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This is resource X3F2RL8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/8 -2018 23:17:39

Ended:11/2 -2019 01:58:09

Checked:11/2 -2019 06:41:04

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 34.
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/ > /fap/ > Thread 13735

Age: 159.68d   Health: 0%   Posters: 23   Posts: 34   Replies: 30   Files: 2+3

>> Anonymous 28aug2018(tu)09:52 No.62094 OP P1

Creambee - PPT V3


[IMG] Creambee - PPT V3.swf (4.58 MiB)
1470x925, Compressed. 19 frames, 30 fps (00:01).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> ???? ???? 28aug2018(tu)09:58 No.62095 A P2R1


>> Anonymous 28aug2018(tu)11:03 No.62097 B P3R2

What is different in this compared to the previous version?

>> ???? ???? 28aug2018(tu)11:37 No.62098 A P4R3

Nothing! Just an aroused mode when you fill the heart.
Also, apparently Creambee is taking a break from this.
So the next version won't come out in a while.

>> Anonymous 28aug2018(tu)18:29 No.62104 C P5R4

When switching characters, they say Hi. Top left gem on left side makes them aroused instantly.
Bottom right gem makes them normal.

>> Anonymous 28aug2018(tu)21:52 No.62109 D P6R5

1. Do the tit-fuck
2. Make her lick the dick
3. Click the the top-left gem if she's isn't in "aroused" mode yet and vice-versa
4. ???

>> Anonymous 28aug2018(tu)23:35 No.62111 E P7R6

Why did I read the first 2 lines and thought this was going to be a rap song?

>> ???? ???? 29aug2018(we)03:31 No.62116 A P8R7

Oh no!


>> Anonymous 29aug2018(we)06:28 No.62117 F P9R8

Flat chest mode when?

>> Anonymous 29aug2018(we)06:46 No.62118 G P10R9

He never finishes anything.

>> Anonymous 30aug2018(th)06:30 No.62136 H P11R10

Anybody know how to use vibrator and the plug?
Sorry for my bad english i speak spanish.

>> Zero 30aug2018(th)06:30 No.62137 H P12

Anybody know how to use vibrator and the plug? Sorry for my bad english i speak spanish.

>> Anonymous 30aug2018(th)08:40 No.62139 I P13R11

WIP = trabajo en progreso
WIP = work in progress

>> Anonymous 31aug2018(fr)07:39 No.62151 J P14R12

How are you supposed to start the titjob? I can't seem to figure it out.

Here's something else I noticed:
1. Initiate fellatio.
2. Hit arousal gem
3. ???
4. dude, where's my dick?

>> Anonymous 31aug2018(fr)07:39 No.62152 J P15

1. Do steps 1 - 2
2. Wait until the dick icon turns to come icon
3. Click arousal gem
4. ????
5. Click the come icon
6. Profit

>> Anonymous 31aug2018(fr)15:28 No.62158 K P16R13

Just drag the dick to the tits.

>> Anonymous 31aug2018(fr)15:30 No.62159 K P17


Also it is manual operation. Once the dick is between the tits, you gotta drag up and down the tits

>> Anonymous 31aug2018(fr)19:25 No.62162 L P18R14

IF you drag left it will auto now.

>> Anonymous 2sep2018(su)10:06 No.62216 M P19R15

is there a way to clean the cum?

>> Anonymous 3sep2018(mo)08:46 No.62232 J P20R16


I was confused at first because you need to pull the shirt off completely before you can do the
titjob. I wish you could pull the skirt and underwear separately too.

>> Anonymous 10sep2018(mo)21:18 No.62397 N P21R17

You technically could, the panty strings can be grabbed if you look slightly above their pants.
There's no animation for the shorts once you do this, though.

>> Anonymous 25sep2018(tu)09:25 No.63667 O P22R18

>waits patiently for Bowsette mod

>> Anonymous 25sep2018(tu)12:16 No.63668 P P23R19

Oh yeah, Creambee definitely needs to get in on that. Practically has his work cut out for him too.
Only issue will probably be the voices.

>> Anonymous 25sep2018(tu)13:51 No.63669 B P24R20

Please no. There's far too much of that shit meme as it is.

>> Anonymous 25sep2018(tu)16:43 No.63673 Q P25R21

>the best thing in mario since odyssey

>> Anonymous 25sep2018(tu)17:53 No.63674 P P26R22

I say there's still not enough

>> Anonymous 26sep2018(we)17:24 No.63693 I P27R23

hear, hear

>> Anonymous 27sep2018(th)01:19 No.63697 R P28R24

Maybe he should add Sans and Boomer too. Gotta cover all the memes of the month.

>> Anonymous 27sep2018(th)05:58 No.63701 S P29R25

>Not liking Bowsette


>> Anonymous 2oct2018(tu)00:56 No.63839 R P30R26

>like my internet meme or you're gay

>> Anonymous 3oct2018(we)01:20 No.63866 T P31R27

Gijinka isn't a meme, zoomer.

>> Anonymous 3oct2018(we)07:52 No.63868 R P32R28

Either you didn't read the reply chain or you have terrible reading comprehension.

>> Anonymous 4oct2018(th)00:00 No.63882 U P33R29

one of those could cause the other. just saying.

>> Anonymous 28oct2018(su)08:04 No.64353 V P34R30

Does anyone have v3.1?
Created: 29/8 -2018 23:17:39 Last modified: 11/2 -2019 06:41:08 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:46:54