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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource R4SY29T, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/9 -2018 07:51:34
6.4 years ago.

Ended:24/9 -2018 06:37:03
6.4 years ago.

Checked:24/9 -2018 07:34:25
6.4 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: PIGTAIL TOUCH!! [moyasix].swf-(7.51 MB, 1000x800, Hentai)
[_] Ranma Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)01:42:11 No.3359136

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)01:59:59 No.3359137

  this flash is broken

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)04:08:02 No.3359147

  but it does open a black box with a purple border. perhaps that's what OP intended all along.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)04:54:42 No.3359152

  worked for me

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)05:18:04 No.3359155

  works for me.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)11:31:45 No.3359189

  you must save the flash and open it locally

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)14:18:12 No.3359199

  God my memory is so shit. I can't even manage to memorise 6 steps.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)15:21:54 No.3359203

  I can only get to level 8

  7 numbers is too hard to memorize

  I want to see the ending. how do I cheat?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)15:23:25 No.3359204

  record the screen with your phone duh

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)15:24:24 No.3359205

  extremely high IQ post

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)15:39:14 No.3359206

  Only made it to 9, cannot get past it. I'm too dumb for this shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)15:43:36 No.3359208

  Well that was infuriating and now I feel stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)16:44:46 No.3359216

  Guys after you get past level 10 you unlock a free mode.

>> [_] Sammy 09/23/18(Sun)20:58:46 No.3359247

  Fun fact: Most human beings on average can only hold 7+-2 things in volatile working memory

  If you want to remember a number pattern easier, compress it i.e 1 7 6 4 9 0 3 4 becomes 17, 64,
  90, 34

>> [_] Anonymous 09/23/18(Sun)21:28:17 No.3359253

  I just marked down little dots in the pattern on screen onto an index card and wrote the numbers
  beside each dot when they popped up.
  The effort wasn't worth it since the gook who made this put a big fat censor in front of the
  goods. End is same pose as the second part, just it's a dick when you click the crotch.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/24/18(Mon)00:22:16 No.3359277

  don't even fucking try and finish this game
  it's not rewarding.
  but if you do want to try and win a good way to write the shit down is have notepad on screen,
  just use a few characters to represent one of the circles and bam

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Created: 23/9 -2018 07:51:34 Last modified: 24/9 -2018 07:34:29 Server time: 14/03 -2025 19:27:00