File: ╓╖ Man Children ╓╖.swf-(10 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)22:00:16 No.3333862
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)23:27:17 No.3333881
>waaahh how dare people like things
>I'm obviously superior because I'm complaining about it
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)02:35:39 No.3333923
Says the grown ass man wearing suspenders.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)02:41:15 No.3333926
Man, /tbg/ just isn't the same anymore.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)04:10:54 No.3333938
>realise that i have been wasting my life and should have been building tables in my leisure
time, not having fun on a game
>contemplate committing suicide but realise that i could be building a table instead
>build so many tables that there is no more room in the house
>family comes home and is distraught "Daddy why are there so many tables in the house?" my
daughter cried
>ignore her and continue building tables like my overlord commanded
>build so many tables that it envelopes the country, killing everyone
>i am the table king
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)04:49:52 No.3333939
THIS is what a REAL adult looks like. Take note, you pathetic man-babbies.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)05:03:41 No.3333944
>"There's a layer of patheticness here that nobody is talking about."
You're right. Nobody is talking about it. Nobody except you. Because everyone except you
understands that a cornerstone of being an adult is doing what you want and not giving a fuck
about being judged, instead of wearing suspenders you don't need and drinking scotch you don't
enjoy because you feel that's what adult men are "supposed" to do.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)05:19:41 No.3333945
there is nothing wrong with suspenders.
they may be "out of style" but you yourself said that "being an adult is doing what you want and
not giving a fuck about being judged" so you can't complain that the man chooses his own clothes
and has his own style.
and quite honestly I think they look good on him and they serve an actual purpose aswell
providing support that even belts can't match.
also I bet you've never even built a single table in your life
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)05:36:17 No.3333950
You spend far too much time with your computer. It's not healthy.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)09:23:58 No.3333959
>being an adult is doing what you want and not giving a fuck about being judged
This isn't the polar opposite of maturity, but it's pretty close.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)09:28:53 No.3333960
fucking kek
>> [_] Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)09:35:56 No.3333962
It's my life.