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This is resource UCTRJ4V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/6 -2018 04:25:57

Ended:30/9 -2018 16:03:52

Checked:30/9 -2018 16:12:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 13365

Age: 111.49d   Health: 0%   Posters: 16   Posts: 20   Replies: 18   Files: 2+3

>> Anonymous 4jun2018(mo)04:25 No.60152 OP P1

was posted on /f/ today


[IMG] Another shit.swf (5.01 MiB)
900x600, Compressed. 1 frame, 55.5 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 4jun2018(mo)06:04 No.60157 A P2R1

Looks like his work.

>> Anonymous 4jun2018(mo)08:24 No.60165 B P3R2

Nope it was made by a fan of -8

>> Anonymous 4jun2018(mo)13:52 No.60175 C P4R3

I call bullshit. He probably wanted to remain anonymous for reasons.

>> Anonymous 4jun2018(mo)20:15 No.60181 D P5R4

What is the song?

>> Anonymous 4jun2018(mo)20:32 No.60182 E P6R5

I believe it's a remix of the Mii Channel theme.

>> Anonymous 5jun2018(tu)00:43 No.60186 F P7R6 song used - Mii Plaza Bounce Mix

>> Anonymous 5jun2018(tu)01:50 No.60187 D P8R7


>> Anonymous 5jun2018(tu)03:26 No.60188 B P9R8

Opps nvm you are right it is -8 my bad. The person who posted the flash was a fan but the flash
animation was made by -8.

>> ???? ???? 5jun2018(tu)03:31 No.60189 G P10R9

Nope! I checked their account has been active for 3 years straight.
Minus8 always deletes a account he owns. (except picarto)
Also, this person has proper english grammar.
That account would already be dead now if it was -8.

>> Anonymous 5jun2018(tu)08:02 No.60192 H P11R10

This autist needs to change to video format already, as everyone sane already did.

Chrome already pulled the plug, soon others will follow and soon MS will block the plugin as the
malware it is.
There is no interaction in his videos, so no harm in it.

>> Anonymous 5jun2018(tu)20:12 No.60203 I P12R11

If you're talking about the tumblr account it's currently being managed by someone else, this
account even changed owners.

>> ???? ????? 5jun2018(tu)22:32 No.60205 G P13R12

I was talking about the user who posted this flash on Reddit in the link above.
But, I didn't know there was a new tumblr. That must've been made by fan or something.

>> Anonymous 5jun2018(tu)23:44 No.60207 J P14R13

Small file size with vectored assets?
Turn this into 1080p webm/mp4, tell me how that file size is.

>> Anonymous 6jun2018(we)09:25 No.60214 K P15R14

Better make that a 2160p video (at 60 fps). 1080p look small on 4K monitors today. Meanwhile this
flash will look just as excellent on 8K monitors in 10 years and it will still be just 5.01 MiB.

>> Anonymous 6jun2018(we)23:25 No.60237 L P16R15

stfu dude, do you wanna see swfchan burn, you psycopath, leave the man be. Let us have a cozy place
until the end of the days come and flash in definitely put down for good.

>> Anonymous 8jun2018(fr)02:14 No.60254 M P17R16

If it's made in flash, there is no reason not to release the swf as well. Infinite vector quality
at a low filesize will not become undesirable to me anytime soon, I couldn't give less of a fuck
what Google or M$ thinks.

Also I really hope he starts releasing swfs of his previous work again.

>> Anonymous 8jun2018(fr)02:14 No.60255 M P18

If it's made in flash, there is no reason not to release the swf as well. Infinite vector quality,
low filesize and advanced looping will not become undesirable to me anytime soon, I couldn't give
less of a fuck what Google or M$ thinks.

Also I really hope he starts releasing swfs of his previous work again.

>> Anonymous 10jun2018(su)16:28 No.60289 N P19R17

anyone can make a shitty mp4 conversion but you cannot make a video into an actual swf file

>> Plus9 12sep2018(we)19:22 No.62448 O P20R18

Amelia app icon

Amelia ;) ;)

Created: 4/6 -2018 04:25:57 Last modified: 30/9 -2018 16:18:39 Server time: 23/10 -2024 20:33:14