File: nitrotitan anal song.swf-(2 MB, 800x480, Hentai)
[_] /r/ inside Anonymous 09/17/18(Mon)01:24:26 No.3357989
Vaporwave song with two retro anime girls with really poofy blonde hair doing some rhythmic
They were wearing blue dresses
>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/18(Mon)01:42:37 No.3357993
I know the one you're talking about.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/18(Mon)01:52:12 No.3357994
Do you have the video/flash, or just the name of the song? I've had it stuck in my head for ages
>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/18(Mon)04:26:08 No.3358004
Is this the one, because if thats the case its not vaporwave its future funk
>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/18(Mon)04:39:23 No.3358006
that's Anipuma and Unipuma from "Tank Police".
>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/18(Mon)08:22:46 No.3358025
>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/18(Mon)08:47:02 No.3358029
tiketiketike desu ka?
eh? sugoi desu ne!