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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Penn s thoughts on tv.swf-(1.2 MB, 640x480, Other) [_] flash question inside Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)10:53:25 No.3337242 Can someone tell me how to make a flash with AS3 that loops one scene repeatedly, and then goes to another scene when you press a button? The other scene should loop too, until you hit a button to go back to the first scene. Tried dragging in a button, and adding an onclick function, but flash gave me compiler errors. I could make do with knowing how to stop all playing sounds in actionscript3. a .fla would be appreciated. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)11:33:18 No.3337248 >>3337242 >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)11:34:07 No.3337249 >>3337248 cool. >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)11:41:12 No.3337251 >>3337249 if you have any question feel free to ask >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)11:42:57 No.3337253 >>3337251 Why'd you put it all in one scene? Also, my main problem is getting the frame sound to stop playing before I call gotoandplay() >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)11:51:42 No.3337257 >>3337253 >Why'd you put it all in one scene? you mean in the main timeline? no particular reason, you can shove it all in a movie clip no problem >Also, my main problem is getting the frame sound to stop playing before I call gotoandplay() in the keyframe before gotoAndPlay(); write stopAllSounds(); >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)12:37:43 No.3337262 >>3337257 >in the keyframe before gotoAndPlay(); write stopAllSounds(); It's Soundmixer.stopAll() in actionscript 3. My main problem is still errors like: Scene 2, Layer 'abutton', Frame 49, Line 4 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type Class. for the source line: abutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ahandleclick); There's only 48 frames in the entire flash, but that error's from frame 49. How do I get a reference to the buttons I've put on screen in AS3? are they just predefined as whatever their name is in the Library pane? >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)12:55:30 No.3337267 >>3337262 oops sorry about that stop all sounds, I haven't used that much you need to name the buttons in the properties tab, when you click on that button you need to write a name in <Instance Name> and that's what you use for the script, the name in the library doesn't matter you can also try debug mode (ctrl + shift + enter) and the lines that give you errors should be highlighted or have a "!" in them >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)13:14:11 No.3337272 >>3337267 I figured it out. It's a combination of properly naming buttons, and making the action in frame 48 go to frame 2 instead of frame 1. Before this thread dies, know any good material on how code in flash gets run, and what APIs are available? Adobe's AS3 documentation isn't very concise. >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)13:28:38 No.3337277 >>3337272 nah sorry, if I want to do something on flash I google it but I'm sure there are videos on youtube on how to code in flash but I just didn't look for them >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)14:45:54 No.3337291 >>3337242 /f/ confirmed for mainstream approval >> [_] Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)23:04:26 No.3337398 For you... |