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This is resource RP19LCX, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/7 -2018 20:42:51

Ended:31/7 -2018 04:16:32

Checked:31/7 -2018 04:42:47

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Megaslots v1.0.swf-(1.18 MB, 600x400, Game)
[_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)14:41:30 No.3349333

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)15:22:29 No.3349337

  fun little game, no real way to lose all your money since the game is so generous but fun none
  the less.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)17:15:24 No.3349361

  Has anyone ever scored a meximoot? I've been playing this game for ten years and I've never done
  seen it even once.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)18:28:31 No.3349379

  Never got it too. I have also never seen OS-tans and carameldansen/popotan.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)18:44:13 No.3349383

  Ok, I got popotan. It wasn't carameldansen as I expected. Perhaps it became a meme only later.
  Anyway, just 2 more left.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)19:01:00 No.3349385

  >Posting shit from the Archive

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)19:06:17 No.3349388

  >Hey look at me I know about the archive

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)19:11:00 No.3349391

  yes, all of the rewards are possible

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)19:48:45 No.3349396

  I can't win shit on this thing, for some reason. Got the carameldansen/walk this way thing, but
  that was about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)20:14:08 No.3349402

  I got up to 29k exactly before I gave up, saw everything except black and white and meximoot. I
  recall getting it sometime in the past though

>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/18(Mon)21:55:23 No.3349420

  Nice, just got all 4chans in a spin.
Created: 30/7 -2018 20:42:51 Last modified: 31/7 -2018 04:43:14 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:11:48