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This is resource PSQ3EDB, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/8 -2018 13:05:50
6.5 years ago.

Ended:27/12 -2018 21:55:35
6.2 years ago.

Checked:27/12 -2018 22:08:27
6.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 13647

Age: 129.37d   Health: 0%   Posters: 15   Posts: 20   Replies: 16   Files: 1+3

>> WTDinner 13aug2018(mo)13:01 No.61701 OP P1

Ver. 1

Remade the Leaf undressing thing into something interesting.
Added Kris loop from last time.
Added May loop. Resize for extra buttons.
Will fix these up a bit next time.

Which mc would you like to see? Would you like to see Dawn next?

And no I don't have a website yet lol

[IMG] super_smash_a_pokegirl.swf (2.78 MiB)
640x500, Compressed. 187 frames, 15 fps (00:12).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 13aug2018(mo)21:19 No.61708 A P2R1

aha. so it wasn't an easteregg before, it was a work in progress!

also you have a website, you have swfchan ❤

>> Anonymous 13aug2018(mo)21:21 No.61709 A P3

>Which mc would you like to see? Would you like to see Dawn next?
the only girls i remember existing back when i watched pokemon was misty and that team rocket chick
so i suppose i vote for any of those two

>> Anonymous 13aug2018(mo)21:22 No.61710 A P4

why did you put the buttons above the visuals btw?

>> Anonymous 13aug2018(mo)22:20 No.61711 B P5R2

Definitely Hilda.

>> Anonymous 14aug2018(tu)00:27 No.61713 C P6R3

Dawn booty would be nice

>> Anonymous 14aug2018(tu)13:00 No.61719 D P7R4


>> Anonymous 15aug2018(we)11:20 No.61743 E P8R5


>> Anonymous 15aug2018(we)14:35 No.61745 F P9R6

Wtdinner,surely you have a steam or discord id,right?

>> Anonymous 15aug2018(we)19:20 No.61783 G P10R7

he has a OP Id, that's all he needs!

>> ???? ???? 16aug2018(th)00:46 No.61789 H P11R8

This is biggest flash by WTDinner. Yay!

>> Anonymous 16aug2018(th)00:59 No.61790 I P12R9

Gotta have a gardevoir, for clicks.

>> Anonymous 16aug2018(th)01:20 No.61792 F P13R10

ehh,not really for what i want to do with him

>> WTDinner 16aug2018(th)06:36 No.61798 J P14R11

Let's say you could get in touch with dindin. What would you like to say?

>> Anonymous 16aug2018(th)07:04 No.61799 K P15R12

Dawn would be absolutely amazing. All of my yes.

>> Anonymous 16aug2018(th)08:54 No.61805 L P16R13


>> Anonymous 16aug2018(th)19:27 No.61813 F P17R14

Well i'd say for them to check their steam as i've given them a look up on there

>> Anonymous 16aug2018(th)19:27 No.61814 F P18

I'd like to say i want to be their friend
and for them to check their steam as i've sent an invite there.

>> Anonymous 12oct2018(fr)22:57 No.64065 M P19R15

found him on gamejolt tho gots 2 games on there and one has lewds

>> Anonymous 13oct2018(sa)08:14 No.64073 N P20R16

This please

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Created: 13/8 -2018 13:05:50 Last modified: 27/12 -2018 22:18:26 Server time: 14/03 -2025 17:47:02