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This is resource VPNXE19, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/7 -2018 04:47:29

Ended:17/11 -2018 01:25:04

Checked:17/11 -2018 01:35:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 13591

Age: 102.86d   Health: 0%   Posters: 9   Posts: 13   Replies: 12   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 30jul2018(mo)04:41 No.61348 OP P1

And here's an extremely rudimentary edit to make it not run worse than a one legged horse. The
whole camera aspect was probably a necessary sacrifice.

[IMG] -8 adult ashley edited again.swf (241.9 KiB)
550x400, Compressed. 1 frame, 45 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 30jul2018(mo)09:16 No.61353 A P2R1

I'm so glad -8's work is incredibly easy to edit.

>> Anonymous 30jul2018(mo)18:52 No.61363 B P3R2

Wow, you can see how much of the visual appeal is gone once you remove those motion/blur/shaky
camera effects...

>> Anonymous 31jul2018(tu)02:30 No.61371 C P4R3

The camera thing was crap anyway (sorry -8) so fantastic work OP!

It doesn't look bad now and now it's actually fappable. Cameras that move around make me more sea
sick than horny.

>> Anonymous 31jul2018(tu)04:01 No.61374 D P5R4

Yeah it's too bad, I hope there can be a camera without blur edit later.

>> Anonymous 31jul2018(tu)09:50 No.61381 A P6R5

He probably would have put more work into it if it didn't crash his computer.
Dudes got a thing for shaky cam, gotta make some sacrifices to make it wiggle.

>> Anonymous 31jul2018(tu)17:18 No.61390 B P7R6

I wouldn't disagree.
Most of his couch flashes were unfappable with the camera.
Still, you can't help but notice the flash was made with that in regard, the music and motion, it
all comes together.
Now it's just kinda boring...

>> Anonymous 31jul2018(tu)21:42 No.61404 C P8R7

Sure it looks better with the camera flying all over the place and with the blur effects but as it
increases aesthetics it decreases fappability.

>> Anonymous 1aug2018(we)00:03 No.61406 E P9R8

so many plebs out here

>> Anonymous 1aug2018(we)04:16 No.61409 F P10R9

put the hell bulge back you fag

>> Anonymous 1aug2018(we)04:48 No.61410 OP P11R10


>> Anonymous 1aug2018(we)18:43 No.61417 G P12R11

now we just need one with bulge+fixed camera

>> Anonymous 2aug2018(th)22:09 No.61440 H P13R12

No, now we need someone to post a "fixed" version of Ashley.
Created: 30/7 -2018 04:47:29 Last modified: 17/11 -2018 01:37:36 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:33:25