File: flashcarrier.swf-(2.42 MB, 768x612, Loop)
[_] View local .SWF Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)10:04:21 No.3369847
I have few hundreds of swf and since last major Chrome update I was unable to view them localy.
Until now!
I present you SWF list for f/ags
- simple local swf browsing.
1. Place close/next to/inside your swf collection.
2. Generate swfs.js - list of relative paths to your swfs and place it alogside of this file.
3. ???
4. Profit
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)13:35:14 No.3369870
why didnt you just download a free flashplayer?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)13:54:08 No.3369874
Really cool. Although I have CS6 installed which has a standalone flash player.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)16:36:48 No.3369885
how about just having .html where you select the file you want to view?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)16:47:01 No.3369886
yeah hold on let me just make all of those files and make them every time I save a flash
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)17:04:21 No.3369887
why complicate?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)18:03:45 No.3369905
that's what this is
and it's automatic - just one click, no need to search for the file
is there a free standalone flash player? but why install anything if it takes one line of html to
show a swf?
you guys just don't realise how convenient this is
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)18:43:13 No.3369916
actually I put the file in my flash folder
there's no real convenient way to play flash on linux
this is the easiest option I've found so far
thanks OP
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)19:05:17 No.3369918
because CHROME.
OP said he wants to run it in-browser, hello.
It has its advantages (plebs don't need advantages though).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)19:08:19 No.3369919
but all you do is set up an open with (on windows), choose the flashplayer and itll set it as the
default program, I have flashplayer standalone versions from as far back as 2004 for this shit.
download, click, it runs! how fucking hard is that
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)19:24:21 No.3369920
>on windows
>the explanation has a bash command
gee I wonder why OP didn't do this instead of going through the trouble of writing this
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)20:11:21 No.3369926
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)20:12:12 No.3369927
This seems 100% safe and completely legitimate and you should trust OPs program without looking
at it or questioning his benevelence.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)23:13:50 No.3369954
Hello newfags,
Go to your platform section and select 'Download the Flash Player Projector'.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)23:43:34 No.3369960
ITT: a bunch of fucknuts that can't understand OP wants to run a flash in Chrome, and NOT the
fucking standalone Flash Projector.
This is why the Human race is doomed.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)00:05:44 No.3369962
>I was unable to view them localy.
>I was unable to view them localy.
>I was unable to view them localy.
>I was unable to view them localy.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)00:10:25 No.3369963
OP's intentions aside, I suppose it's neat if you're a chrome user since I remember around 2
years ago they released an update that prevented Chrome from opening local flashes. So if you
want to use Chrome's flash engine this is one way to do that.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)00:15:57 No.3369965
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)00:22:47 No.3369966
i never wrote that in my post, quit misquoting.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)00:34:08 No.3369970
>2 years ago they released an update that prevented Chrome from opening local flashes.
they've been fucking with flash plugins since 2011
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)01:09:21 No.3369971
You do know you can just go to Chrome://flags and disable "Enable Ephemeral Flash Permissions"
right? I view my SWF files via chrome on the latest version for Windows 10.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)01:55:41 No.3369972
Can someone write that pathfile generator for cmd/powershell so I don't have to install bash to
run a single script
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)02:20:51 No.3369973
just get it over with and install gentoo
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)02:22:45 No.3369974
ITT OP likes sucking dick but a bunch of fucknuts keep trying to get OP to stop.
Literally why are you trying to live your life through a shitty browser when you can just open up
your swf folder and run locally?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)04:30:04 No.3369981
because shitty browsers are sandboxed differently than the Projctor, some network functions will
then work as intended.
Far be it from a wizard like yourself to know that though.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)05:11:03 No.3369991
why do you trust some guy more than the same fucking program you use either way?
the complete idiots are ruining the main issue I have with OP's crafty, albeit overly complex
solution. you specifically can follow >>3369971 and be done, until the great flash culling in
2020 you should be fine by just doing that (or just get the FUCKING PROJECTOR)
ok, there are debug versions for that, but maybe there are very specific flash programs that need
a browser to run, but why does it have to be chrome, the sandbox is objectively worse from a user
perspective. I even keep backups of סlder projectors, despite the glaring security flaws, due to
files like aria.swf (literally just a fucking image and music) that won't even load the image
until halfway through undine on any browser or modern projector, while the Macromedia 4 player
from 19 years ago can run it fine.
>but why install anything if it takes one line of html to show a swf?
>you guys just don't realise[sic] how convenient this is
>this is the easiest option I've found so far
You literally just download the projector, any time you update flash the same thing is happening,
except the browser needs to call a specific version for the sandbox and at least for windows, you
have to install the browser and all the plugin updates, the projectors form 19 years ago still
work to this day. no installation fucking required.
click swf > run as > done forever
the only way this cycle ends is if you fuck with it by resetting association (also happens with
browsers) or antivirus joins the anti-flash train (which would also affect your plugins)
this sandboxing bullcrap is the only valid point you might have, unless using the file explorer
is too hard
>> [_] Hiro's breakfast 11/26/18(Mon)05:34:01 No.3369994
this looks promising, from what page can get to this link for future versions?
with this
chrome loads swf just fine but not local ones - only prompts for download
back on windows (xp, 7) constant flash player updates were one of the most annoying things
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)05:36:28 No.3369995
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)05:48:15 No.3370000
>ton of reasons
one reason
also reading >>3369995 shows the LCU program that does exactly that
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)05:49:06 No.3370001
>you specifically can follow >>3369971 and be done
Doesn't solve the problem. Also relies on older flags that are now gone.
>this sandboxing bullcrap is the only valid point you might have
and is the point you are missing.
There's a ton of reasons a user might want to run a local flash in-browser the way it *used to*
when it all "just worked"; just because you don't share any of those reasons is no reason to piss
in the punchbowl.
Fucking wizards. s m h
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)05:53:40 No.3370003
here you go, there are no reasons to use your fucking code
"In this enhanced Flash Player 8 local security model, local SWFs (of
any version) may either read from local resources, or communicate with
the Internet"
all you do is change a flag to allow internet. so. fucking. hard.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)06:01:37 No.3370005
>citation needed
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)06:03:23 No.3370006
>also reading >>3369995 shows the LCU program that does exactly that
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)06:36:28 No.3370011
>just download flash lmao
I would much rather trust Google's version of Flash in Chrome's sandbox than I would trust
Adobe's shitty standalone. Plus, I already have Chrome installed, why would I need ANOTHER
version of Flash to do something which the stuff I have can already do?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)07:52:38 No.3370018
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)08:37:40 No.3370020
>I would much rather trust Google
trust google? lol you don't know shit about what google is up to do you?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)08:42:41 No.3370022
its not worth it, the sandbox he wants is also on firefox but we get to choose weather its
enabled, nor does he understand that offline files cant access the internet unless enabled and
therefore don't need a sandbox.
google fucked up plugin support and now he gets to trust google when it is actively trying to
remove the features he wants, its stockholm syndrome
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)08:50:26 No.3370024
also the >shitty standalone comment is what gets me hard, a program that prevents you from
running code you dont want, gives you the ability to disable those settings, works in a fucking
apocalypse of flash destruction, AND can run without having chrome installed is somehow less
trustworthy than a program exclusively for a company that makes money off your data in order to
isolate you from other ecosystems so they can remove features, break compatibility, and force the
user base (and therefore the developers) to their advantage.