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>> Anonymous 11aug2018(sa)04:34 No.61632 OP P1
Ellie Scene Beta Release Rockcandy
Rock candy's beta scene from new flash
[IMG] Ellie Scene Beta Release.swf (984.5 KiB)
1600x900, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver9, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 11aug2018(sa)04:39 No.61633 OP P2
No sound because he has no voice lines recorded for her, no sounds effects because.. no idea
>> Anonymous 11aug2018(sa)06:39 No.61634 A P3R1
Nice animations
>> Anonymous 11aug2018(sa)07:00 No.61635 B P4R2
>No sound because he has no voice lines recorded for her.
But he does have them from the other flashes.
>> ???? ???? 11aug2018(sa)07:59 No.61636 C P5R3
Didn't he say he finished the voice recording?
I guess he'll implement it later
>> Anonymous 11aug2018(sa)17:07 No.61645 D P6R4
I need sound effects, and I need them now.
>> Anonymous 11aug2018(sa)18:59 No.61651 E P7R5
it's a BETA.
>> Anonymous 12aug2018(su)01:26 No.61664 F P8R6
You know, people like to bust RC's balls but the animation is really top-notch. I do kind of miss
RC's old artstyle though. It was cute.
>> Anonymous 12aug2018(su)20:51 No.61682 G P9R7
>sucking a horse dick
finally no anal!
>> Anonymous 12aug2018(su)22:36 No.61683 H P10R8
Still in absolute awe at this so far.
Cant wait to see how it ends up.
>> ???? ???? 12aug2018(su)22:50 No.61685 C P11R9
How do you know if he won't add it later? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> Anonymous 13aug2018(mo)01:19 No.61687 I P12R10
I like it, nice progress! Would love a bondage option but I don't think that's his style.
>> Anonymous 13aug2018(mo)01:38 No.61691 G P13R11
Ew yuck!. He needs to stop that nasty shit. No thanks.
>> Anonymous 16aug2018(th)21:04 No.61818 J P14R12
RC legit hates pussy so I doubt he will stop
>> ???? ???? 17aug2018(fr)05:02 No.61827 C P15R13
Actually he has had a few recent flash and lots of drawings featuring non-anal content.