File: ef.swf-(132 KB, 800x400, Game)
[_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)01:43:43 No.3366693
It says "no bugs"... but there is one, where a parasite infects mating fish, and then you eat one
of them, the other fucks up, and causes a Flash exception. Not a big deal, but still a bug.
Still yet to eat "all creatures", as 20 of them are parasites in that world, no safe way to get
rid of them.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)01:55:23 No.3366694
Complete copy of flow. I played this on my cracked psp like a decade ago.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)09:12:59 No.3366744
> load flash
> russian text
> close browser
> remove SSD
> flamethrower
> piss on charred remains
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)09:46:01 No.3366750
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)10:30:14 No.3366752
it says as much on the credits section iirc