/ > /fap/ > Thread 14067
Age: 161.24d Health: 0% Posters: 22 Posts: 29 Replies: 28 Files: 1+2
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 8nov2018(th)06:05 No.64650 OP P1
Summer's Birthday v0.6.2 (bug fixes)
I haven't been able to find anymore bugs, and I haven't gotten any comments about any, so hopefully
this is the last bug fix update.
[IMG] Summer's Birthday v0.6.2.swf (9.89 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 29 frames, 24 fps (00:01).
Ver21, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 8nov2018(th)06:42 No.64651 A P2R1
what the fuck? you can't bang summer as morty?
>> EroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 8nov2018(th)06:48 No.64652 OP P3R2
That was just for you anon
>> Anonymous 8nov2018(th)06:53 No.64654 B P4R3
thanks baby!!
>> Anonymous 8nov2018(th)07:00 No.64655 A P5R4
I don't understand
>> Anonymous 8nov2018(th)07:03 No.64656 C P6R5
patreon = no incest. duck go "summer's birthday directors cut"
>> ???? ???? 8nov2018(th)22:06 No.64663 D P7R6
Easter Eggs:
#1) Go to the school and open the lockers. You'll find something in there.
#2) Use what you unlocked and check out that register.
I'm not gonna be more specific because that ruins the mystery, so your gonna find out what they do
yourself (or don't).
>> Anonymous 9nov2018(fr)00:08 No.64664 E P8R7
Luckily there's already a mod for that in board.
>> Nanonymous 9nov2018(fr)01:55 No.64666 F P9R8
>> Anonymous 9nov2018(fr)02:50 No.64668 OP P10R9
No codes in this one, hover over the locked bg/character for a tip.
Though my tips aren't as good as this guy's:
>> Anonymous 17jan2019(th)00:50 No.66066 G P11R10
According to an update by his brother in patreon, Eropharaoh has been incarcerated. Just putting it
out there for anyone who may have been wondering like me.
>> Anonymous 17jan2019(th)02:02 No.66067 C P12R11
"Hello, this is EroPharaoh's brother updating on his behalf. It's my sad duty to inform everyone
that due to the content creator EroPharaoh being incarcerated, all tiers are going to be "donation
only" until further notice. The previous rewards are being shown to keep track of them once he is
back and able to continue them. Please feel free to continue with support to help through this
difficult time, however obviously rewards/commissions cannot be worked on until after his release.
I will try to update with any news he wishes me to share, and he wanted to thank everyone for the
support they've shown, both donations and general appreciation of his art. "
hope your stay is short EroPharaoh.
>> Anonymous 17jan2019(th)02:51 No.66068 H P13R12
he wont tell what he's in for and that usually means its the worst.
Or hes just making all this up and getting a paid vacation-vacation
>> Anonymous 17jan2019(th)11:20 No.66083 I P14R13
r34 police get him=?
please no CP...
>> autistic_fapper 17jan2019(th)12:56 No.66089 J P15R14
tell us faggot
>> Anonymous 17jan2019(th)17:37 No.66092 K P16R15
lmao this is pretty funny.
>"before I go to prison, brother. Please, please tell my horny cartoon patreon that I'm going to
"Do it yourself"
>> Anonymous 19jan2019(sa)13:18 No.66137 I P17R16
well, it's not like he couldn't just give him the password while already being in jail, maybe his
brother even knew about the patreon
but yeah, it's hopefully just a downtime from animating, I'm not fully convinced either, but it
feels strange, eropharaoh wasn't the kind of guy who had to unhonestly lie about being in prison to
take a break from his patreon
>> ???? ???? 20jan2019(su)00:39 No.66146 L P18R17
Open the 5th locker and click the book.
Go to the new background you unlocked and click the "?" on the cash register.
Also, apparently Ero's brother is some guy called corta.
He does the horny stuff too.
>> Anonymous 20jan2019(su)01:55 No.66149 M P19R18
I doubt that. Corta was in the patreon comments saying he was told what happened and asked the
brother someone else is trying to message him. Plus, Corta seems to be Latin American while Ero is
from the US.
>> w7-890 20jan2019(su)12:35 No.66157 N P20R19
shall we party hard anons
click link if broke or lazy
>> Anonymous 20jan2019(su)20:28 No.66164 I P21R20
I never got around to ask, shitposter, but:
Are you in any way affiliated with yiff.party? Why do you post links so often. Are you an active
member there? Are you the admin of that site?
Why is it called yiff.party? I took a look and it just seems like another creator content site,
which is a good thing, but why yiff? That's supposed to be exclusive to furries. I always instantly
think of furry art when I see that, which is not a good thing. Unless you're a furry.
>> w7-890 21jan2019(mo)13:54 No.66175 O P22R21
im glad u asked
>Are you in any way affiliated with yiff.party?
nope they pay me $0 a day [but i use that site for free]
>Why do you post links so often
not trying to spam but it kinda looks relevant to the thread [i think]
>Are you an active member there?
not a member but i hope more and more people come to that site
also everybody is anonymous
>Are you the admin of that site?
nope im clearly not the admin
>Why is it called yiff.party?
it was furry exclusive but normies ruined it [they filled up the site with thot garbage]
i feel like i really want to stop SPing but less peeps will come to the site
also when people come the site they might upload more swf [some creators like rockcandy upload
swf's there]
[sorry for derailing the thread]
lastly plz don't report me im not trying to shove things down people's throats
>> Anonymous 21jan2019(mo)14:48 No.66179 P P23R22
again, the fuck is wrong with you?
>> Anonymous 21jan2019(mo)14:49 No.66180 Q P24R23
yiff.party is a patreon archive, it's up to each patreon user to share their cookie for the site to
update the creator's posts.
It's named like that because it was created by 8ch/fur/.
>it was furry exclusive but normies ruined it [they filled up the site with thot garbage]
Each patreon creator needs to be allowed by the admin.
>also when people come the site they might upload more swf [some creators like rockcandy upload
swf's there]
How did you not yet realize what kind of site this is?
>> w7-890 22jan2019(tu)10:15 No.66198 R P25R24
i regret posting this and the other two
>Each patreon creator needs to be allowed by the admin
nope not anymore
>How did you not yet realize what kind of site this is?
whats wrong with answering questions
>> Anonymous 10feb2019(su)22:58 No.66540 S P26R25
I'm not working on these anymore: https://openload.co/f/a8xwg3fFye4/solveigMM_projects.zip
It's a lot of series precut for female voices. It's done with solveigmm. American Dad & Adventure
Time are almost complete. Ben10 and Jackie Chan Adventures should be done 100%. +Rick and Morty
Season 1&2. Don't want to let them go to waste maybe somebody here has some use for them. If the
link expires just tell me in the comments of a new minus8 upload. I check these out from time to
>> Anonymous 11feb2019(mo)13:16 No.66561 T P27R26
Erection killer.
>> Anonymous 11feb2019(mo)21:14 No.66563 U P28R27
so wait what is this about?
>> Anonymous 11feb2019(mo)21:37 No.66564 C P29R28
they have been spamming this in multiple threads. ain't clickin that shit.