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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Loading 4chan.swf-(1.58 MB, 900x900, Loop) [_] Sammy 09/14/18(Fri)23:16:23 No.3357515 The beginning o/f/ the end It has begun /f/riends, the most recent update of Google Chrome has denied flash permissions, there's no option to "Always Allow" and the exceptions menu has been removed. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 09/14/18(Fri)23:22:24 No.3357517 >updating chrome fucking plebs >> [_] Anonymous 09/14/18(Fri)23:28:46 No.3357520 >>3357517 >using chrome ftfy >> [_] Anonymous 09/14/18(Fri)23:33:39 No.3357521 I didn't recognize the name of this flash when I opened it, but I had the most visceral reaction in my body when I heard that melody, instant gooseflesh and a tip of tongue sensation something fierce. Its like my body remembers this flash, but my mind didn't. it's disheartening to think after being around long enough to remember and forget likely dozens of flashes over the years, that it will all come to an end soon. I can save as many flashes as I want, but that's no more of a fix than going through old screencap collections to remember the good old days. Thanks to the people who continue to post OC every now and then, this is the last board that still (generally) has the true essense of what 4chan used to be like, and your actions make up a sizable part of why this board is still good sometimes. Keep it up to the very end. >> [_] Anonymous 09/14/18(Fri)23:48:06 No.3357526 Fuck these dystopian corporate fucks who are selling us out for advertisements and data collection. At least in the old cyberpunk stories they were going to space and shit. These backwards faggots are developing ai to serve up advertisements and are crippling things like flash and addons in order to keep young people from expressing themselves and discovering alternate sources of entertainment/information. >> [_] Anonymous 09/14/18(Fri)23:58:21 No.3357532 >chrome And nothing of value was lost. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)01:46:14 No.3357561 Incredibly frustrating that there is no longer a back end setting to enable it. Embedding still works, but one of these days you'll wake up and that will be gone too. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)07:50:25 No.3357596 >>3357532 >ignoring the facts Chrome has the highest market share with over 63% (As of May 2018) >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)08:11:43 No.3357597 >>3357596 so we ditch the plebs, and hopefully you with them >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)08:30:28 No.3357600 >using a bot net client >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)09:20:40 No.3357607 There is this problem since Chrome 62. Just don't use chrome. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)10:48:37 No.3357617 >>3357515 When adobe stop supporting flash, doesn't that means they'll just stop updating it? Are they going to actively prevent any browser to be compatible with flash or some bullshit like that? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)10:55:21 No.3357618 >>3357617 There are several opensource flash plugins for major browsers. Adobe is no longer a gatekeeper. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)11:10:32 No.3357619 >>3357515 ? chrome still works fine for me >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)11:21:13 No.3357621 >>3357515 damn, gotta start using firefox now I guess >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)11:22:32 No.3357622 Firefox reporting in. What are all you guys crying about? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)11:28:29 No.3357623 >>3357619 same here >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)12:15:59 No.3357629 Microsoft Edge confirmed for best browser >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)13:06:02 No.3357636 >>3357596 who collects that information? what about the people who don't visit the sites which report this information or are using a different browser but change their useragent to be chrome? And yes there is a reason to change the useragent, a number of sites will refuse to serve you if your useragent isn't one of the more recent versions of a "modern" browser, recaptcha included. Also isn't that ignoring phone traffic? Most of that is done inside of a dedicated app or if they do use a browser the person may just use the stock one which isn't chrome. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)13:30:16 No.3357641 Flash is dying because Apple wants it to, and is supplanting it with HTML 5 animation toolkit. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)15:50:12 No.3357661 >>3357597 >so we ditch the plebs >and so, what was known as "the great age of /f/" began... >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)15:55:38 No.3357663 @omnichan dev, this is something you can look into? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)17:06:21 No.3357671 >>3357661 i wish /f/ stays being the board it is, and after 20 years, when no one will know flash even existed, a group of strange internet people decrypting old files with old programms, will meet every thursday to embrace the gay. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)17:23:33 No.3357675 Just use Firefox ffs >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)17:36:18 No.3357679 >>3357671 That made me feel warm. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/18(Sat)17:51:20 No.3357684 >>3357679 take it, boy! thursgay flashes are probably the only reason i can even tolerate homosexuals. None of that kikefag propaganda ever changed my mind, neither did being shamed or called a bigot. After all, the vast majority of real life fags are lame as shit whiner little cock suckers, but aniki and friends are all cool dudes. |