug2018(mo)01:13 No.62060 Q P25R24

   Sorry to be a needy anonbitch and post this in an existing thread, but I'm looking for Seismic
   hentai. USAEcchi and Sweet Mami 1-3. Every source I found has dodgy filehosting sites and takes
   hours on end to download.

   >> Anonymous 27aug2018(mo)05:34 No.62064 R P26R25

   get hexchat, join rizon (channel not needed), click the desired entry in the site and copypaste
   the code into irc, then you'll get a download

   >> Anonymous 27aug2018(mo)09:54 No.62067 L P27R26

   I don't think the complaint is that women are in it. The complaint is that chicks with dicks is

   >> Anonymous 27aug2018(mo)19:20 No.62076 P P28R27

   I don't understand why people don't just use girls with strapons.

   The reason why dickgirls are disgusting is because in reality whenever you see a "dickgirl" it
   is a mentally ill guy that have modified his body to mimick a girl, except for the penis. It is
   ALWAYS a guy with tits. A girl simply can't have an operation to put in a functional penis, it's

   So now you know why some of us don't see a dickgirl as "a girl with a penis", because in reality
   it is always 100% of the time with no exceptions a man with mental problems. Girl with strapon =
   mm, a girl banging another girl. Girl with dick = yuck, a faggot with a mutilated body.

   >> Anonymous 27aug2018(mo)21:51 No.62079 M P29R28

   Yes, real futa doesn't feature balls, but you didn't get the most important part.
   It's not real. It's not supposed to be real. It's better than real. (It's log!)
   If you can't watch it and not draw parallels to the real world to think "that's just a mentally
   ill tranny!" instead of "that anime girl magically has a penis; and can cum without any male
   reproduction organs!", then you just miss out on the fun.

   Strapons are shit. Boring tools, wannabe penises. A strapon adds nothing to the scene, you could
   just use a dildo instead. The girl using the strapon doesn't feel anything.
   But this here a fucking drawing, you can have a girl AND a penis that squirts out a huge ass
   load while both the women cum in ecstasy.

   >> Anonymous 31aug2018(fr)07:59 No.62153 S P30R29


   Imagine being this retarded and being unable to separate fantasy from reality.

   >> Anonymous 2sep2018(su)02:06 No.62206 T P31R30

lmao at yalls out of control transphobia gettin in the way of you enjoying porn

buncha clown assholes

   >> Anonymous 2sep2018(su)03:23 No.62209 U P32R31

   Imagine being so far gone as to fantasize about this.
   My grandfather was raped by clowns, you offensive bigot. Apologize before I report you to the
   cyber police.

   >> Anonymous 3sep2018(mo)06:44 No.62229 V P33R32

   Literally all great fantasy is rooted in reality. Human beings need something to ground fantasy
   in order to make it believable, even fantasy needs rules. That's why a lot of people don't see a
   magic dick appearing on a fully functioning female, they see a mentally ill Bailey Jay which is
   repulsive on many levels to most people. Stop taking other people's opinions so seriously you
   dumb cuck. If I was into scat, I wouldn't be mad at you for being repulsed by literal shit... so
   why are you surprised at straight dudes being repulsed by magical trannies? Fuck off you
   insecure piece of shit.

   That being said, this flash is awesome.

   >> Anonymous 3sep2018(mo)18:05 No.62248 W P34R33

   Why remake a straight flash with dickgirls. Why. Not everything needs a dickgirl alternative.

   >> Anonymous 3sep2018(mo)22:39 No.62253 X P35R34

   Okay, this is epic

   >> Anonymous 4sep2018(tu)03:47 No.62255 Y P36R35

   Welp, this is probably the worst thread I've ever seen on this site.

   >> ???? ???? 4sep2018(tu)11:59 No.62260 E P37R36

   Oh no! An ironic memer.
   There's been way worse than this.

   >> Anonymous 14dec2018(fr)05:38 No.65447 Z P38R37

   Why am I not surprised that a retard has no imagination?

   >> AnonZDK 14dec2018(fr)15:14 No.65454 AA P39R38


   w0w what the flying fuck did i just watch
   d0ge is not very pleased
   [obvious trolling]

   sorry to say this but i think ive just noticed a bunch of butthurt fags ITT
   calling the wannable spambot named w7-890

   >> Anonymous 22dec2018(sa)03:27 No.65599 AB P40R39

   >actual gay
   >thinks woman with a dick isn't gay

   >> Anonymous 22dec2018(sa)04:22 No.65600 B P41R40

   much less blocky than linked 'source'.
   'Remix 10 [Rhythm Heaven Fever] .mp4' @ 398.7 MB

   keep it seeded please.

   >> Anonymous 23dec2018(su)06:06 No.65629 AC P42R41

   Do you also go on autistic rants about loli porn being pedophilia?
   It must be hard for you, being so fucking stupid.

   >> Anonymous 23dec2018(su)15:07 No.65632 AD P43R42

   I think the problem with futa is that it never just stays futa/female which is tolerable. Shit
   will inevitably escalate into solo futa, then futa/futa then futa/male and other off the wall
   weird shit because the futafags aren't given an explicit limit they will flood everything

   >> Anonymous 24dec2018(mo)08:39 No.65646 AE P44R43

   2 days later, and it's already dead.

   >> Anonymous 24dec2018(mo)08:46 No.65647 B P45R44

   try it now.

   >> Anonymous 12jan2019(sa)07:01 No.65949 M P46R45

   It's not gay if a girl with a penis dicks a girl. That's the point. The amount of peni is still
   1, like with straight sex. I'm not saying the futagirl is absolutely not male, just that I'd
   rather have or wouldn't mind a futa over a just dude.
   Now having a man dicking a "dickgirl" is just fucking gay. There's no reason for the second
   penis despite the fact that the artist really like penises.

   tl;dr: futa ≠ gay (futa on futa is arguable)
           traps, dickgirls = gay (mostly)

   >> Anonymous 21jan2019(mo)07:07 No.66169 AF P47R46

   This isn't Futanari it's Newhalf(Shemale)/Intersex.
   Futanari is hermaphrodite - so has both vagina and penis with balls.

   >> Anonymous 21jan2019(mo)07:42 No.66170 B P48R47

   they do have vag, cock, and balls though.
Created: 24/8 -2018 14:48:15 Last modified: 17/2 -2019 07:48:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:52:57