File: I have a beef with you.swf-(9.86 MB, 480x270, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 06/14/18(Thu)03:45:50 No.3341251
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/18(Thu)15:30:07 No.3341331
Who the fuck puts tomatoes in beef stroganoff!? The way these kids make it will easily make you
sick. I generally do a quick an easy recipe in a crock pot.
I generally just use a 2 lbs chuck roast, sliced into kinda thick strips.
I let the meat come up to room temp and give it a rub with some sea salt,
cracked black pepper, 2 cloves minced garlic, and a touch of tumeric.
I'll let it sit in the coating for another 30 minutes, dredge in flour, and give it a quick sear
in a pan then toss it in the crock pot.
Add a little olive oil and a splash of white wine to the leavings in the pan, and saute a large
sliced onion, 1/2 lbs mushrooms, a little more, 2-4 cloves minced garlic, I love the stuff, and a
touch more freshly ground black pepper for a few minutes then add it to the pot
I'll add 2 cups of beef broth and maybe a can of cream of mushroom soup to pot drizzling it over
the meat and veggies.
Let it sit on medium/low for 3-4 hours.
Add in a half cup of heavy whipping cream, give it a stir, and serve over cooked egg noodles.
It all gives me about 6-7 meals for, on average $20-30 USD, depends if I can get a decent price
on meat. Sometimes I'll set up my bread maker and have some fresh-as-fuck bread along with it,
ready when it is. God damn, you can't get that much better of a meal for this cheap. Hits much of
your food groups.Pair is with a stout, I usually god with a coffee or milk stout, and it's almost
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/18(Thu)16:23:00 No.3341346
I can literally make better beef stroganoff better than these cocksleeves, and I'm pretty sure
they'd taste and look better than whatever disgusting brown mud they made. Firstly, the way they
made it was highly dangerous and irresponsible. Why couldn't they make with without singing and
dancing and teleporting all over the place, trying to act cute? Oh wait- that's all women are
good for. They can't actually do anything correctly so they have to insert some "LOL SO CUTE
RANDOM x333" shit into it to gain publicity and stray people away from their disgusting heeping
pile of cow manure.
Their first mistake was not sauteing the onion then adding some garlic, but since their stupid
KAWAIIII anime whores it's a miracle they can chop with a knife by themselves. Oh wait, they
can't. One of the dumb broads is FUCKING CUTTING THE TOMATO TOWARDS herself. So much for being
cute, now you have a scar in middle of your stomach. Next is what really, REALLY pisses me off.
"It doesn't have to be beef" then why the FUCK would you call it BEEF stroganoff if BEEF isn't
even the fucking meat you're going to use? Maybe they should stick in the mech and get fucking
railgunned to death and let me skullface their decapitated heads. WHY DOES HIBIKEK ADD THE ENTIRE
would they let the main character of a show be this autistic? Don't even get me STARTED on milk.
Fucking japs have to ruin everything, don't they?
Oh boy here we go. "Boys don't know it" more like girls don't know how to fucking organize a well
structured and operating kitchen without incorporating some dumbass montage to get their juices
flowing so they can suck and fuck every male dick in the audience.
TIME. Anime was a mistake. We should've nuked Japan two more times. Shame on you.